This calendar is not being updated anymore. For neutron-related events taking place across the world please visit the Neutronsources calendar.
Daejeon Convention Center, Daejeon, Korea
ICNS2017 will be the latest and largest international platform for sharing and exchanging recent advances in neutron scattering science. On behalf of our organizing committee, we cordially invite you to submit your research and join the exciting international conference.
Contact NameMs Kelly Kim
E-Mail URL PrintKiel, Germany
The German Conference on Neutron Scattering 2016 Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung DN2016 – offers a forum for the presentation and critical discussion of recent results obtained with neutron scattering and complementary techniques. The meeting will be held in Kiel from 20th to 22nd September 2016. It is organized on behalf of the German Committee for Research with Neutrons – Komitee Forschung mit Neutronen KFN – by the HZG and University of Kiel.
It offers the vibrant German and international neutron community an opportunity to debate topical issues in a stimulating atmosphere. Originating from “BMBF Verbundtreffen” – meetings for projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research – this conference series has a strong tradition of providing a forum for the discussion of collaborative research projects and future developments in the field of research with neutrons in general. Neutron scattering, by its very nature is used as a powerful probe in many different disciplines and areas, from particle and condensed matter physics through to chemistry, biology, materials sciences, engineering sciences, right up to geology and cultural heritage; the German Neutron Scattering Conference thus provides a unique chance for exploring interdisciplinary research opportunities. It also serves as a showcase for recent method and instrument developments and to inform users of new advances at neutron facilities.
The participation of young scientists is particularly welcome. Thanks to financial support from major German neutron centers, we are able to offer students a reduced conference fee and to award the prestigious “Wolfram Prandl Prize” for young investigators. We encourage young academics to submit oral contributions.
The official conference language is English.
OrganiserHelmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht and University of Kiel
Contact URL PrintGrenoble, France
The aim of the workshop is to bring together researchers working in different areas covering topics from rheology of complex systems, structure of liquids at solid-liquid interfaces, structure and dynamics of confined fluids and polymers. Particular interest will be devoted to research on transient structural reorientation of complex fluids in conjunction with the transient rheological material functions. Examples are time resolved small- and large-amplitude oscillatory rheology (SAOS and LAOS, respectively), start-up of flow, flow reversal, stress relaxation following steady shear, jump strain.
Important dates
- 01/03/2016 Confirmation of Invited Speakers
- 21/03/2016 Open contributions Submission & Registration
- 21/05/2016 Deadline for contributions submission
- 21/06/2016 Communication of accepted contributions
- 05/07/2016 End of early bird registration
- 01/09/2016 End of registration
ILL, FZ Juelich ICS-3 and ETH-Zurich
Contact E-Mail URL PrintGrenoble, France
The 4th International Soft Matter Conference (ISMC 2016) will be held at the Alpexpo Alpes Congrès in Grenoble, France from 12-16th September 2016. Three previous conferences were held in Aachen (2007), Granada (2010) and Rome (2013), and brought together up to 800 experimentalists and theorists working in the Soft Matter field. The conference covers both the fundamental and applied aspects of Soft Matter and Complex Systems. Local organisers of ISMC2016 include scientists from the large-scale facilities ILL and ESRF as well as from the Grenoble University and other research organisations such as CEA, CNRS, and INPG in Grenoble.
Further details are available at URL or can be obtained by e-mail:
Contact E-Mail URL PrintSep 8 in Potsdam and Sep 9 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin / Germany
The 7th workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometers WINS 2016 will be held on September 8, 2016 in Potsdam and on the 09.09.2016 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin / Germany as a satellite of Quasielastic neutron scattering conference. Workshop series has been launched in 2004 in Tokai by the J-PARC team and was a continuing effort to further innovations in neutron spectrometer design. The workshop will cover innovative aspects of the instrument design as well as reports on progress of spectrometer projects. Special emphasis will be given development of sample characterization such as polarization, magnetic field, pressure. Software for data acquisition, analysis and instrument simulation will be also part of the agenda. Participation of the young scientist is particularly welcome.
Workshop topics:
- Compact Sources
- Status of instrument projects
- Development and design of new instruments, methods and components
- Software
Important dates:
Registration open: 15 January 2016
Deadline for submission: 30 April 2016
Abstract acceptance, Notification to authors: 15 June 2016
Early registration: 30 June 2016
Dr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL
Phone(030) 8062-43159
PrintKutschstall (Le Manège) Potsdam, Am Neuen Markt 9, 14467 Potsdam, GERMANY
Established in Windsor in 1992 the conference series aims to bring together newcomers and experienced scientists to share the latest developments in the investigation of the dynamics phenomena in materials using quasi-elastic neutron scattering. Distinct strength of quasielastic neutron spectroscopy is the ability to deliver direct information in both space and time (10-12 – 10-6 s), while other spectroscopic probes are either local (such as hyperfine field methods) or macroscopic in the spatial dimension (such as light scattering). The high data rates and new instrumental capabilities of modern spectrometers open up new opportunities for systematic, in situ and kinematic investigations. Direct neutron spectroscopic measurements in the space and time domain allow us to benchmark and validate molecular dynamic model calculations forming a very powerful tool in exploring nanoscale dynamics and functionality. Modeling, either to deeper understanding of experimental data, or in the prediction of new materials and phenomena will be, therefore, part of the conference program
The topics of the conference will include dynamics phenomena in:
- Hydrogen and gas storage systems
- Batteries, supercapacitors, fast ionic conductors and electrolytes
- Catalyses
- Semiconductors
- Materials for solar cells
- Thermoelectrics
- Ionic liquids
- Water and liquids
- Ferrielectrics and ferroelectrics
- Quantum magnets
- Highly correlated electron system
- Superconductors
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH
Contact NameDr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL AddressKutschstall (Le Manège) Potsdam,
Am Neuen Markt 9,
14467 Potsdam,
Juelich and Garching/Munich
Juelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) is happy to announce that application is open for the 20th Laboratory Course Neutron Scattering taking place September 5-16, 2016 in Juelich and Garching/Munich, Germany.
The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.
Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS.
Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.
Deadline for application is May 29, 2016.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and WWU Münster
Contact E-Mail URL PrintGarching, Germany
In 1966 Heinz Maier-Leibnitz proposed the idea of neutron backscattering for achieving high energy resolution in neutron spectroscopy. This concept was successfully implemented and continuously developed at many neutron sources worldwide.
On the occasion of its 50th Anniversary a workshop will be held at the research campus of Garching near Munich on 2nd and 3rd September 2016.
The organizers would like to cordially invite you to attend this workshop which will present both a historical overview and perspectives for neutron backscattering spectroscopy in the future.
OrganiserILL, ISIS and the MLZ
Contact NameElisabeth Jörg-Müller
E-Mail URL PrintBasel, Switzerland
ECM-30 will be a four-day vibrant and intensive scientific meeting with many learning opportunities in every current aspect of crystallography. In addition, there will be a Young Crystallographers meeting, workshops and user meetings, lunch meetings, and a social programme, which will allow scientists from all over Europe and the world to meet, connect and exchange.
OrganiserEuropean Crystallography Association and Swiss Society for Crystallography
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+41 61 686 77 77
AddressECM 2016
c/o Congrex Switzerland Ltd.
Peter Merian-Strasse 80
4002 Basel / Switzerland
Repino, Russia
The novel format of the RACIRI Summer School is driven by scientific frontier themes and challenges in the field of materials sciences with a strong connection to the superb analytical potential at current and future research infrastructures (synchrotron radiation, X-rays and neutrons) in the Baltic region.
The RACIRI Summer School is held every year under a special focus theme. Its venue rotates annually among the three partnering countries.
The first RACIRI Summer School was organized 2013 in Petergof, Russia. Focus theme: “Soft Matter and Nano Composites”.
The second RACIRI Summer School was held from 24-31 August 2014 in the Stockholm area, Sweden, under the focus theme “Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons in Life and Materials Sciences”.
The third RACIRI Summer School was held during 22-29 August 2015 in Sellin, Island of Rügen, Germany. Its focus theme: “Time-resolved and In-situ Studies of Materials: Basics and Applications”.
Currently, the fourth RACIRI Summer School is being prepared. RACIRI 2016 will take place in Repino near Saint Petersburg, during 21-28 August 2016. You will find more information on RACIRI 2016 soon on this website. This year´s focus theme: “Convergent Sciences and Technology for the Society”.
New deadline for application: 15 June 2015 (German institutions).
Call for application for participants from German institutions.
E-Mail URL Phone+49 40 8998 4172
AddressNotkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
Bielefeld University, Germany
Bunsen Discussion Meeting on
Neutrons in Chemistry
at Bielefeld University 2016
25.07. – 27.07.2016
More on the website.
Contact URL PrintBad Reichenhall, Germany
This conference covers major topics of neutron analytics for energy research like energy storage and transformations (including batteries, fuel cells, electrolysis, H2-storage, thermoelectrics, and magnetocalorics), solar energy applications, catalysis, as well as engeneering and industrial applications. In addition methological instrument developments are an important contribution to enhance the energy research with neutrons.
It is addressed to scientists from all fields using neutron scattering as an analytical tool for the characterization, development and optimization of materials for energy applications.
Contact URL PrintMunich (Freising), Germany
DescriptionPNCMI is the most comprehensive conference on the latest scientific research using polarised neutrons and on related instrumentation development. The topics will include
- Multiferroic and chirality
- Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors
- Frustrated and disordered systems
- Magnetic nanomaterials
- Molecular magnetism
- Thin films and multilayers
- Soft matter and biology
- Imaging
- Polarized neutron instrumentation
- Polarized neutron techniques and methods, including nuclear polarisation, Larmor techniques, and depolarisation methods
- Complementary techniques (NMR, XMCD, …)
- Neutron scattering facilities
More detailed information (abstract submission and registration deadlines, conference fee, etc.) will be available soon.
OrganiserJuelich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), Forschungszentrum Juelich
Contact NameAlexander Ioffe
E-Mail PrintSydney, Australia
ICRS-10 (2016) continues a series of essential conferences on the prediction, evaluation and control of residual stresses in materials. Equal emphasis is given to the measurement, modelling and application of residual stress data.
Both engineering and scientific aspects of residual stress are considered, including: the influence of residuals stress on the physical and mechanical properties of materials; complementary techniques for residual stress measurement; stress-induced damage evaluation; and numerical techniques for the prediction of residual stress development in components.
The key ICRS-10 dates are:
Abstract submission: 1 March 2016
Abstract acceptance: 15 March 2016
Early registration: 1 April 2016
Full registration: 1 June 2016
Manuscript submission: 1 July 2016.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintRadisson Blu Resort Split, Croatia
The DSL conference has as its aim to create a binding platform for scientists, researchers, those in industry, laboratories as well as students to network, learn more and share their knowledge. Furthermore, it will provide new insights in overcoming the current challenges which are faced by academics and industrialists related to diffusion in its many areas.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintVacation Centre “Les Bruyères”, Carcans-Maubuisson, Gironde, France
The Bombannes summer school is devoted to the practical «state-of-art» approach to scattering methods, using neutrons, as well as X-ray and light sources – today’s key techniques to study structure and dynamics in systems containing colloids, polymers, surfactants and biological macromolecules. Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their applicaiton to soft matter systems. It provides with a period of 2 years advanced training for young researchers with a working place in European laboratories at post-graduate and post-doctoral level.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintBari, Italy
Started in 1991, EPDIC is the only European Conference completely dedicated to all aspects of the analysis of polycrystalline materials by diffraction methods.
The aim of the Conference is to highlight the latest developments and achievements in the methodological, applicative and instrumental fields of powder diffraction.
EPDIC15 will be a great forum that brings together scientists and instrumentation companies to discuss about progress in academic and industrial research related to powder diffraction.
OrganiserInstitute of Crystallography-CNR of Bari
Contact NameInstitute of Crystallography-CNR of Bari
E-Mail URL PrintLund, Sweden
Following the success of the previous meetings in Sydney, Delft and Paris, the fourth Neutrons & Food meeting will be held in Lund, Sweden from 31st May to 2nd June 2016.
The call for abstracts is now open! Please submit your abstracts at
Important Dates:
- Abstract Submission Deadline : April 29th 2016
- Registration Opens : March 15th 2016
- Registration Closes : May 15th 2016
This biennial series of meetings aims to bring together scientists and technologists from the food science community with those expert in the application of scattering methods. Since the first meeting in Sydney, the subject matter has expanded beyond neutron scattering to include other scattering and radiographic methods. This year we will be incorporating a session dedicated to the final meeting of the project “New X-ray Imaging Modalities for High Quality and Safe Food lead by Robert Karup Feidenhans’l from Copenhagen University.
We welcome participants and contributions from the wider community of food science and product development, food packaging, and nutrition, as well as scattering.
The construction of two new large scale facilities in Lund – namely MaxIV Laboratory and the European Spallation Source – will open new opportunities for application of synchrotron and neutron techniques in food science.
This year’s meeting is also held in conjunction with the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society meeting (30th – 31st May) and we have a joint keynote speaker – Prof. John White from ANU – on the morning of the 31st May.
There will be a tour of the MaxIV Laboratory – due to have first light in June this year – and the ESS construction site on the afternoon of the 31st May.
OrganiserNylander, Jackson, Feidenhans’l, Loren, Heyles
Contact URL PrintBordeaux, France
The first edition of the Sustainable Energies and Neutron Scattering – SENS2016 – will be organized at Bordeaux from the 30th of May to the 1st of June. SENS2016 conference aims at highlighting topical scientific activities in the investigation of energy relevant systems using neutron scattering and to generate new applications. The SENS conference will give the opportunity for reinforcing the bridges between the neutron experts and the energy communities.
The conference programme will include 5 main topics : Fuel cell and electrolysers, Gas storage, Bioenergy, Solar energy, Batteries.
You are very welcome to submit your abstract via
DEADLINE: March 14th, 2016
Contact E-Mail URL PrintLund, Sweden
This year’s annual meeting of the Swedish Neutron Scattering Society, SNSS will be held in Lund on 30th – 31st May.
The Swedish Neutron Scattering Society ( is a voluntary, non-profit organization of scientists working with neutron scattering and with the aim to promote and enlarge the community in particular in new areas of science. The ongoing construction of two major research facilities in Lund European Spallation Source (ESS) and the Max IV synchrotron are both central for advancing several scientific fields and also open up new opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration.
