CETS2014: Registrations now open
Central European Training School

The registrations for the Central European Training School (CETS2014) are now open. It will be held between May 19 and 23 at the Budapest Neutron Centre in Hungary. Thanks to NMI3 a number of grants are available to cover the registration fee, travel and accommodation expenses.
CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists.
Anticipated attendance
The course is aimed at graduate and PhD students as well as newcomers to neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology etc. The number of participants is limited to 30 because of the training facilities available. There is no limit for the tutorial lectures.
Registration deadline: 11th April 2014
Further information can be found at http://www.kfki.hu/~cets/ and and questions may be addressed to cets@mail.kfki.hu.
Views from CETS2013 participants
NMI3 has been to the 2013 school edition and talked with the participants and organisers. To find out about the CETS2013 participants experience you can read our article and watch our video here !