2014 PSI Summer School - Registration now open
Exploring time, energy and length scales in condensed matter

Place: Institut Montana, Zug, Switzerland
Dates: August 9-15, 2014 (lectures)
Website: http://www.psi.ch/summerschool
The PSI summer school 2014 is dedicated to the topic: Exploring time, energy and length scales in condensed matter. International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge of these scientific topics. Additionally, you will learn about the experimental methods applied at the large-scale facilities of PSI in order to understand the phenomena, presently at the forefront of modern solid state physics and chemistry.
Synchrotron radiation, neutron, and muon sources are used to investigate the structural, electronic and magnetic properties of condensed matter. Using these facilities, the focus of the school is the study of dynamic processes in nature and technology, over the full range of time and length scales at which they actually occur. The principles of the underlying experimental methods will be explained. Evening lectures will address the importance of time, energy and length scales in other scientific fields. Following the school a practical training at PSI is offered to a limited number of participants. The training allows a hands-on experience at the beamlines of the facilities.
Support to attend the school
This school is part of the group of schools supported by NMI3. A limited number of grants is available for students and postdocs affiliated with the European Union or associated countries (except Switzerland). A grant covers both the fee for the Summer School in Zug as well as the fee for the practical training at Paul Scherrer Institut. Information on how to apply for a grant can be found on this page.
Important dates to keep in mind:
- Early registration: April 30
- Grant application: April 30
- Regular registration: June 30
Views from 2013 participants
NMI3 has been to the 2013 school edition and talked with the participants and organisers. To find out about the experience of the participants of the 2013 PSI summer school you can read our article and watch our video here!
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