Speakers & Programme
Confirmed keynote speakers :
- Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, Birmingham University
- Prof. Matt Helgeson, UC Santa Barbara
- Prof. John White, The Australian National University
The preliminary programme can be found here. The sessions in the final programme will reflect the topical areas of the contributed talk submissions received.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline : April 29th 2016
Registration Opens : March 15th 2016
Registration Closes : May 15th 2016
The registration fee is 60€ and includes lunch on 30th and 31st and dinner on the 30th.
Neutrons & Food 2016
The meeting is planned as a lunch-to-lunch meeting, organised back-to-back with the Neutrons and Food 2016 Conference. On the afternoon of 31st May the two meetings will be bridged with a tour of the ESS site and a Max IV visit. The goal is to encourage further engagement of the Swedish scattering community with the food science community and we encourage you to join use for the following meeting.
You can find out more about the Neutrons and Food 2016 Conference on the Indico page here.
OrganiserAndrew Jackson (ESS & Lund University), Tommy Nylander (Lund University)
PrintIstanbul, TURKEY
The purpose of the workshop is to provide a public forum for researchers
from academia, defence, government and industry to present, exchange ideas and discuss developments in Theoretical and Applied Physics.
Institute Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France
Scientific scope:
FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite. The 9th FPSchool session will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble from 9 to 14 May 2016(*). The lectures and tutorials will give the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at intermediate level. In addition to the overview of general applications (indexing, Rietveld refinements), magnetic structure determination and refinement will specifically be addressed along the school.
The school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to have a general overview of FullProf Suite as well as to general applications, plus 2 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data. For the practical sessions, participants should bring their own computers with FullProf Suite already installed.
The school is aimed at PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow any of the online tutorials.
The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the given training. The selection of candidates is based on the motivation letter and CV (plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students). If necessary, a criterion of balance between laboratories and countries is applied. For information, the acceptance rate is about 1:3.
(*) Note that there is an optional excursion organised on Saturday 14th May, so you may need to do your travel arrangements in order to stay an extra day.
Important deadlines:
- 01/03/2016 Opening online application
- 27/03/2016 Deadline for application
- 04/04/2016 Decision for accepted participants
- 25/04/2016 Deadline for registration
Institute Laue-Langevin
Contact E-Mail URL PrintMuseum of the Great Western Railway, Swindon, Wiltshire, UK
DescriptionA 1-day meeting that will focus on state-of-the-art applications of SANS across a range of Soft Matter systems, and the future scientific opportunities that will come from new facilities, new instruments, and technical advances.
The meeting will also celebrate the retirement of Dr Richard K Heenan, principal scientist in SANS at ISIS and author of the FISH model-fitting software.
OrganiserSociety of the Chemical Industry and the Royal Society of Chemistry, with support from the Institute of Physics and the STFC ISIS Pulsed Neutron and Muon Source
Contact URL PrintLille, France
The symposium aims at presenting and discussing the state of the art materials science investigations at the nanoscale on timely topics with a particular emphasis on the contribution of large scale facilities including synchrotrons, neutron sources and free electron lasers. Studies considering oxides will be particularly welcome. Additional attention will be given to the role of techniques in the study of materials issues in the field of energy and environment.
This meeting will be devoted to recent advances in materials studies realized at large scale facilities. In addition to the invited lectures additional extended oral presentations will be selected from outstanding submitted oral contributions.
We are delighted to invite you to submit your abstract (deadline January 15th) and start planning your venue in France.
OrganiserDESY, CEA, SRRS
Contact URL PrintCarqueiranne (Var, France)
The French Neutron Society (SFN) organises with the Institut Laue Langevin and the Laboratoire Léon Brillouin neutron facilities the 24th “Neutron Diffusion Meeting”.
This multidisciplinary workshop (traditionnally entitled “Rencontres Rossat-Mignod”) will be dedicated to new results, obtained using neutron scattering techniques, in various scientific domains representative of the whole neutron users community.
Four sessions will be organised, in Magnetism, Soft Matter and Environment, Condensed Matter, and Biology. Each session will be introduced by an invited talk, which will be followed by a series of shorter oral communications. A Poster session, encompassing all the scientific topics cited above, and an Instrumentation session, will also take place.
Abstracts for oral presentations should be sent by e-mail before March 2nd, 2016.
OrganiserSFN and ILL
Contact NameFrancoise Damay, Emmanuelle Dubois, Peter Fouquet, Nicolas Jouault, Marie Plazanet
E-Mail URL PrintBudapest KFKI Campus of Hungarian Academy of Sciences
Application deadline: 20th March
We are welcoming PhD and master students, post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc.
The training consists of 5 days of lectures and experimental works.
Available instruments
Small Angle Neutron Scattering (YS)
Reflectometer (GINA)
Triple Axis Spectrometer (TAS)
Neutron Diffractometer (ND)
Prompt Gamma Activation Analysis and Neutron Induced Prompt Gamma-ray Spectroscopy Station (PGAA/NIPS-NORMA)
Grants are available.
OrganiserBudapest Neutron Centre
Contact NameAdél Len
URL PrintFethiye-Ölüdeniz (Blue Lagoon), Turkey
ICSM2016 is now accepting abstract submissions for oral and poster presentations. The deadline is November 27, 2015.
This is the fifth edition of the international series of foremost and unique conferences. ICSM2016 will be an interdisciplinary forum for fruitful exchange of knowledge on the latest experimental results and theoretical advances in superconductivity. Magnetism, innovative advanced materials, their applications incorporating related technologies.
Very distinctive and high profile invited speakers including potential Nobel laureates will participate at the conference and deliver talks on their most recent research advancements.
ICSM2016 offers a unique traditional hospitality and a renewed enthusiasm for the profession, which will envelope you throughout your stay in a truly world-class scientific event. You may keep updated at the website for further information on the conference.
Contact NameDr. Ali Bozbey
E-Mail URL PrintParaninfo Building of the University of Zaragoza, Spain
SCTE provides a forum for discussion on fundamental and applied research in the areas of solid state chemistry, physics and materials science of compounds containing d- and f- elements. The SCTE conference has always been promoted by the individuals forming the International Honorary and Advisory Committees.
The proceedings of the SCTE2016 will be published in a special issue of SOLID STATE PHENOMENA by TRANS TECH PUBLICATIONS, commemorating the 20th edition of the SCTE conference. A copy of the proceedings and web access to the papers will be granted to all registered participants.
The scope of the Conference includes the following Topics:
- Processes and syntheses
- Crystal chemistry
- Phase equilibria and phase transitions
- Thermodynamics
- Magnetic, electrical and optical properties
- Electronic phenomena at the crossover from localized to itinerant electronic behavior in solids
- Theory, “ab initio” methods, electronic structure, chemical bonding
- Physical and chemical properties at the nanometric scale: nanoparticles, films, interfaces
- Synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering in research on transition element compounds
- Materials for industry
and Materials:
- Intermetallic compounds
- Strongly correlated electron systems
- Multiferroic and magnetoelectric systems
- Topological quantum matter
- Magnetocalorics, thermoelectrics
- Multifunctional materials
- Molecular solids: molecular magnetism, MOFs, spin crossover
- Materials for energy storage: compounds for hydrogen storage, batteries and fuel cells
- Novel superconducting materials, ruthenates, iron pnictides and oxide pnictides
- Materials for high frequency applications
- Disordered, inhomogeneous and frustrated materials
SCTE 2016 will present plenary and invited lectures by leading Scientist, keynote and oral talks, and poster presentations.
Abstract submission deadline: January 18th, 2016
OrganiserCSIC, ICMA, Uni. Zaragoza
Contact NameJuan Bartolomé
E-Mail URL PrintUK
Mantid Training Courses April 2016
Following the success of our previous sessions of these training courses we would like to offer them again in April 2016. These courses are open to both facility staff and any interested people from other institutions.
The following courses will be based at ISIS, RAL and are:
Wednesday 6th April 1-5pm: Mantid Introduction
An introduction to the Mantid interface, how to graph and visualize your data, manipulate it with the built in algorithms, together with an introduction to curve fitting and live data analysis.
Thursday 7th April 9-12am: Introduction to Python
This half day course will introduce you to the Python scripting language, no previous experience required, although some understanding of loops and conditional (if .. then) logic will be expected.
Thursday 7th September 1-5pm: Python in Mantid
This course concentrates on using Python to build analysis scripts within Mantid as well as controlling the Mantid GUI from python, and accessing the underlying data within Mantid workspaces.
Friday 8th September 9-5pm: Extending Mantid using Python
For the more adventurous among you this full day course will introduce you to the many ways you can use Python to extend the capabilities within Mantid adding Python Algorithms and curve fitting functions, as well as diving deeper into the structure of workspaces.
Booking a place
If you are interested in any other these courses please send an email to letting me know which courses you wish to attend. For the courses we will supply PCs, so there is no need to bring a laptop unless you really want to. Spaces are limited to 20 people per course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If a course is over booked we will try to arrange another session in the future, so if you cannot make that specific date let me know and I’ll let you know about any subsequent courses.
I’ll send out calendar appointments to you once your place on the course is booked.
Next run of these courses
The specific dates of the next run has not been fixed yet, but we expect to run these courses again in roughly 6 months.
For visitors from UK academic institutions:
We are sometimes able to offer assistance with travel and lodging costs while attending the courses. Let me know when you are booking the courses and I’ll get back to you with details. If we are able to help, then you travel and hotel must be booked through the ISIS user office.
For visitors from elsewhere:
While we can offer this course for free, we cannot unfortunately offer any help with travel or subsistence costs. However please let me know that you will be visiting when you reply so that I can arrange site access.
Contact NameNick Draper, Mantid Project Manager
E-Mail URL
PhoneTel: +44 (0)1235 567212
PrintEuropean XFEL, Hamburg, Germany
DescriptionThe 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be held in Hamburg on 5-6 April 2016. The meeting will be co-hosted by the User Offices of DESY Photon Science, EMBL Hamburg and European XFEL. In recent times, the user research administration landscape in Europe has been evolving very quickly, in a very complex funding situation. In addition, new facilities are under construction or coming into operation and a number of established facilities have gone or are going through upgrade programmes. Due to the increasing number of users of large-scale research facilities, all this has potentially a large impact on photon and neutron science output in Europe. In this framework, a strong network among User Offices can be very productive for all participants. After a successful first meeting at ALBA in Barcelona in November 2014, the 2nd Meeting of the European User Offices will be another useful opportunity for exchanging information and experiences on present and upcoming common challenges relevant to user operation at large-scale synchrotron, FEL and neutron facilities.
Contact URL
PrintSheffield, UK
Abstract submission for Magnetism 2016 is now open. Abstracts of up to 200 words and one figure will be accepted until the (extended) deadline of Friday 22nd January 2016.
A mixture of invited talks and submitted contributions will allow the breadth of magnetism research in the UK and RoI to be presented. Participation from outside UK/RoI and from industry is also encouraged. The conference has previously included oral sessions on a range of subjects including spintronics, domain walls, dynamics, vortices, skyrmions and topological systems, spin ice, biological and organic magnetism, superconductors, magnetocalorics and ab initio theory.
We are encouraging abstracts submitted in the areas of Thin films and nanostructures, Correlated electrons, Biological and organic materials, Computational magnetism and General magnetism.
Key dates:
Abstract submission deadline: 22 January 2016
Early registration deadline: 3 March 2016
Accommodation deadline: 21 March 2016
Registration deadline: 24 March 2016
IOP Magnetism Group
Contact URL PrintRegensburg, Germany
The workshop is designed for motivated PhD students and Post-doc in the field of Colloid and Interface science. The major objective is to discuss modern surface analytical tools that increased our understanding of fluid interfaces. Selected surface analytical tools are presented in tutorial review style by scientists using these techniques in their daily research. The information is then discussed and deepened in small workgroups on the basis of problem sheets. The interaction and active discussion of the participants is a crucial element of our workshop.
OrganiserUniversity of Regensburg
Contact URL
AddressInstitute of Physical and Theoretical Chemistry
Universtitätsstrasse 31
University of Regensburg
93040 Regensburg
Erice (Italy)
ERICE School “Neutron Science and Instrumentation” 2nd Course
XIV School of Neutron Scattering (SoNS) “Francesco Paolo Ricci”
Designing and Building a Neutron Instrument
Application is now open for “Designing and Building a Neutron Instrument” – the 2nd Course within the Erice School “Neutron Science and Instrumentation” and the XIV School of Neutron Scattering (SoNS) “Francesco Paolo Ricci”. Application deadline: 1 March 2016
The School is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply early, as late applications will not be accepted. The 2016 Course focuses on the design and construction of neutron instruments for large-scale facilities. In addition to lectures on theory, sources, and neutron instrumentation, students will be tutored by world leading experts in the various neutron scattering techniques. Students will be organized into groups which will design and “build” a neutron instrument during the week. The course thus includes instrument design, as well as instrument project management activities, at the end of which each student will have an overview of the process of designing and building a neutron instrument. Students are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrument design and construction project techniques as part of their present and/or future research activities.
The school is aimed at young instrument and development scientists, engineers, and designers at international and national neutron facilities, although graduate students or postdocs at universities with an interest in neutron instrument projects would also be welcomed.
OrganiserEttore Majorana Foundation
Contact NameDr. Ken Andersen (ESS) and Dr. Kenneth W Herwig (ORNL)
E-Mail URL PrintLund, Sweden
On March 7th, a joint communications meeting between the communications officers of BrightnESS and SINE 2020 will take place at ESS in Lund.
