Winners of the 3rd ´Illustrating NMI3´ picture competition
We are pleased to announce the winners of the third ´Illustrating NMI3´ picture competition

1st prize – The rheometer installed at the SANS instrument KWS-1 for characterizing hexagonal microemulsions.
The first prize goes to Henrich Frielinghaus, group leader of the SANS group of the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science in Germany, for his picture of the rheometer installed at the SANS instrument KWS-1 in Garching, Germany.
The picture is the front-cover of issue number 4 of the newsletter Inside NMI3.

2nd prize – Henrich Frielinghaus conducting Rheo-SANS experiments at the instrument KWS-1 at the FRM II, Garching.
The second prize goes to Frederik Lipfert from the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science for his picture of Dr. Henrich Frielinghaus conducting Rheo-SANS experiments at the instrument KWS-1 at the FRM-2, in Garching.
The picture is the back-cover of issue number 4 of the newsletter Inside NMI3.