Neutron videos
Backstage science - Neutrons and Nanoscience
Sean Landridge from ISIS talks about the use of neutrons in nanoscience
Backstage Science - How to make neutrons
In this Backstage Science movie you will see how neutrons are produced at the ISIS neutron sources in Oxfordshire, UK.
Electrosctatic levitation
In this short film by Alain Filhol (Institut Laue Langevin, Grenoble) a group of neutron scientists and engineers gets a small metal alloy ball to levitate, in the furnace of the ILL High-intensity two-axis diffractometer with variable resolution, D20. Electrostatic levitation is the process of using an electric field to levitate a charged object and counteract the effects of gravity.
The purpose of the procedure is to do diffraction studies of supercooled melts of Zirconium-based metal alloys. The video shows the setup of a novel electrostatic levitation furnace coupled with laser heating and levitation of a ZrNi sample. In this device samples are processed under high vacuum conditions. This setup avoids all risks of chemical contamination by the walls of a crucible or by an external heating element. Due to the high vacuum conditions compared with other levitation techniques it also enables very deep supercooling of the samples. Decoupling of levitation and heating allows for the study of highly-reactive alloys with a relatively low melting point.
JCNS movie
How does society benefit from neutron research? This and many other questions regarding neutron scattering are explored in this ten minute video by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science.
Methods series - Neutron Activation Analysis
Watch Lea Canella from FRM II/ TUM explain neutron activation analysis, a neutron irradiation method used to determine the elemental composition of materials.