Contact E-Mail PrintUniversität Regensburg, Germany
DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) with the divisions and working groups:
- Biological Physics
- Chemical and Polymer Physics
- Dielectric Solids
- Thin Films
- Dynamics and Statistical Physics
- Semiconductor Physics
- Magnetism
- Metal and Material Physics
- and the working group Metal and Material Physics
- Mikroprobes
- Surface Science
- Physics of Socio-Economic Systems
- Low Temperature Physics
- Environmental Physics
- Vacuum Science and Technology
- Crystallography
- Working Group Equal Opportunities
- Working Group Industry and Business
- Working Group Energy
- Working Group Information
- Working Group young DPG
- Working Group Physics and Disarmament
Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft e.V. (DPG)
URL PrintHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Germany
The school program consists of three days of lectures giving a theoretical introduction to the fundamentals of neutron scattering and the principles of various neutron scattering techniques. After the lectures, there will be three and a half days of hands-on experiments on seven different neutron scattering instruments. The students will be divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and will do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of experienced scientists. Furthermore, there will be a students’ poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss with the HZB scientists how neutron scattering could benefit the
ir research. – The school will finish with lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in the areas of biology, chemistry, engineering and physics etc. This course is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the Technical University Berlin.
Contact NameProf Bella Lake
E-Mail URL AddressHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie Hahn-Meitner-Platz 1
14109 Berlin
Jülich, Germany
Memristive phenomena combine the functionalities of electronic resistance and data memory in solid-state elements, which are able to change their resistance as a result of electrical stimulation in a non-volatile fashion. In nanoelectronics, this functionality can be used for information storage and unconventional logic, as well as neuromorphic computing concepts that are aimed at mimicking the operation of the human brain.
A multitude of fascinating memristive phenomena has emerged over the past two decades. These phenomena typically occur in oxides and higher chalcogenides and are one of the hottest topics in current solid-state research, comprising unusual phase transitions, spintronic and multiferroic tunneling effects, as well as nanoscale redox processes by local ion motion. They involve electron correlation, quantum point contact effects and exotic conformation changes at the atomic level.
OrganiserPGI, JCNS, ICS, IAS
Contact NameMichael Beißel
E-Mail URL Phone+49 2461 61-1739
AddressForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52425 Jülich
Potsdam, Germany
Based on with the successful events held in 2012 and 2014 in Potsdam the scope of this conference is to provide an interdisciplinary platform for the discussion of novel developments and trends in the field of bio-inspired materials research. Accordingly, the whole spectrum of biological materials will be covered. Topics will encompass the formation mechanisms as well as the characterization of complex-shaped and hierarchically structured multifunctional materials present in living nature. Based on this, a further key topic will be the consideration of these architectures as archetypes for the generation of novel functional materials with an expanded property spectrum. We invite you to submit your contributions with regard to materials synthesis and design inspired by biological principles and structures. The conference will address Bio-inspired materials based on organic and/or inorganic phases including their mechanical, optical, electronic and magnetic properties as well as actuated systems. Further discussions will be dedicated to materials, which display their function in contact with biological systems, e.g. tissues. Moreover, theoretical modelling of the formation, structure and properties of biological and bio-inspired materials will play a main role.
Contact NameINVENTUM GmbH
E-Mail URL PrintFZ Auditorium, Forschungszentrum Jülich
On the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), ceremonial addresses and a scientific lecture will be held on Wednesday, 17th February, 2016. Friends and associates of the JCNS are cordially invited to attend this event.
Neutron physics has continued to play an important role in Jülich ever since the foundation of the former nuclear research centre 60 years ago. Prior to the shut-down of the Jülich research reactor FRJ-2 (“DIDO”), the JCNS was founded in February 2006 as a distributed neutron research centre without its own neutron source. For the last ten years, JCNS has successfully developed and operated world-class neutron scattering instruments at the best neutron sources worldwide, thus providing access to state-of-the-art experimental facilities in neutron science for both German and international user communities.
JCNS in-house research focuses on correlated electron systems and nanomagnetism as well as soft matter and biophysics. Neutrons for energy is soon to become a third pillar of research. In these areas of expertise, JCNS offers external users expert support on world-class instruments with a specialized sample environment and ancillary laboratory access.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich
Contact NameMs. Saida Oubenkhir
E-Mail URL
PrintLindner Congress Hotel Düsseldorf and Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
The IKON meetings are a regular forum centered around the design and construction of the ESS neutron instruments and their associated support facilities.
By bringing together current and future partners, the meetings aim to provide an overview on the various activities and fertilise exchange that is vital to our success.
Scientists from ESS member countries currently not engaged in in-kind activities but interested in joining are encouraged to participate.
Contact URL PrintLaboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay, France
NB: Lectures delivered in French.
Registration opens: 19 September
Registration deadline: 18 October
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB/Orphée)
Contact E-Mail URL AddressLaboratoire Léon Brillouin
Secrétariat Scientifique
CEA Saclay 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Scandic Hotel, Vester Søgade, Copenhagen
DescriptionNordic Conference – European Spallation Source (ESS) Challenges and opportunities for Nordic Research and Innovation
The European Spallation Source (ESS) is presently under construction in Lund, with ESS Data Management and Software Center located in Copenhagen. The facility will provide unprecedented neutron scattering capabilities, promising a great boost in science, technology and innovation within materials and biosystems. Constituting the host region, the Nordic countries are in a position to take maximal advantage of the scientific and industrial possibilities araising in relation to ESS.
The conference invites representatives from the Nordic education and research ministries, research councils and funding agencies, universities as well as industrial organization to discuss long-term scientific and industrial opportunities and collaborative possibilities in relation to ESS.
The conference is organized by The Danish Agency for Science, Technology and Innovation (DASTI) in collaboration with NordForsk as part of the Danish presidency in the Nordic Council of Ministers 2015. The conference will also celebrate the kick-off for the newly established Nordic Neutron Research Program (NNRP).
OrganiserDASTI, NordForsk
Contact NameFredrik Melander
E-Mail URL Phone+45 72 31 83 15
PrintBad Honnef, Germany
Soft Matter Science has emerged in recent years as an independent and interdisciplinary research field, bringing together scientists from condensed matter physics, macromolecular and physical chemistry, and molecular and cell biology. The systems investigated in this field include colloidal dispersions, polymer solutions, mixtures and melts, block copolymers, binary and ternary amphiphilic systems (microemulsions), membranes, vesicles and biological macromolecules, and active systems such as synthetic and biological microswimmers. While many of these systems have already been investigated for a long period of time, only recently have their common features and interactions come into focus.
These highly complex materials are characterized by structural units with typical length scales ranging from nanometers to micrometers. The experimental and theoretical investigations involved, as well as the understanding of the properties of these materials pose enormous challenges due to their high complexity, the large number of cooperative degrees of freedom, and the large range of relevant length, time and energy scales.
Therefore, we are organizing the workshop Jülich Soft Matter Days 2015
on the physics and chemistry of mesoscopically structured systems. We hope that this workshop will provide a forum to share and discuss the latest advances for all active researchers in this field.
We intend to focus on:
- Active Matter
- Biological Matter
- Colloids
- Flow and Rheology
- Functional Soft Matter
- Polymers
Institute of Complex Systems
Contact NameMarie Göcking
E-Mail URL
Phone+49 2461 61-2292
PrintSaint-Petersburg, Russia
Scientists are invited to participate in the XVI International Feofilov Symposium (IFS’XVI) on spectroscopy of crystals doped with rare earth and transition metal ions which is to be held in Saint-Petersburg (Russia), from 9th to 13th November 2015, and is organized by the Saint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University).
The United Nations General Assembly has proclaimed 2015 as the International Year of Light and Light-based Technologies (IYL 2015). Backed by UNESCO, IYL 2015 is a global, cross-educational initiative aiming to raise awareness of the role placed by light and light-based technologies throughout modern society, and potential future developments and applications. Over 80 countries around the world have shown their support for the initiative.
The XVI-th Feofilov symposium continues a sequence of symposia started in 1965. The first nine symposia were held as national meetings. The X-th (St. Petersburg, 1995), XI-th (Kazan, 2001), XII-th (Ekaterinburg, 2004), XIII-th (Lake Baikal, 2007), XIV-th (St. Petersburg, 2010) and XV-th (Kazan, 2013) symposia were held with international participation.
OrganiserSaint-Petersburg National Research University of Information Technologies, Mechanics and Optics (ITMO University)
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+7 (812) 337-68-82
AddressITMO University,
Birzhevaya line, 4,
199034 Saint-Petersburg,
Niels Bohr Institute, University of Copenhagen
The fifth workshop and school on ESS Science will focus on the use of sophisticated data analysis methods along with extensive computational modeling to extract as much information as possible from the experimental observations and thereby gain profound scientific insights from scattering experiments.
The future is now. New intense neutron sources and advanced instrumentation will revolutionize the use of neutrons for a wide range of investigations in materials, macromolecules, surface phenomena, condensed matter, and many other systems of significant interest. Both the improved quality of the data collected and the increasing complexity of the materials under study pose a challenge for the optimum extraction of information from these experiments. To reliably and fully interpret the data will require the use of advanced software in data analysis, modeling and close collaboration between experimentalists and theoreticians.
The goal of this workshop-school is to describe the manner in which static and dynamic processes in materials give rise to their neutron scattering profiles. The school will demonstrate how current data treatment and computational analysis can effectively be used to improve the scientific understanding derived from data obtained on current and next generation of neutron scattering instruments.
OrganiserHeloisa N. Bordallo (, Pascale P. Deen ( and Juergen Eckert (
Contact URL
PrintForschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
White biotechnology bridges the gap between sustainable natural ressources and valuable chemical products and, thus, plays a central role in building up a future knowledge-based bioeconomy. In particular, white biotechnology reduces our dependency on fossil fuels and offers large opportunities to synthesize platform chemicals, fine chemicals, pharmaceuticals and proteins using the biocatalytic power of microorganisms or isolated enzymes.
At the Jülich Biotech Day, experts from academia and industry will present current highlights and trends in this exciting field of research and development.
Forschungszentrum Jülich
Contact NameDr. Melanie Brocker
E-Mail URL
Phone+49 2461 61-5168
PrintDESY, Hamburg, Germany
The themes of the workshop are related to questions of sustainability at large-scale research infrastructures and include Energy and sustainability management and strategies, policies and management at research laboratories; Energy efficiency, storage and optimization also within integrated Grid approaches; Sustainable campus and building management, including aspects of mobility; Green IT and large-scale computer centers; novel sustainable technologies and solutions developed and/or embedded at research facilities and their possible scope as demonstrators.
OrganiserCERN/ERF-AISBL/ESS in cooperation with EuCARD
Contact NameFrank Lehner
E-Mail URL PrintGrenoble, France
The ILL holds the International Workshop on Liquid-Liquid Interfaces from 21 to 23 October 2015 at the ILL Grenoble, France.
The intended aim of the workshop is to promote the future development of studies at liquid-liquid interfaces using neutron and X-ray scattering techniques. The audience of the workshop will comprise scientists who are interested in catalysis, electrochemistry, transfer, soft matter mixtures and biophysics at liquid-liquid interfaces. The workshop will also appeal to scientists who may consider the extension of their studies conducted in the bulk to liquid interfaces as well as to those who have not used scattering techniques in their research to date. This workshop will also be used as a platform to identify priority areas that can have the greatest impact on the development of scattering techniques in the study of liquid-liquid interfaces in the future.
Important dates
- Registration open: April 10th, 2015
- Abstract submission deadline: June 19th, 2015
- Notification of accepted communications: Mid-July
- Online registration deadline: September 18th, 2015
The Institut Laue – Langevin acknowledges the CEA and the ILLA programme for providing financial support to the Workshop.
OrganiserInstitut Laue-Langevin
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadLiQ 2015LiQ 2015 Flyer
PrintCopenhagen University
Wednesday 14th October
- WP meetings (WP5, 17, 18, 19, 20)
Thursday 15th October
- General Assembly with invited speakers and WP presentations
- Foresight meeting for the future of I3 projects (Board members only)
- Evening: social dinner
Friday 16th October
- SINE2020 Kick-off meeting
- WP meetings
For further information please go to the event website and download the agenda.
OrganiserCopenhagen University / NMI3
Contact E-Mail URL
Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary
The 2nd International Conference on Rheology and Modeling of Materials is to be held near city Miskolc in mountain Bükk in one of the most beautiful place of Hungary in Hunguest Hotel Palota Lillafüred, October 5-9, 2015.
The aims the conference are the fostering of interdisciplinary collaboration and interaction among scientists, researchers, PhD students as well as product and technology developer engineers. The international conference ic-rmm2 provides a platform among leading international scientists, physicists, chemists, mathematicians, researchers, PhD students and engineers for discussing recent achievements in measurement, modeling and application of rheology in materials technology and materials science of liquids, melts, solids, powders, crystals and amorphous structures.
Among the major fields of interest are the influences of temperature, mechanical stresses, deformation speeds and times on rheological properties, material structures and phase transformation of foams, emulsions, suspensions, liquids, powders, crystals, foods, cosmetics, polymers, plastics, petrochemicals, melted metals, glasses and competitive materials like nanomaterials, pharmaceuticals, medical- and biomaterials, ceramics, films and coatings, advanced metal alloys, glasses, composites, hetero-modulus, hetero-plastic and hetero-viscous complex material systems, hybrid materials, … etc.
Multidisciplinary applications of rheology as well as mechanical and rheological modeling in material science and technology encountered in sectors like foods, bio- and medical materials, ceramics, glasses, thin films, polymers, clays, construction materials, energy, aerospace, automotive and marine industry. Rheology in physics, chemistry, medicine, biosciences, cosmetics, environmental and earth sciences and in engineering and industries are of particular interests.
For further information, particularly regarding registration and program, plese visit the website.
OrganiserInternational Comittee of Rheology
Contact URL PrintEvian Les Bains, France
The 3.5 days school is devoted to a topic related to neutron scattering and includes a presentation session giving the opportunity for the scientists to exchange their latest results and trends.
The School aims at an audience including researchers and academics as well as beginners or advanced graduate students and post-docs in Solid State Physics, Chemistry and Material Science (expected number of participants is 80).
To find out more about this event please visit its website (in French).
OrganiserC. Dewhurst (ILL), I. Grillo (ILL), C. Loupiac (AgroSup Dijon), L. Michot (Phenix, UPMC), F. Ott (LLB)
Contact E-Mail URL
Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Tutzing, Germany
In the tradition of the annual international JCNS workshops the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) wil jointly organize the workshop in 2015.
Neutrons are a key probe providing deep insight into the structure and dynamics and thus in the functioning of synthetic and living soft matter. The workshop will discuss the current status, future trends and opportunities of neutron scattering also in combination with simulations.
