Interview with Karl Zeitelhack
Karl Zeitelhack, coordinator of the Detectors-I JRA, is head of the Detector laboratory at FRM II.

How did the idea for this JRA collaboration come up?
The idea for this JRA is based on the studies of Gaseous Scintillation Proportional Counters, which have been performed already within the framework of the MILAND Detector JRA during the Framework Programme 6 phase of funding. Given that very interesting and promising results could be achieved in these studies, we found it very attractive to further investigate on this.
What was it like coordinating collaboration between the different members of the JRA?
This JRA was particular simple to coordinate as almost all partners had good relationships and bilateral collaboration before.
What have you and the others involved learned from this collaboration?
The work performed within this JRA has given a deep insight in the physical processes and technical aspects underlying the technique of a Gaseous Scintillation Proportional Counter. We have certainly acquired significant knowledge on the performance of this type of detector, its benefits and its limitations.
What are the advantages of taking part in a project supported by NMI3?
This type of project pursued in an international collaboration allows the study of new arising technologies that cannot be used yet in a detector for a real instrument.
What are the plans for your future research? Will you continue participating in this type of collaboration?
Yes, we certainly will. Most of the partners participating in this JRA are members of the new detector JRA or are engaged in similar collaborations.