International school "Crystallography and Neutrons" - 10 days left to register!
Oléron (France), September 21-24, 2014

French Neutron Scattering Society School, “Neutron and materials for energy”, JDN21, Sète, 2013.
At the occasion of the International Year of Crystallography, the french national neutron society organizes an international school on “CRYSTALLOGRAPHY AND NEUTRONS” which will be held in Oléron (France) from 21 to 24th September 2014. The school is supported by NMI3. There is still time to register (deadline: June 30).
This school suits for beginners or advanced researchers wishing to explore and use the capabilities of neutron scattering. The courses will be taught in English.
For European (non-french) students, NMI3 can support the participation of students preparing a formation in a Non-French European University in the frame of “Neutron and Muon European Schools” (NaMES).
The school will focus on the specific strengths of neutron scattering (magnetism, light elements, contrast methods) and present the most relevant neutron techniques for various materials, their limitations and their application fields. It will also show the main technical characteristics of neutron scattering spectrometers available to the French and European communities of crystallographers, chemists, physicists and specialists of Materials Science.
The training will take place over 4 days, during which lectures on the different techniques of neutron scattering will be provided together with practicals. Specificity and complementarity of these techniques with other laboratory techniques (diffraction and X-ray scattering, reflectivity, X-ray spectroscopy and Raman inelastic scattering) will be highlighted.
For more details, please visit the website