The topics addressed are:
- Functional Polymers
- Soft Matter out of Equilibrium
- Nano-Composites and Confinement
- Nanostructured Complex Fluids
- Membranes and Proteins
- Soft Matter Materials for Energy Devices
Rainer Bruchhaus
E-Mail URL Phone+49-89-289-10745
PrintGrenoble, France
The ILL is pleased to invite you to the 4th Neutron Delivery Systems Workshop that will be held in Grenoble, France from the 28th to 30th of September 2015.
Following the success of previous workshops this meeting presents a unique opportunity to share knowledge and feedback on the state of the art in neutron transport, optics and moderation technologies.
This workshop will cover the following topics:
- Progress in neutron guide design, innovative concepts and materials
- Review of newly installed neutron guide systems worldwide
- Neutron guide ageing
- Advances in mirror and super-mirror science and technology
- Moderation of neutrons for the production of cold and ultra-cold neutrons
- Simulation of neutron sources and neutron transport
- Neutron optical devices.
This workshop is intended for engineers and scientists involved in the use, design and manufacturing of neutron delivery systems and their components.
An industrial exhibition will be organised for Tuesday 29th September. Companies involved in the manufacturing of neutron delivery systems will have the opportunity to present their products and capabilities.
For further information, registration and abstract submission please visit:
Important dates
31st May: Abstract title submission deadline.
31st July: Abstract submission deadline.
1st September: Online registration deadline.
The NDS-2015 organising committee (
Contact E-Mail URL PrintAmmersbek (near Hamburg) and at GEMS/DESY in Hamburg, Germany
The Summer School will provide a systematic overview of the application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.
The school will take place from September 21 to 25, 2015 in Ammersbek (near Hamburg) and at GEMS/DESY in Hamburg. The focus of the practical training will be on synchrotron experiments. Neutron data analysis will also be practised. Therefore the participants will spend two days doing experiments at GEMS/DESY.
The Summer School is significantly funded by German and Swedish authorities for their respective students. Therefore, the participation fee amounts to 50 €. Students from other European countries can request reimbursement of their travel expenses from a NMI3 grant applicable for this school.
The fee includes accomodation and food for the duration of the school as well as the book “Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science” which has resulted from previous summer schools with the same title.
A registration form will be provided within short. Please use this form to register and send in parallel an e-mail with a short CV (pdf document, maximum one page, including the status of your education, if applicable the topic of your thesis) to:
Registration deadline: 31 May 2015
Decision about participation: end of June 2015
Payment deadline: mid July 2015
Payment details will be sent to you when a decision about the participation has been made.
OrganiserProf. Dr. A. Schreyer (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht, Germany)
Contact NameNicola Kampner (Ms)
E-Mail URL Phone+49-4152-87-2555
AddressInstitute of Materials Reseach
Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
Max-Planck-Str. 1
21502 Geesthacht

Following the success of our previous sessions of these training courses we would like to offer them again in September 2015. These courses are open to both facility staff and any interested people from other institutions.
The following courses will be based at ISIS, RAL and are:
Monday 21st September 1-5pm: Mantid Introduction
An introduction to the Mantid interface, how to graph and visualize your data, manipulate it with the built in algorithms, together with an introduction to curve fitting and live data analysis.
Tuesday 22nd September 9-12am: Introduction to Python
This half day course will introduce you to the Python scripting language, no previous experience required, although some understanding of loops and conditional (if .. then) logic will be expected.
Tuesday 22nd September 1-5pm: Python in Mantid
This course concentrates on using Python to build analysis scripts within Mantid as well as controlling the Mantid GUI from python, and accessing the underlying data within Mantid workspaces.
Wednesday 23rd September 9-5pm: Extending Mantid using Python
For the more adventurous among you this full day course will introduce you to the many ways you can use Python to extend the capabilities within Mantid adding Python Algorithms and curve fitting functions, as well as diving deeper into the structure of workspaces.
Booking a place
If you are interested in any other these courses please send an email to letting us know which courses you wish to attend. For the courses we will supply PCs, so there is no need to bring a laptop unless you really want to. Spaces are limited to 13 people per course so please book early to avoid disappointment. If a course is over booked we will try to arrange another session in the future, so if you cannot make that specific date let us know and we’ll let you know about any subsequent courses.
We’ll send out calendar appointments to you once your place on the course is booked.
Next run of these courses
The specific dates of the next run has not been fixed yet, but we expect to run these courses again in Jan-Mar 2016
For visitors from UK academic institutions:
We are sometimes able to offer assistance with travel and lodging costs while attending the courses. Let me know when you are booking the courses and we’ll get back to you with details. If we are able to help, then your travel and hotel must be booked through the ISIS user office.
For visitors from elsewhere:
While we can offer this course for free, we cannot unfortunately offer any help with travel or subsistence costs. However please let us know that you will be visiting when you reply so that we can arrange site access.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintGrenoble, France
Scope of the course:
Intense synchrotron X-ray and neutron beams are unique quantum probes that are key tools to the understanding of electronic and magnetic properties of materials.
The present school is addressed to all young scientists wishing to know and use the capabilities of neutrons and synchrotron radiation in the field of magnetism.
It includes two days of introduction to the theory and applications of X-ray and neutron techniques for magnetism, two days of ‘hands on’ experiments on X-ray and neutron instruments used for this research, and finally one day of lectures on current trends and topics.
There will be a selection of candidates due to a limited number of participants.
- Application deadline: 15 June 2015 – PLEASE PRE-REGISTER HERE!
- Notification of acceptance: 30 June 2015
- Final registration deadline: 16 August 2015
Laurent Chapon (ILL), Luigi Paolasini (ESRF), Béatrice Grenier (UJF-CEA), Guillaume Beutier (SIMAP)
Secretariat: Brigitte Dubouloz (ILL) and Claudine Roméro (ESRF)
Contact: the organisers of HSC18
OrganiserLaurent Chapon (ILL), Luigi Paolasini (ESRF), Béatrice Grenier (UJF-CEA), Guillaume Beutier (SIMAP)
Contact E-Mail URL PrintBerlin, Germany
Berlin offers a rich variety of scientific institutions and universities. No wonder that a large number of research groups is actively using small-angle scattering and a vast number of complemetary methods. This pairs with sample preparation techniques, projects in nearly the whole width of fields to which small-angle scattering can contribute and notably the user program of the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin that has a long tradition in the supply of neutrons and X-rays to a world wide community of small-angle scatterers.
SAS 2015 will be held in the main building of the Technische Universität Berlin (Straße des 17. Juni 135) in the nice period of late summer, 13. -18. September 2015. The historic and modern structures of Berlin are well represented in the venue site, the rest of the university and the western centre of the city, where the campus is situated. It is surrounded by numerous guest houses and hotels of all categories, restaurants, cultural places as well as the commercial area of the Kurfürstendamm. The international airport, frequent connections via trains, inter-European busses, in combination with the local public transport make it easy to travel to and from Berlin.
OrganiserHelmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Technische Universität Berlin, Max Planck Institute of Colloids and Interfaces
Contact E-Mail URL PrintFreising (near Munich), Germany
Welcome to the 35th International Symposium on Dynamical Properties of Solids – DyProSo XXXV – which is held from 13 to 17 September 2015 at Bildungszentrum Freising near Munich. The conference will be hosted by the the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) for neutron research (
DyProSo is a 4-day research meeting aiming at the promotion of new ideas and concepts concerning functional properties of condensed matter by stimulating scientific discussions between young and experienced scientists actively working on dynamic properties of materials. The programme will cover current and upcoming topics from theory (ab-initio calculations, Monte Carlo and molecular dynamics simulations, new formulations and phenomenological models, etc.) to experiment (optical spectroscopies, inelastic neutron and X-ray scattering, novel techniques, etc.) with a focus on functional materials.
The scientific programme of DyProSoXXXV focuses on:
- Phonons, magnons and electromagnons
- Diffusive dynamics
- Multiferroics, relaxors, thermoelectrica, shape memory alloys
- Domains and domain wall properties
- Excitations in superconductors
- Carbon-based materials
- Amorphous, liquid and soft matter
- Advances in experimental techniques and theory
- Dynamics at extreme conditions (pressure, temperature, magnetic field)
The symposium format assumes a limited number of participants, without proceedings and without parallel sessions.
There will be invited talks, contributed talks and posters.
The speakers are encouraged to present their latest results and discuss open problems, and they are asked to include a tutorial introduction for non specialists.
Bildungszentrum Freising is a pleasant place located in the premises of a former Prince Bishops’ residence. It combines both retreat character and smooth accessibility from Munich airport or main station.
The registration fee includes accommodation and all meals from Sunday evening to Thursday afternoon at Bildungszentrum Freising. It also covers the conference dinner on Wednesday evening and the social events offered on Tuesday afternoon.
A visit of the research neutron source Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II) will complete our programme.
Preliminary time schedule
- Opening of registration and abstract submission: 15 January 2015
- Deadline for abstract submission: 8 May 2015 (except for invited speakers)
Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum (MLZ) for neutron research
Contact NameProf. Dr. Winfried Petry
E-Mail URL
DownloadDyProSo 2015DyProSo 2015 Poster
PrintAachen, Germany
The 26th International Conference on Amorphous and Nano-crystalline Semiconductors continues a series of biennial conferences starting in Prague in 1965 with a focus in those days on the fundamental physics of amorphous semiconductors, principally formed from chalcogenides and group IV elements.
Today the scope of the conference covers a wider range of amorphous, organic and nanocrystalline semiconductors together with the effects of disorder in semiconductors and dielectrics in the bulk and at interfaces. Preparation, characterization and theory across the different material classes are the heart of the conference. As these materials are used in electronics and other technologies, sessions on devices and applications form another significant part of the meeting. In addition focused sessions on recent developments in photovoltaics where nanocrystalline or disordered materials play an essential role, i.e. silicon heterojunction solar cells, perovskites and organic solar cells.
Papers are welcome on all aspects of amorphous and nano-crystalline semiconductors and the role of disorder in semiconductors and dielectrics in the bulk and at interfaces.
Topics include the fundamental physics and chemistry governing electronic and physical structure, preparation and characterization of materials, measurements and modeling of electronic, optical and physical properties, stability and metastability and applications including photovoltaics, sensors, TFTs, LEDs, optical storage, and electrical storage.
Material systems include amorphous and nano-crystalline group IV elements as well as alloys, chalcogenide glasses, oxide semiconductors, and organic semiconductors in the form of thin films, bulk, multilayers, or nano-structures.
The conference location Aachen is situated in an area, where the three countries of Germany, Belgium and the Netherlands meet. The source of the city’s fame are the hot springs known since the days of the Roman empire. The City of Charles the Great is a popular travel destination, offering not only unique sights, such as the Aachen Dom (Cathedral) and the Gothic Town Hall where many German kings were crowned, but also a large variety of art and culture, elegant shops and pubs.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
Contact NameJan Adamczak
E-Mail URL Phone+49 2461 61-8024
PrintNice, France
The 3rd International GISAS Conference (GISAS 2015) focused on GISAXS and GISANS techniques will be held in Nice (French Riviera) from September 8 to 11, 2015, as a satellite meeting of the SAS conference in Berlin.
This conference aims to gather scientists from all over the world who are interested in studying nanomaterials at surfaces by using grazing incidence techniques. They will be given state of the art conferences by internationally recognized speakers. The scientific committee will select best contributions of young scientists to promote the development of this technique in Nanoscience.
The conference is now opened for registration and abstract submission (early-bird fees until April 1st). You are encouraged to send your abstract for an oral (20 min talk) or a poster contribution to:
For further information please visit the conference website
OrganiserProf. Alain Gibaud, Université du Maine
Contact URL PrintInstitute for Macromolecular Chemistry, Prague, Czech Republic
Diffraction is a standard technique to study arrangements of atoms (crystal structure), alignment, texture and grain structure in hard matter. Similar issues arise in soft matter, where material properties (e.g. mechanical functioning, transport properties, internal surface, optical properties etc) are highly influenced by analogues to these quantities formed by the arrangements of ensembles of molecules, often in a solvent, such as amphilipilic molecules or polymers rather than atoms. The structures formed consequentially occur at longer length-scales, and the role of thermal motions is quite different.
This meeting brings together those working in highly ordered forms of soft matter from biology, polymer science and the colloidal domain with the following objectives:
- Bringing together a community working in this science field.
- Discussing instrumentation, and in particular the specific characteristics which are peculiar to these investigations.
- Defining specific requirements for neutron instruments to enable such research.
Dr. Garvey, Christopher
Contact NameDr Chris Garvey
E-Mail URL PrintGarching near Munich, Germany
The course will consist of one week of lectures and exercises and one week of practical training at the neutron scattering facilities of Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum MLZ. It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique and its scientific power.
Students of physics, chemistry, material science and biosciences are invited to apply for participation. There is no tuition fee. Accommodation and meals during the course will be provided by JCNS. Travel expenses will be reimbursed within reasonable limits.
For further information and to apply for participation please visit our
Deadline for application is May 25, 2015.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and WWU Münster
Contact NameLaura Diart
E-Mail URL Phone+49 2461 61-5774
AddressForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
52428 Jülich
Budapest, Hungary
Neutron research always did and continues to benefit from the best engineering practice at the state of the art level and beyond. The fourth event of the itinerant series of meetings DENIM will be held in 2015 in Budapest. The community of engineers involved in neutron instrumentation design and operation meets to share experiences of success and failure, determine the most promising directions of development and cultivate the common wisdom emerged from lessons learned during an essentially pioneering activity.
Budapest Neutron Centre invites all interested parties to the Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting to be held in Budapest from 7th to 9th of September, 2015.
All necessary information, abstract submission, registration and deadlines can be found on the web-site:
OrganiserBudapest Neutron Centre
Contact URL DownloadDENIM 2015 flyerDENIM 2015 flyer
PrintMadrid, Spain
After the successful conference on Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science (SRPS) in San Francisco (USA) in 2012, we are now looking forward to the next meeting in this topical series started in 1995 by H.G. Zachmann. Earlier meetings were held in Hamburg (1995), Sheffield (2002), Kyoto (2006), Rolduc (2009) and San Francisco (2012).
The International Union of Cristallography is now organising the Synchrotron Radiation in Polymer Science VI conference in 2015. The meeting will take place in Madrid, Spain from Sept. 7-10, 2015. The conference is expected to accommodate a significant amount of oral contributions as well as extended poster sessions.
