Giornate Didattiche - Learning Days, SISN school
Next school: 13-22 June 2015
San Giovanni in Valle Aurina, Italy and Grenoble, France

The Learning Days organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy are addressed to degree and specializing students, PhD students, post-doc and young researchers interested in acquiring the basic principles of neutron spectroscopy, in understanding the advantages and potentialities of this technique, and in exploiting it for their research.
The Learning Days are characterized by two sessions. The first session provides the students with the fundamentals of neutron spectroscopy and the basic principles of data analysis. The lectures (in Italian) on the basic theoretical and experimental tools will be paralleled by tutorials about data analysis. During the second experimental session the students will carry out real neutron scattering measurements at the most important facility for neutron research: the high flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France. Depending on the tutors' nationality the language spoken during the experiments might also be English.
Contact Person: Eleonora Guarini, Institut Laue-Langevin, France
Info on the NMI3 website: here
Report on the 2013 school
The school’s participants and organisers told us about their experience. You can get to know all about it by watching the video and reading the interview with Marco Maccarini.