Dates announced for CETS 2015
You can apply for an NMI3 grant to learn about neutron techniques at the Central European Training School in Budapest.
Dates: May 4-8, 2015
Location: Csillebérc Campus, Budapest, Hungary
Application deadline: 1st of April
CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists.
Since the restart of the refurbished Budapest Research Reactor in 1992 international meetings are regularly organised in order to promote the national and Central European regional user activity, to contribute to instrument development as well as to facilitate the access of new users. Using the experimental stations, training of students and newcomers to the field is also regularly held for Hungarian university groups. Since 1999 a yearly joint Austrian-Hungarian training course used to be organised as well. Since February 2000 the new cold neutron research facility is in operation, a liquid hydrogen cold source and the adjoining supermirror neutron guides provide excellent research opportunities on six experimental stations located in the neutron guide hall and the reactor hall. Therefore, the regular Austrian-Hungarian training course was extended, and we offer the possibilities of the cold neutron instruments for a hands-on-training for the European user community.
Anticipated attendance
We are welcoming PhD students and post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc. The number of participants is limited to 30 (because of the training facilities available). There is no limit for the tutorial lectures.
For young scientists/students grants are available in limited number to cover travel (on reduced rates) and/or accommodation (maximum 6 nights), local transport and lunches. Don't forget to notify your grant request on the Application form. Presenting a poster will be highly appreciated in the selection of attendees and grant awards!
NMI3 has been to the 2013 school edition and talked with the participants and organisers. To find out about the CETS2013 participants experience you can read our article and watch our video here !
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