International Union of Cristallography
Contact URL PrintBad Gögging, Germany
The 11th International Symposium on Crystalline Organic Metals, Superconductors and Magnets will be held in Bad Gögging, Germany on September 6-11, 2015.
ISCOM 2015 continues the series of biennial ISCOM meetings starting in Mittelberg, Austria in 1995. ISCOM 2015 will be a forum of interdisciplinary discussion on all aspects (Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science and Technology) of crystalline molecular solids. The symposium is planned to discuss latest advances and new avenues of research on the following topics:
- Synthesis of new molecules and molecular materials
- Physics of low dimensional metals and superconductors
- Electron correlations in molecular materials
- Molecular magnetism, spin liquids
- Molecular dielectrics
- Novel functional materials
- Organic molecular nanoscience
- Organic thin films and devices
- Field- and photo-induced phenomena
- Theory, modeling and computation
Michael Lang (Goethe University Frankfurt, Germany)
Contact URL PrintUniversity of Oxford
We are pleased to announce that applications are now being accepted for the 14th Oxford School on Neutron Scattering, which will take place in St Anne’s College Oxford between the 6th and 18th September 2015.
Come join us for an introduction to neutron theory and techniques!
6th September -18th September 2015, University of Oxford
Application deadline: 1st May 2015
About the School: The school is intended primarily for scientists, student and postdoctoral researchers, who are new to the field of neutron scattering. It provides an excellent introduction to the field, which is developed through to its application in contemporary research. Lectures and tutorials covering all aspects of the theory and practice of a variety of neutron scattering techniques will be given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both steady state and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique.
Programme: The first week of the school introduces students to the core concepts of the theory of neutron scattering, neutron sources and instrumentation, and neutron diffraction. By the end of the first week, the school moves to more specialised neutron scattering techniques and applications to scientific fields of interest. Among the techniques covered are: inelastic scattering, imaging techniques, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, neutron-spin-echo and quasi-elastic neutron scattering. In the final two days of the course, students can choose to follow three of the following six scientific subject areas; magnetism, soft matter, biology, engineering, chemical applications and amorphous materials. The students will also be asked to make short presentations to their peers about their current research projects and work in pairs to write a beamtime proposal. The students will also have the opportunity to visit the ISIS pulsed neutron and muon facility in Didcot.
Application: To apply for the school you will need to submit a personal statement and a statement from your academic supervisor that will be used in the selection process. Applications should arrive no later than the 1st May 2015. The course is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply in plenty of time, as late applications will not be accepted. Students are selected for the course, based on their requirements for neutron scattering techniques as part of their present and future research activities. Students will be notified shortly after of the outcome of their application. The school is open to all applicants worldwide.
To apply please visit
Fees: School fees for 2015 are £420 (~ €560) per residential student which includes the cost of a bedroom during the school, breakfast and evening meals, teaching materials, drinks reception and the gala dinner. There are 50 residential places available. There are also 10 non-residential places for students who do not require local accommodation, at a school fee of £100 (~ €140), which includes teaching materials, drinks reception and gala dinner. Fees will be payable once the names of successful applicants have been announced.
For further information, visit:
OrganiserVictoria Garcia Sakai, Ross Stewart, Luke Clifton and Sean Langridge (ISIS); Andrew Boothroyd (Oxford University).
Contact E-Mail URL
Grenoble, France
The ILL/ESRF International Student Summer Programme on X-Ray and Neutron Science is aimed at undergraduate students. It will consist in a 4-week experimental project embedded in a research g roup of ESRF or ILL, together with a series of introductory lectures on the principles and applications of X-ray and neutron science (magnetism, materials science, soft matter, structural biology, imaging, etc.).
During the first days of your stay, a series of introductory lectures will make you familiar with the basic principles of neutrons and x-rays :
- Fundamental principles
- Techniques used for their production (nuclear reactor, synchrotron)
- Instrumentation and measurement techniques
- Interaction with matter
Further on during your stay, various scientists from the ILL and the ESRF will give you insight into some more specific aspects of the application of neutrons and x-rays in a number different scientific fields, such as:
- Diffraction and structure of materials
- Imaging
- Nuclear and particle phyiscs
- Structural biology
- Magnetism
- Spectroscopy and inelastic scattering
- Soft matter studies
- and other examples of today’s scientific questions
In general, the content and the difficulty of the presentations will be adapted such that they are accessible for a third-year student who is interested in these subjects.
In addition to the series of lectures and your work on a project with one of our research groups, some activities will be organized in the evenings or on weekends, like excursions into town or into the mountains which are surrounding Grenoble.
OrganiserPatrick Bruno (ESRF), Paul Steffens (ILL), Laurence Tellier (ILL)
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadX-Ray and Neutron Science summer school ILL 2015 PosterX-Ray and Neutron Science summer school ILL 2015 Poster
PrintFrauenwörth Island, Chiemsee, Germany
manuSciences ’15 is a Franco-German Summer School covering Interdisciplinary approaches to manuscript studies combining philology, materials studies, computer science and digital humanities.
Topic will be interdisciplinary approaches to manuscript studies combining lectures in history and philology with materials analysis, imaging techniques, digital humanities and computer science, complemented with practical courses on mobile instruments (XRF, RTI) and on computer programs.
This is an offer to up to 40 (max.) young researchers, from master and Ph.D. students to researchers and university lecturers. Active participation is expected (including poster presentation). The lectures and courses will be in English.
The final Programme is still subject to change. For more information please visit the events website.
OrganiserProf. Dr. Daniel Stoekl Ben Ezra, Director of the digital humanities programme of the EPHE, Paris
Contact NameProf. Dr. Heinz-Eberhard Mahnke
E-Mail URL PrintZaragoza, Spain
ECNS 2015 will present plenary lectures by leading scientists, plus invited talks and poster presentations. There will be parallel symposia covering frontier scientific areas.
The city and the meeting venue will provide an ideal backdrop for scientific discussion, and the organizers are working to organize an event optimized for interaction and interchange.
Contact NameJavier Campo
E-Mail URL PrintHotel Skt Petri, Copenhagen, Denmark
DescriptionWith the 61st Benzon Symposium: ”Structural Biology on the Move” we wish to highlight a collection of the most intriguing analytical challenges in the light of selected splendid achievements within structural biology. Notably, we will cover magnitudes of length-scales, from high-resolution analysis to whole-cell imaging, promoting current important development within hybrid structural analysis, where methods across boundaries between established and emerging disciplines are applied. With the 61st Benzon Symposium, we aim to envision the grand opportunities that are to come in structural biology.
The Symposium is a full 4-day scientific meeting. The format will be a combination of state-of-the-art lectures by invited speakers, by selected oral-poster presentations, and poster presentations.
- Impact of Large-scale Facilities on Biological Sciences
- Structural Studies of Functional Complexes
- Structure and Function of/in Biological Membranes
- Biomedical Applications
- Imaging: from Molecule to Cell
- Protein Dynamics and Kinetics
- Abstracts round opens: March 15, 2015
- Abstract round closes: May 1, 2015
- Registration: (provided acceptance of abstract) June 1, 2015
- Fee: DKK 4,500 (covers registration fee, hotel accommodation, food, and social events)
Bente Vestergaard, Lise Arleth, Dmitri I. Svergun, Joe Zaccai, Egon Bech Hansen, Andreas Kjær, Sven Frøkjær and Niels Borregaard
Contact NameLeila Majdanac, The Alfred Benzon Foundation
E-Mail URL Phone+45 2297 8752
AddressLeila Majdanac
The Alfred Benzon Foundation
C /O Copenhagen University
Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences
Universitetsparken 2
DK-2100 Copenhagen
PrintGeneva International Conference Center, Geneva, Switzerland
The International Conference M2S HTSC 2015 will take place from Sunday, August 23 until Friday, August 28 in Geneva, Switzerland.
The M2S2015 conference is the 11th conference in the successful series of tri-annual conferences on materials and mechanisms of superconductivity. The first one took place in 1988 in Interlaken in the wake of the discovery of high superconductivity by the Nobel Prize winners Johannes Georg Bednorz and Karl Alexander Müller.
The meeting has since then taken place in Palo Alto, Kanazawa, Grenoble, Beijing, Houston, Rio de Janeiro, Dresden, Tokyo, Washington and now will return to Switzerland in the summer of 2015.
Superconductivity is the phenomenon of electrical current flow without any loss of energy due to resistance. This extremely useful phenomenon is nowadays routinely applied in medical applications of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), in large scale magnetic guiding systems such as CERN, the presently constructed nuclear fusion energy plant ITER, in high throughput electrical power cables, as well as the maglev train presently in construction by Japanese Railways.
The field of superconductivity is heavily driven by experimental progress using the most advanced technology available. Consequently the participants of M2S are actively involved in materials science, experimental techniques, theoretical research and/or applications of superconductivity.
The experimental techniques involve materials processing, crystal growth and characterization, low temperature techniques, ultra high vacuum, various kinds of neutron-, electron-, optical-, X-ray, and scanning probe techniques.
Superconductivity is also the subject of intense theoretical research, and has spurred novel ground breaking theoretical approaches to the mechanisms of superconductivity and more generally of emergent properties of strongly interacting electrons.
Registration and abstract submission is open. Abstracts for poster presentations can be submitted until june 30th, 2015.
OrganiserDirk van der Marel – Université de Genève (Chair)
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+41 22 839 84 84
PrintSellin, Island of Rügen, Germany
The RACIRI Summer School is a joint initiative by Russia, Sweden and Germany in the collaborative framework of the Röntgen-Angström-Cluster (RAC) and the Ioffe-Röntgen-Institute (IRI).
The novel format of the RACIRI Summer School is driven by scientific frontier themes and challenges in the field of materials sciences with a strong connection to the superb analytical potential at current and future research infrastructures (synchrotron radiation, X-rays and neutrons) in the Baltic region.
The RACIRI Summer School is held every year under a special focus theme. Its venue rotates annually among the three partnering countries.
The first RACIRI Summer School was organized 2013 in Petergof, Russia. Focus theme: “Soft Matter and Nano Composites”.
The second RACIRI Summer School was held from 24-31 August 2014 in the Stockholm area, Sweden, under the focus theme “Imaging with X-rays and Neutrons in Life and Materials Sciences”.
The third RACIRI Summer School will be held during 22-29 August 2015 in Sellin, Island of Rügen, Germany. Its focus theme: “Time-resolved and In-situ Studies of Materials: Basics and Applications”.
The call for applications for RACIRI Summer School 2015 can be found here.
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+49 40 8998 4172
Secretariat, c/o DESY
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany
Energy research is an important scientific area today and hydrogen is one of the most promising sources of energy due to its highest energy density by weight. The efficient hydrogen storage depends on development of the new materials. Neutron scattering and -diffraction are powerful, non-destructive tool for the analysis of structure and dynamics in matter in a broad space and time domain. High sensitivity to hydrogen makes neutron scattering techniques ideally suitable to study the process in hydrogen storage systems. The goal of this school is to introduce participants to basics of neutron scattering techniques and show how these techniques can be applied for exploration of hydrogen storage materials.
The school is organized jointly by University of Potsdam, Germany and University of Tartu, Estonia. It will be held from 17th – 26th of August 2015 at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB), Berlin, Germany.
The lectures and practical exercises will give basics to:
- Hydrogen economy and hydrogen storage technologies
- Fundamentals of the gas storage
- Basics of the neutron scattering and in particular in-situ neutron diffraction
- Characterizing sorption behavior of porous materials by ab-initio and crystal structure refinements
- M. Russina (HZB),
- H. Kurig (University of Tartu, Estonia),
- D. Többens (HZB),
- D. Wallacher (HZB),
- M.C. Schlegel and
- Roman Svetogorov (NRC, Mocsow)
Target group
The course is primarily aimed at early stage researchers with basics knowledge in Thermodynamics and Solid State Physics. It is part of the curriculum of the Faculty of Mathematics and Sciences at the University of Potsdam, Modul 741A and is credited with 4 credit points.
If you are interested in attending the school, please follow this link and register until May, 25th 2015:
University of Potsdam, Germany and University of Tartu, Estonia
Contact NameDr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL Phone(030) 8062-43159
PrintZuoz, Switzerland
The PSI summer schools on condensed matter physics have a long standing tradition. Based on the previous schools on neutron scattering starting back in 1992 the PSI summer schools aim to train young researchers in the methods being used at large scale facilities such as neutron and muon sources or synchrotron photon sources.
International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge not only on methods but also on those phenomena, which are presently at the forefront of modern solid state physics and chemistry.
Following the school a practical training is offered at PSI. It will allow a limited number of participants to get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation using photons, neutrons, and muons.
OrganiserPaul Scherrer Institut
Contact NameRenate Bercher (conference secretary)
E-Mail URL Phone+41 56 310 3402
AddressPaul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI

Sicily, Italy
The International School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation is a specialized course within the School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation (Directors: Ian S Anderson and Carla Andreani). The school will be held at the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, Erice (Sicily, IT) between the 28th July and the 4th of August 2015
The School is normally highly oversubscribed, so we encourage applicants to apply early, as late applications will not be accepted. The School focuses on neutron instrumentation, mainly for large-scale facilities, though a session will be devoted to instrumentation at compact neutron facilities. Students are selected for the course based on their need to utilize neutron instrument design techniques as part of their present and/or future research activities.
The school is aimed at young instrument and development scientists, engineers, and designers at international and national neutron facilities, although graduate students or postdocs at universities would also be welcomed. In addition to lectures on theory, sources, and neutron instrumentation, students will be tutored by world leading experts in the various scattering techniques including diffraction, quasi-elastic and inelastic scattering, imaging, small-angle scattering, reflectometry, and neutron-spin-echo.
Accommodation of participants is organized by the Ettore Majorana Foundation (EMFCSC) either in their premises or in local hotels on the basis of the indications provided by the Organizing Committee and by participants in the Travel Form. Special requests should be addressed to the School Scientific Secretary.
To apply, click here. Places at the school are in high demand. To register you will need to fill out the travel form, submit a personal statement and, in the case of students, a statement from your supervisor. Travel forms must be returned to and with copy to Applications should arrive no later than April 15th, 2015.
The Registration Fee is €900 per student. School fees include the cost of lodging during the school, breakfast, lunch, evening meal, teaching and all course materials. There are 25 residential places available.
A web site for on-line payment will be available in the near future.
Directors: Ken Andersen (ESS) and Roberto Caciuffo (JRC Karlsruhe)
For further information, visit:
OrganiserKen Andersen (ESS) and Roberto Caciuffo (JRC Karlsruhe)
Contact NameKen Andersen
E-Mail URL DownloadInternational School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation 2015 FlyerInternational School of Neutron Science and Instrumentation 2015 Flyer
PrintNovotel Manly Pacific, Sydney, Australia
The Conference, the second in the series, will provide delegates with an opportunity to share related knowledge, understanding, examine research findings and discuss the latest developments in neutron scattering.
The Conference is aimed at those who use (or would like to use) neutron scattering facilities in the Asia-Oceania region.
The meeting will bring together physicists, chemists, biologists, earth scientists and engineers together with specialist facilities-based neutron scatterers from throughout the Asia-Oceania region and beyond.
Contact NameRebecca Deal AMM CEM (Event Manager)
E-Mail URL Phone+61 2 9254 5000
AddressConference Secretariat
ICMS Australasia
GPO Box 3270
Sydney NSW 2001
PrintHong Kong, China
The field of topological matter is developing rapidly both in experiments on new materials and in the theoretical understanding of new topological phases of matter. The connection to strong correlation physics is also just beginning. The meeting plans to bring together active participants in these research areas to report their recent findings. The topics covered include new experimental results in topological insulators and topological superconductors, proximity and edge effects; the interplay between topology and strong correlation, in particular the possibility of new topological states which are not covered by the classification scheme of non-interacting fermions; and new materials and topological states, including Dirac and Weyl fermions.
Furthermore, cold atom system is now recognized as an attractive platform to realize many of the topology based ideas mentioned above. We plan to bring the cold atom and condensed matter physics community together to investigate issues pertaining to topology and strong correlation. The topics include progress in different approaches of constructing synthetic gauge fields and spin-orbit couplings in cold atoms, and the properties of bosons and fermions in these “topological” environments.
Application Deadline
Applications for this meeting must be submitted by May 31, 2015. Please apply early, as some meetings become oversubscribed (full) before this deadline. If the meeting is oversubscribed, it will be stated here. Note: Applications for oversubscribed meetings will only be considered by the Conference Chair if more seats become available due to cancellations.
OrganiserGordon Research Conferences
Contact URL PrintMunich, Germany
The DSL conference has as its aim to create a binding platform for scientists, researchers, those in industry, laboratories as well as students to network, learn more and share their knowledge. Furthermore, it will provide new insights in overcoming the current challenges which are faced by academics and industrialists related to diffusion in its many areas.
OrganiserProfessor Dr.-Ing. Andreas Öchsner, D.Sc.
Contact E-Mail URL PrintMontpellier, France
This workshop will be held at Hotel Mercure in downtown Montpellier. It will bring together about 50 scientists from academia and industry. It will focus on polymer nanocomposites, from synthesis to physical characterization, modeling and applications, with a mix of top-level invited speakers and contributed talks.
A.-C. Genix, J. Oberdisse, C. Eve,
M. Meireles (Toulouse), J. Jestin (Saclay)
List of invited speakers
- BOURGEAT-LAMI Elodie, C2P2, CNRS-CPE-Univ. Lyon1
- CASALINI Riccardo, Naval Research Laboratory, Washington
- CERVENY Silvina, CSIC, San Sebastian
- CLARKE Nigel, University of Sheffield
- COMPOSTO Russell, University of Pennsylvania
- CONZATTI Lucia, CNR, Genova
- DALMAS Florent, INSA, Lyon
- DUCROT Etienne, CSMR, New-York University
- KLÜPPEL Manfred, DIK, Hannover
- KRUTYEVA Margarita, Forschungszentrum, Jülich
- PAPON Aurélie, Solvay – Silica, Collonges
- PEUVREL-DISDIER Edith, MINES ParisTech, Sophia Antipolis
- SHINOHARA Yuya, University of Tokyo
- SOKOLOV Alexei, University of Tennessee
- WINEY Karen, University of Pennsylvania
Abstracts for oral communications and PhD soundbites can be submitted by email. Deadline : 31/03/2015
Registration open now: SDPN2015
Registration (including lunch & social dinner):
Students and scientists from sponsors : 160 €, Normal : 200 €
Deadline : 30/04/2015
Contact URL
DownloadStructure and Dynamics of Polymer Nanocomposites 2015Structure and Dynamics of Polymer Nanocomposites 2015 Flyer
PrintHong Kong, China
DescriptionNeutron Scattering: A Powerful Tool for Materials Research and Industrial Development
This new Gordon Research Conference (GRC) on Neutron Scattering, to be held in Hong Kong in 2015, will feature world-leading neutron scattering scientists who will share and discuss their latest discoveries in the GRC (interactive) style. As it is impossible to capture all new activities over a very diverse field of neutron scattering studies, the conference will instead focus on selected topics that have seen rapid developments over the last few years. Innovative instrumentation is the backbone of scientific discoveries, and thus one of the nine sessions will be devoted to discussions of the performance of innovative instruments. A diverse and vibrant user community is vital for the success of the neutron scattering facilities. We thus particularly encourage the participation of young scientists, to learn and profit from interactions with leading scientists in neutron scattering in the casual environment provided by the conference.
Application deadline: May 24, 2015
Contact URL PrintGarching bei München, Germany
- Expectations – Experiences – Examples –
Scope of the workshop
A common task at large scale facilities is to present to their funding bodies as well to the national scientific organisation the research they conduct with their considerable budget. A similar expectation on public relations (PR) and dissemination concerns large EU funded projects as I3s or bigger consortia. Even though a consensus exists, that good communication is a fundamental part of innovation, the expectations from the funding bodies with regards to science communication activities are unclear, and a well-defined work programme is often missing.
The aim of the workshop is to bring together representatives of funding agencies (European and national) with facility and project managers to discuss what should be expected from scientific dissemination activities. Furthermore it should be a forum for PR and information officers to share experience of their work and gain insights into the expectations of funding bodies as well as from the general public.
Who should attend?
- Representatives of funding agencies (European and national organisations) and managers of large scale facilities, research organisations, EU projects, and consortia to express their expectations on science communication activities.
- Press officers and information managers of large scale facilities and research projects to share their experience on the cross-cutting area between meeting expectations on the impact of PR activities and the difficulties to raise European public awareness of science.
- Experts from academia dealing with the topics of communication and public understanding of science.
- Journalists involved in science policy and dissemination.
European Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
85748 Garching bei München
Registration fee
150€ (including access to workshop and social dinner)
Contact E-Mail URL
AddressEuropean Southern Observatory
Karl-Schwarzschild-Str. 2
85748 Garching bei München
ISIS Neutron Spallation Source, Rutherford Appleton Lab, Oxfordshire,UK
The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques.
Due to the long ISIS shutdown currently in progress, the next ISIS neutron training course will be held later than usual: 16-25 June.
Registration for the course will open on the 5th of Jan 2015 and will close on the 5th of Mar 2015.
Please see the following link for more information about the course and how to apply:
ISIS Neutron Training Course 2015
Outline of Course
- Basic Principles: Neutron Time-of-flight, Detectors, Neutron materials and interations, Instrument Components, Neutron Scattering Theory
- Soft Matter: Sample preperation and deuteration, Small-angle neutron scattering, Neutron reflectometry
- Physics: Neutron diffraction, magnetic Rietveld refinement (Fullprof), inelastic scattering – polycrystals and single crystals
- Chemistry and Materials: Powder and single crystal diffraction, Rietveld refinement (GSAS), Molecular Spectroscopy, Diffuse scattering, Non-crystalline materials scattering
- Optional Modules: Computational methods (DFT), Molecular Dynamics Simulations, Quasi-elastic Scattering, Biological SANS data reduction, Polarized reflectometry, Strain in Materials
Course includes accommodation at Cosener’s House in Abingdon, and travel expenses (within the UK) – and is free to participating students.
Course Organizers:
Helen Walker
Alex Hannon
Christy Kinane
Helen Walker, Alex Hannon, Christy Kinane
Contact NameHelen Walker
E-Mail URL
PrintS. Giovanni Valle Aurina in Italy and ILL in Grenoble, France
Learning Days of the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy (SISN) 2015
(Giornate Didattiche della SISN 2015)
Introduction to neutron techniques for condensed matter studies, with applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth sciences
The Learning Days organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy are addressed to degree and specializing students, PhD students, post-doc and young researchers interested in acquiring the basic principles of neutron spectroscopy, in understanding the advantages and potentialities of this technique, and in exploiting it for their research.
The Learning Days are characterized by two sessions. The first session provides the students with the fundamentals of neutron spectroscopy and the basic principles of data analysis. The lectures (in Italian) on the basic theoretical and experimental tools will be paralleled by tutorials about data analysis.
During the second experimental session the students will carry out real neutron scattering measurements at the most important facility for neutron research: the high flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France ( Depending on the tutors’ nationality the language spoken during the experiments might also be English.
Deadline for applications: 10 April 2015
Contact NameEleonora Guarini
E-Mail URL Download
Taranto, Italy
The Italian Association for the Study of Clays (AISA) and the Institute of Methodologies for Environmental Analysis (IMAA) are pleased to invite you to AMAM 2015, the International Conference on Applied Mineralogy & Advanced Materials. Scientists in mineralogy, materials science, physics, biology, chemistry, cultural heritage are invited to share ideas and knowledge on the boundless world of the crystalline and no-crystalline solid state. AMAM 2015 will provide a truly global platform for researchers and engineers coming from academia and industry.
Please visit the website for detailed information.
OrganiserSaverio Fiore
Contact E-Mail URL PrintPskov, Russia
About the Workshop
The International Workshop on Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures (DMI 2015) will take place in Pskov, Russia on May 26 – 29, 2015. The III International Workshop DMI 2015, hosted by the Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute (PNPI), follows two previous meetings held in Saint Petersburg (2011) and Veliky Novgorod (2013). DMI 2015 is intended for researchers working in the field of the structural and magnetic properties of noncentrosymmetric crystals and artificial nanostructures. The objective of the workshop is to serve as a platform for scientific discussion and exchange of ideas among the scientists willing to share their research findings as well as to review and discuss the recent progress, developments and advances in DMI and chiral magnetism.
Scientific scope
The workshop will include the application of Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction (DMI) to the following areas:
- cubic ferromagnets without center of symmetry;
- antiferromagnets without center of symmetry;
- nanostructures at the surfaces and interfaces;
- weak ferromagnetism.
DMI 2015 will present invited talks, oral reports and poster presentations.
The participation fee
The maximum number of participants is limited to ~60, which ensures the quality of interaction and interchange between scientists. The workshop fee applies to all participants taking part in DMI 2015. The participation fee (450 Euro) includes accommodation, admission to all sessions of the workshop, workshop materials, coffee breaks, lunches, welcome and closing parties and a social program.
Further information can be found at:
Sergey Grigoriev (Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute, Gatchina, Russia)
Contact NameNadya Chubova (Secretary)
E-Mail URL Phone+7 813 714 61 21
PrintLampedusa, Italy
The event is structured in four phases:
20th – 22nd of May International School Spectroscopic Techniques Applied to Life Sciences
22nd of May International Workshop Science and Society: Diseases, Treatments and Ethical Questions
23th – 24th of May International Workshop BIONEUTRON 2015: Neutron Scattering Highlights in Life Sciences
24th – 25h of May International Workshop Good News for Life Sciences: Progresses in Advanced Methods, Disease Understanding and Drug Discoveries
Such event, with a strong symbolic meaning, will mark the “baptism” of Lampedusa as Capital of Science and Peace and will represent the foundation stone for the building of the International Center for Interdisciplinary Studies “Science for Life”, a place devoted to the meeting among cultures, sciences and worlds in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea.
“Science for Life” will be a meeting where, in addition to scientific sessions, relevant and topical issues of social interest in the context of “Science and Society” will be addressed.
The third edition of the Third International Workshop “BIONEUTRON 2015: Neutron Scattering Highlights in Life Sciences” will be held in the framework of the “Science for Life” event.
The main scope of this workshop is to provide an up-to-date insight into neutron scattering and complementary techniques and to furnish a representative sampling of some experimental findings which, in the broad area of research under the general heading of “life sciences”, have recently been object of considerable scientific scrutiny. More than ever before, the scientific community is interested in using the strength and capabilities of different facilities and new techniques and approaches to their best advantage and the large neutron fluxes produced in next-generation spallation facilities such as the European Spallation Source (ESS) are likely to soon find expanded application in life sciences.
“Science for Life” will strongly encourage the participation of young researchers, being held in connection with the First International School “Spectroscopic Techniques Applied to Life Sciences”, which will be held from 20th to 22nd of May 2015 and will be devoted to education of students and young researchers in complementary techniques, including light and neutron scattering, IR absorption and synchrotron radiation spectroscopy, applied to the investigation of the structural, dynamical and functional properties of biosystems, and to their biotechnological applications.
The students will attend the whole event, held from 20th to 25th of May 2015, including all the workshop sessions as an integral part of the school. Students are strongly invited to submit their abstracts for oral or poster contributions which will be published in a volume with ISBN code. The related papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal.
The event aims to attract researchers from completely different horizons providing a forum to bring together scientists from academia, industry and other research organizations, so reinforcing a community at a time where the field is progressing rapidly.
OrganiserSalvatore Magazù (University of Messina, Italy) and Federica Migliardo (University of Messina, Italy)
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+39 0906765025
Address“Science for Life”
Department of Physics and Earth Sciences
University of Messina
Viale D’Alcontres 31
98166 S. Agata, Messina, Italy
Evian les Bains
A Workshop on Neutron Imaging and Tomography will be organized before the Rossat-Mignot days on the 5 and 6th of October at Evian les Bains. Neutron imaging and tomography is one of the topic for which there has never been a dedicated discussion within the French neutron community.
The focus of this workshop is to present the state of the art of neutron imaging and tomography techniques to image large objects (10-100mm) with spatial resolutions in the range 10-100µm.
The complementarity of the different imaging techniques such as X-ray, NMR and neutron will also be discussed. A wide range of topics will be covered: liquid flows in porous materials, agrofood applications, metallurgy, cultural heritage and archeology….
Invited speakers
- J. Baruchel (ESRF)
- P. Boillat (PSI)
- E. Lehmann (PSI)
- P. Levitz (UPMC)
- D. Sakellariou (CEA)
- M. Strobl (ESS)
More detailed information can be found on the Website:
French Neutron Community
Contact URL PrintCsillebérc Campus, Budapest, Hungary
CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists.
Anticipated attendance
We are welcoming PhD students and post-doc scientists as well as newcomers to the neutron research from the field of structural research in physics, chemistry, biology, material science etc. The number of participants is limited to 30 (because of the training facilities available). There is no limit for the tutorial lectures.
For young scientists/students grants are available in limited number to cover travel (on reduced rates) and/or accommodation (maximum 6 nights), local transport and lunches. Don’t forget to notify your grant request on the Application form. Presenting a poster will be highly appreciated in the selection of attendees and grant awards!
OrganiserBudapest Neutron Centre
Contact NameAdél Len
E-Mail URL Phone+36-1-392 2222 / 1344
AddressH-1121 Budapest
Konkoly Thege út, 29-33

London, United Kingdom
The meeting is designed and aimed particularly for PhD students and Post-docs in the field of Colloid and Interface Science, it will also include advanced neutron and X-ray scattering as well as AFM characterisation techniques for interfacial studies. The major objective is to discuss modern surface analytical tools that increase our understanding of interfaces. Selected surface analytical tools are presented in tutorial review style by scientists using these techniques in their daily research. The information is then discussed further in small workgroups on the basis of problem solving sessions. The interaction and active discussion of the participants is a crucial element of our workshop.
There are limited number of grants of 600 Euro offered by the COST office to promote attendance at the School by PhD students working in Europe. To apply for these a CV and a letter of recommendation from PhD Supervisors are required (please see the Conference web pages).
OrganiserDepartment of Chemistry, Queen mary University of London
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadCOST2015 flyerCOST2015 flyer
PrintDubna, Russia
Seminar information
On April 6, 2015 it will be 100 years since the birth of the outstanding Soviet physicist Fyodor L. Shapiro (1915 – 1973), one of the founders of the Frank Laboratory of Neutron Physics (FLNP) of the Joint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR).
The FLNP and JINR are organizing the Memorial Seminar dedicated to the centenary of the birth of the Corresponding Member of the USSR Academy of Sciences Fyodor L. Shapiro to be held on April 6-7, 2015 in Dubna. The expected number of participants is about 100.
The scientific and memorial reports of the FLNP leading physicists about the contribution of F.L.Shapiro to the formation and development of the scientific program of the Laboratory will be presented as well as reports of the world’s leading experts about the current state of the art in the research areas that F.L.Shapiro pioneered and worked on.
The Seminar language is English.
A poster session will be included in the program of the Seminar and we invite young scientists as well as F.L.Shapiro fellowship winners of the previous years to present their recent works in the field of neutron physics. The Seminar proceedings (twelve pages for invited talks and eight pages for poster presentations) will be published by the JINR Publishing Department.
The excursion to FLNP and visit to F.L.Shapiro’s burial place in the Donskoy cemetery will be organized during the second day of the Seminar.
An exhibition dedicated to the memory of F.L.Shapiro will take place during the Seminar.
The registration of participants will be open via internet from December 15. The participants are kindly requested to fill out the registration form as soon as possible for reservation of accommodation and other arrangements.
Registration fee
There is no Registration fee.
We kindly ask you to inform us about your arrival and departure details. The information should be sent to the Seminar coordinator Mrs. Tatiana Donskova not later than April 1 to organize your transfer from Moscow airport to Dubna.
Organizing Committee
V.L.Aksenov – Co-chairman
V.A.Matveev – Co-chairman
E.V.Lychagin – Scientific Secretary
T.S.Donskova – Seminar Coordinator
V.L.Aksenov, V.A.Matveev
Contact NameEgor Valer’evich Lychagin
E-Mail URL Phone(+7-496-21)62428
AddressFrank Laboratory of Neutron Physics
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
141980 Dubna,
Moscow Region,
Birmingham, UK
The conference covers all experimental and theoretical aspects of
surfaces, interfaces, and nanoscale physics and chemistry.
Invited Speakers
- Roger Bennett, University of Reading (UK)
- Harald Brune, EPFL (Switzerland)
- Richard Catlow, University College London (UK)
- Hans-Joachim Freund, Fritz-Haber Institute (Germany)
- Leo Gross, IBM Zurich Research Laboratory (Switzerland)
- David Jesson, Cardiff University (UK)
- Laurence Marks, Northwestern University (USA)
- Quentin Ramasse, SuperSTEM, Daresbury (UK)
- Petra Rudolf, University of Groningen (The Netherlands)
- Peter Sloan, University of Bath (UK)
- Stefan Tautz, Peter Grünberg Institute (Germany)
- Qikun Xue, Tsinghua University (China)
For further information please visit the website.
OrganiserUniversity of Birmingham
Contact NameQuanmin Guo
E-Mail URL PrintTechnische Universität Berlin
DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) with the divisions and working groups:
- Biological Physics
- Chemical and Polymer Physics
- Dielectric Solids
- Thin Films
- Dynamics and Statistical Physics
- Semiconductor Physics (and the working group Semiconductor)
- Magnetism (and the working group Magnetism)
- Metal and Material Physics (and the working group Metal and Material Physics)
- Mikroprobes
- Surface Science
- Physics of Socio-Economic Systems
- Theoretical and Mathematical Physics
- Vacuum Science and Technology
- Gravitation and Relativity, in cooperation with the Astronomical Society
- Low Temperature Physics
- Crystallography
- Working Group Equal Opportunities
- Working Group Energy
- Working Group Information
- Working Group young DPG
- Working Group Philosophy of Physics
- Working Group Physics and Disarmament
For further information, also regarding venue and registration process, please visit the meetings website.
OrganiserTU Berlin
Contact URL PrintLLB, Saclay, France
Fan du LLB is an annual school delivered in French and offering young French-speaking researchers a first contact with real experimental neutron scattering. The school is aimed at students and post-docs working in all scientific areas where neutrons can provide valuable insights, although priority is given to those having never had any contact with neutrons scattering.
After an introduction to neutron sources and neutron scattering, ten different thematic subjects based on different scientific problems that can be addressed by neutron scattering, are proposed to the students. In groups of four to five, the students are then introduced to two different neutrons scattering technique, during three days devoted to experiments and data analysis. One of the distinguishing features of our school is that the students often come with their own samples, which are tested during the training together with our demonstration samples. This ensures a good and efficient participation of the students. The course lasts for 3.5 days.
Registration opens: September 19
Deadline for registration: October 19
Laboratoire Léon Brillouin, LLB
Contact E-Mail URL Phone01 69 08 67 64 ou 52 41
AddressLaboratoire Léon Brillouin
Secrétariat Scientifique
CEA Saclay 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Grenoble, France
Have your attention drawn to the 7th ILL Annual School on Neutron Diffraction Data Treatment using the FULLPROF suite, to be held in Grenoble at the Institute Laue-Langevin from 2 to 6 March 2015 (*).
Please visit the website for more information (applications can be submitted starting from 1st November 2014).
Scientific scope:
FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data.
The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite. The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an intermediate level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be given particular attention.
The school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to general applications plus 2.5 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data.
There are 6 theoretical modules plus 10 hands-on sessions for which each participant should bring his/her own laptop with the FullProf Suite already installed.
The school is intended for PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge of diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even to try to follow a few of the online tutorials (for which some videos will be available soon).
The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the training provided. The selection of candidates is based on his/her motivation letter and CV (plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students). If necessary, balance between laboratories and nationalities will be taken into account. For information, about 1 out of 3 candidates is accepted.
(*) Note that there is an optional excursion Saturday 7 March that you should consider when making travel arrangements.
OrganiserInstitute Laue-Langevin
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadFP School ILL FlyerFP School ILL Flyer
PrintGrenoble, France
FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data.The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.
The lectures and tutorials will provide the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an intermediate level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be given particular attention.
The 7th FPSchool will take place at the Institut Laue-Langevin, in Grenoble, from 2 to 6 March 2015.
The school lasts 4.5 days: 2 days dedicated to general applications plus 2.5 days dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data.
There are 6 theoretical modules plus 10 hands-on sessions for which each participant should bring his/her own laptop with the FullProf Suite already installed.
The school is intended for PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves as beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow a few of the online tutorials (for which some videos will be available soon).
The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the training provided. The selection of candidates is based on his/her motivation letter and CV (plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students). If necessary, balance between laboratories and nationalities will be taken into account. For information, about 1 out of 3 candidates is accepted.
See here a report about the FullProf School on the NMI3 website.
For detailed information please also visit the schools website.
OrganiserProf. Juan Rodríguez-Carvajal
Contact E-Mail URL
Grenoble, France
Neutrons & Synchrotron Radiation for Science:
This school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications).
It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities.
The ~4-week school is a yearly event, established in 1991.
The next HERCULES session will take place from March 1st to April 1st, 2015.
The registration is opened between August 31st and October 31st, 2014 (new: EXTENDED deadline)
OrganiserUniversité Joseph Fourier and Grenoble INP
Contact URL DownloadHERCULES 2015 FlyerHERCULES 2015 Flyer
PrintBerlin, Germany
The Berlin Neutron School is one of the oldest established neutron schools. It was founded in 1980 by Prof Hans Dachs and is organised by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB). The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to neutron scattering with an emphasis on hands-on, practical experience using the instruments at the BERII reactor.
The first three days of the school consist of detailed lectures on the principles and techniques of neutron scattering followed by a tour of the instruments and an introduction to sample environment. As well as the course lectures given by members of HZB, external guest lecturers will be invited to review current issues in the field of neutron research. Previously Prof Michael Steiner (ENSA) has discussed the future of neutron sources in Europe and Dr Dimitri Argyriou (ESS) has discussed the planned European Spallation Neutron Source.
After attending the lectures the students begin the hands-on experiments. They are divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of the instrument scientists. The experiments last three hours each and take place over three and a half days. On the penultimate day we will hold a students’ poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss how neutron scattering could benefit their research with the HZB scientists. The poster session will be followed by the Neutron School dinner. Finally, on the last day of the school the students will attend lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in various subject areas e.g. biology, chemistry, engineering, energy and physics.
Closing date for application is 15th October 2014.
OrganiserHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin
Contact NameBella Lake
E-Mail URL
DownloadBerlin School on Neutron Scattering 2015Berlin School on Neutron Scattering 2015

Madrid, Spain
You are cordially invited to participate in The Energy & Materials Research Conference – EMR2015, which will be held in Madrid (Spain) from 25 to 27 February 2015.
EMR2015 will bring together researchers and professionals from a broad set of science and engineering disciplines with the aim of sharing on the latest developments and advances in materials and processes involved in the energy generation, transmission-distribution and storage. The connection is clear between research into novel materials and new technological solutions or improvements in materials, and the development of cleaner, cheaper safer and more efficient energy technologies.
This conference will provide an excellent opportunity for everyone involved to learn and discuss about materials, processes and systems applied to the following areas:
- Biomass – Biofuels
- Nuclear Energy and Materials
- Solar Energy
- Energy Production from Fossil Fuels
- Solar Energy
- Energy Harvesting Materials
- Fuel Cells
- Energy Transmission, Distribution and Storage
- Hydrogen
- Advances in Lighting Materials
- Wind Power
- Energy-Efficient Buildings
- Geothermal Energy
- Materials, Processes and Systems for Energy Saving and Sustainability
- Hydropower. Wave and Tidal Power
Please, take some time to read the detailed list of Topics proposed for the conference.
Please also visit the Conferences website to obtain detailed information.
OrganiserFormatex Research Center
Contact E-Mail URL PrintJülich, Germany
This year’s Spring School aims to give both an introduction to and an overview of current research topics of soft matter systems with the emphasis on biological and technological functionality.
Synthetic and biological polymers, polyelectrolytes, amphiphiles and colloids are the building blocks of many different materials. An understanding of their structural and dynamical properties is important for the rational design of structures with predescribed functionality, in itself a challenging task due to the enormous complexity of these systems.
The goal of this Spring School is not only to teach selected topics from soft matter science and biophysics to students and postdocs in physics, chemistry and biology, but also to establish the interdisciplinary connection between these fields. This includes, in particular, introducing biologists and chemists to physical experimental methods and theoretical modelling, and acquainting physicists with the large variety of fascinating chemical and biological phenomena.
Introductory lectures will present the basics of soft matter science and biophysics. These lectures aim at establishing a common level of basic interdisciplinary knowledge. Subsequent lectures will then treat more advanced topics within both disciplines and emphasize interdisciplinary aspects. In addition, experimental and computer simulation techniques will be presented and explained, and examples of applications will be given.
OrganiserPeter Grünberg Institute (PGI)
Contact NameMichael Beißel
E-Mail URL
Phone+49 2461 61-1739
AddressForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Peter Grünberg Institut / Jülich Centre for Neutron Science
52425 Jülich
Flyer IFF Spring School 2015Flyer IFF Spring School 2015
PrintIsmaning, Germany
On February 23rd and 24th the MLZ User Meeting 2015 focussing on future perspectives of neutron science will take place. We would like to discuss the expected evolution in the major fields of science, where neutrons play an important role within the community. The goal of this meeting will be to create a science roadmap becoming a guide for future methods and instrument development at MLZ. This workshop will be very important because it will set the scene for our instrumentation development efforts.
The meeting will feature scientific presentations of keynote speakers that shall elucidate perspectives on their field for the coming decade and relate them to specific needs on the method side. In cooperation with the MLZ Science Groups, four plenary speakers in the fields of soft matter and biology, quantum phenomena and magnetism, structure research in chemistry and energy, and material science are invited. Their talks lay the basis for an in depth discussion on the future development of the respective fields. MLZ users are warmly invited to contribute to these discussions and to present their work in a poster session.
The MLZ User Meeting 2015 will take place at the Commundo Tagungshotel, Ismaning (near Munich) and last two half days to allow the attendees to arrive on Monday morning at Ismaning and head back home on Tuesday afternoon.
MLZ covers subsistence and accommodation at the Commundo Hotel for external users.
Please complete the registration form first before submitting your abstract!
Plenary Talks by:
- Winfried Petry (Munich, Germany)
- Peter Boeni (Munich, Germany)
- Hartmut Abele (Vienna, Austria)
- Olwyn Byron (Glasgow, United Kingdom)
Invited Talks by:
Soft Matter/ Biology
- Leighton Coates (Oak Ridge, USA)
- Tommy Nylander (Lund, Sweden)
- Walter Richtering (Aachen, Germany)
- Peter Schurtenberger (Lund, Sweden)
Quantum Phenomena/ Magnetism
- Bernhard Keimer (Stuttgart, Germany)
- Bella Lake (Berlin, Germany)
- Christian Pfleiderer (Munich, Germany)
- Christian Rüegg (Villigen, Switzerland)
- Kristiaan Temst (Leuven, Belgium)
Structural Research in Chemistry and Energy
- Richard Dronskowski (Aachen, Germany)
- Helmut Ehrenberg (Karlsruhe, Germany)
- Andreas Magerl (Erlangen, Germany)
- Werner Paulus (Montpellier, France)
Material Science
- Eberhard Lehmann (Villigen, Switzerland)
- Andreas Meyer (Cologne, Germany)
- Andreas Schreyer (Geesthacht, Germany)
- Pavel Strunz (Rez, Czech Republic)
Contact E-Mail URL
PrintHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Berlin-Adlershof, Germany
Innovation requires best analytical methods to study structure and function of novel materials. Synchrotron radiation and neutron scattering a complementary analytical methods to investigate any kind of matter to probe structure, composition and interaction in order to improve and understand materials. Application of synchrotron and neutron methods for industrial research include the analysis of chemical compositions by diffraction and spectroscopy, non-invasive measurement of stress and strain in mechanical components, high resolution imaging of working systems and many other topics.
To present and discuss current state of the art usage of synchrotron and neutron methods in industrial research an international workshop is organized by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie operating and offering access to the synchrotron source BESSY II and the neutron source BER II. Presentations are given by industrial users and researchers. A tour into the experimental hall of the synchrotron is possible if wanted.
The one day workshop is free of charge to the participants. Please find the registration here.
The workshop is kindly supported by the FP7 EU Access Program Calipso.
OrganiserDr. Britta Höpfner
Contact NameDr. Britta Höpfner
E-Mail URL
Phone(030) 8062-13605
PrintUniversity of Huddersfield, George Buckley Lecture Theatre
A workshop will be held at the University of Huddersfield to discuss the development and application of future Muon sources.
Organised with the support of the European Union 7th Framework Programme, this will be a joint meeting between the Accelerator Applications Network of EuCARD2 ( and the Muon Joint Research Activity within the Neutron and Muon Integrated Infrastructure Initiative (
The aim of the meeting is to bring together scientists and engineers involved in the development and application of accelerator-based muon sources to discuss and exchange ideas about the requirements for future facilities.
The meeting will consider new technologies required for the production of novel muon beams, such as Ultra Slow beams and the Muon Microscopes, while taking a forward look to new applications of muon techniques in academia and industry.
The meeting will start with lunch on Monday 12th January, finishing early afternoon the following day.
Registration is free and is available before 1st December, 2014.
Delegates are asked to make their own accommodation arrangements – local hotels include Premier Inn (where a few rooms have been reserved for this meeting) and Travelodge (both located close to the University campus). The Campus is within easy reach of the motorway network, Leeds Bradford and Manchester airports and main rail links.
For more information about the meeting contact either Jamie Peck (, Rob Edgecock ( or Stephen Cottrell (
OrganiserAccelerator Applications Network of EuCARD2 and the NMI3 Muon JRA
Contact NameJamie Peck
E-Mail URL

28 Portland Place, London
A one-day meeting will be held on the 15th December 2014 at 28 Portland Place, London to discuss the complementarity of muon techniques with well-established magnetic resonance methods. Presentations will cover many aspects of condensed matter physics and chemistry, with a particular focus on highlighting the unique insight muon measurements bring to this area of science. Further details and on-line registration can be found on the meeting website.
The meeting is being organised by the British Radio Frequency Spectroscopy Group, a group within the Institute of Physics concerned with the development of magnetic resonance techniques and their application to the study of all states of matter.
OrganiserBritish Radio Frequency Spectroscopy Group
Contact NameDawn Stewart
E-Mail URL
PrintSt George Lycabettus Hotel, Athens, Greece
The second joint Industry Advisory Board and Facility Industry Office Meeting will be held on 19-21 November (12 noon to 12 noon), in Athens, Greece.
CALIPSO and NMI3 are currently preparing a first draft agenda for the meeting, which will be circulated soon.
This second meeting will be aimed at looking deeper at how to exploit additional ways for industry and the facilities to work together, probably structured around breakout sessions on specific topics, such as legal frameworks and application of standards.
OrganiserNMI3 and CALIPSO
Contact NameKatherine Fletcher
E-Mail Download
Vila Lanna, Prague, Czech Republic
The symposium is organised by Czech-German team collaborating on the design and construction of new engineering beamline for European
Spallation Source in Lund, Sweden.
The program can be found here.
Niels Bohr International Academy in Copenhagen
The main focus of the 2014 workshop-school will be the combination of elastic and inelastic scattering methods, such as reflectometry, quasielastic and inelastic neutron scattering ( QENS and INS) to gain detailed understanding of relationships between structural and dynamic properties and thus ultimately the function of diverse materials. The needs and interests of students with a background in the hard-condensed matter sciences will be addressed with discussion on the use of these experimental methods in magnetism. Results of studies using polarized neutron reflectometry (PNR), INS and inelastic X-rays scattering (INX) will be at the core of those tutorials.
Following the successful formula from the last years, the students will be given a small project and will be guided by the lecturers to a solution. In parallel with, and following the school we plan to hold a small but intensive scientific meeting on carefully selected topics of relevance to the school and of current interest with extensive discussion between experimental and computational scientists.
This workshop is sponsored by the Niels Bohr International Academy, by the PhD School of the University of Copenhagen, by the Institut Français du Danemark and by the European Spallation Source (ESS) . There is no fee for the participants, but attendance will be limited.
The school is limited to 20 students to be selected from the applications received.
Contact NameHeloisa N. Bordallo, Hanna Wacklin, and Juergen Eckert
E-Mail URL PrintALBA Synchrotron near Barcelona
User Offices play a key role in large scale synchrotron, FEL and neutron facilities. Lately, European projects like PaNData, Calipso, NMI3 or EuroFEL between such facilities seems to point towards the harmonization of workflows, software or procedures employed by User Offices. However, each facility has its own national constrains.
The present meeting is a first discussion forum of European User Offices. It was initially proposed after some discussions during European projects meetings like PaNData and it will become an opportunity to know each facility workflows and achievements as well as common worries and future developments.
OrganiserInmaculada Ramos (ALBA) and Thomas Gutberlet (HZB)
Contact NameDr. Inma Ramos
E-Mail URL
Phone+34 93 592 4000

Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee.
The scope of the workshop is to bring together experts doing research in high magnetic fields above 15 T with the focus on neutron scattering. We want to provide an information platform for researchers regarding the future use of the high?field facility capable to generate magnetic fields as high as 25+ T at HZB. Identification of possible future experiments using this facility is one of the main workshop topics. The workshop covers a broad field of topics ranging from the neutron diffraction and scattering in high magnetic fields and sample environment for neutron sciences up to fundamental physics problems in high magnetic fields.
Practical information on how to apply for experimental beamtime will be provided.
The Registration Fee is 100 Euro. This fee includes the workshop material and covers the coffee breaks, lunches and workshop dinner.
Topics covered will be
- present status of neutron scattering in high magnetic fields
- sample environment for neutron sciences in magnetic fields
- fundamental physics problems in high magnetic fields
- low-dimensional systems and frustrated systems
- oxides and related systems
- superconductivity and high magnetic fields
- quantum critical phenomena
- strongly correlated and heavy-fermion system
- The workshop will take place from 29-30 October 2014 at Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin, Lise-Meitner-Campus in Berlin-Wannsee.
- The workshop will start at 9.00 am on Wednesday, 29th October 2014, and will finish around 16.00 pm on Thursday, 30th October 2014.
Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie
Contact NameProf. Dr. Bella Lake
E-Mail URL
Phone(030) 8062-42058
PrintISIS, Oxford, United Kingdom
A workshop will be held at ISIS on 22nd to 23rd October 2014 on the use of the Horace software package. The workshop will be aimed at anyone who uses Horace to visualise and analyse data from time-of-flight INS experiments.
The course will cover all aspects of Horace, from using it to plan an experiment, to how to view data, perform corrections, simulations, fitting, and more. It is expected that participants will have encountered Horace in their work already. There will be an “ask the expert” session at the end of the course where the developers will be available to provide advice on participants’ particular data analysis issues.
The workshop will be free to attend for all, and one night’s accommodation at RAL will be provided free of charge. Participants are expected to cover their own transport costs. Places are limited to 20 participants.
More details about the workshop (timetable, accommodation, etc.) are available at
To apply to attend please visit
The closing date for applications is 16:00 BST on 15th September 2014. Participants will be notified of their place on the course by 21st September. Application to attend will be handled entirely by the website above, however if you have any questions about the workshop please feel free to contact us at Horace Help
Contact E-Mail URL PrintTutzing near Munich, Germany
From spallation to continuous neutron sources: a positive feedback on neutron instrumentation
After several years of high intensity efforts to design a suite of modern instruments for the ESS the neutron community is looking forward to the start of its construction. The design studies have demonstrated that a tremendous increase of flux can be expected at the instruments.
Thus, at a first glance a migration of the user community to the European flagship source can be expected. However, the scientist and engineers at the existing continuous sources will intensify their efforts to improve their instrumentation considerably and make it even more attractive.
The JCNS-Workshop 2014 will be devoted to this expected challenge. It will bring neutron scientists working at spallation and continuous neutron sources together to consider the recent developments for the ESS through the prism of their use for instrumentation at continuous sources. There is an obvious need to discuss on how the stockpile of knowledge and new ideas can be fruitfully used for the improvement of the existing instrumentation.
OrganiserJülich Centre for Neutron Science at MLZ
Contact NameRainer Bruchhaus and Franziska Michel
E-Mail URL Phone+49-89-289-10700
PrintEynsham Hall North Leigh, Oxfordshire, UK
Sample environment equipment and support are vital elements in the success of neutron scattering experiments. The 8th International Workshop on SE@NSF will bring together scientists, engineers and technicians to exchange experience and discuss new ideas. The workshop will begin with a reception on the evening of Sunday 12th October and end after lunch on Thursday 16th October 2014.
Contact URL PrintStirin, Czech Republic
The physics and application prospects of relaxor ferroelectrics are subject of continuously growing interest. The need for a world-wide discussion forum focused on this subject has led to several ad-hoc meetings organized in the past. The recent positive and useful experience of participants of the International Workshop on Structure–Property Relations in Relaxor Ferroelectrics organized in Xi’an, China, 2011; the Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics organized in Schloss Edesheim, Germany, 2012; and the International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics held in St. Petersburg, 2013 has motivated the advisory board of the last one to establish a regular biennial chain of focused workshops as a platform aimed to enhance the communication, exchange and collaboration among the researchers working in relaxor ferroelectric physics and materials science.
We are proud to host the first regular International Workshop on Relaxor Ferroelectrics in Stirin, Czech Republic, on 12–16 October 2014. The event will be held at the Stirin Chateau, Ringhofferova 711, Stirin, 251 68 Kamenice, located 25 km south-east from the Prague city centre. The chateau surrounded by a well-kept park will provide a great venue for the Workshop, period accommodation as well as fascinating landscape.
Thematic areas
- Basic principles of relaxor ferroelectrics
- Polar nanoregions, nanodomains, thin films
- Progress in theory; relaxor vs. spin glass
- Application of relaxor ferroelectrics
- Structure of relaxors
- Dielectric and piezoelectric properties
- Dielectric, optic and neutron spectroscopy
- Magnetic, polymeric and exotic relaxors
For more information, a more detailed programm and registrations visit the events website
OrganiserDepartment of Dielectrics, Institute of Physics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic
Contact NameJirka Hlinka
E-Mail URL Phone+420 266052154
AddressInstitute of Physics AS CR
Na Slovance 2
182 21 Praha 8
Czech Republic
Hotel Information IWRFHotel Information IWRF
PrintHunguest Hotel Palota Lillafüred in Miskolc-Lillafüred, Hungary
DescriptionThe event based more to academia than to industry and all papers will be peer reviewed before publication in IOP Conference Series Materials Sciences and Engineering, which is refereed by SCOPUS and many others. The international conference ic-cmtp3 provides a platform among leading international scientists, researchers, engineers, students and PhD students for discussing recent achievements in research and development of material structures and properties of competitive materials like nanomaterials, ceramics, glasses, films and coatings, metals, alloys, biomaterials, composites, hetero-modulus and hybrid-materials, … etc.
Among the major fields of interest are materials with extreme physical, chemical, thermal, mechanical properties and dynamic strengths; including their crystalline and nano-structures, phase-transformations as well as methods of their technological processes, tests and measurements.
Promote new methods and results of scientific researches and multidisciplinary applications of material science and technological problems encountered in sectors like ceramics, glasses, metal alloys, thin films, aerospace, automotive and marine industry, electronics, energy, security, safety and construction materials, chemistry, medicine, cosmetics, biosciences, environmental sciences are of particular interests.
Contact NameProf. Dr. László A. GÖMZE (chair)
E-Mail URL Phone+36 307 432 714
PrintGrindelwald, Switzerland
The 10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography (WCNR-10) will attract scientist active in the field of neutron imaging either as designers and/or operators of facilities or as users of such installations. During the conference the latest methodical developments, instrumentation layout and improvements and new applications will be presented and discussed.
WCNR-10 continues a series of meetings that was initiated and started in San Diego (USA) in 1986. In intervals of about four years the conference moved between USA, Japan and Europe until the most recent one (WCNR-9) that took place in South Africa in 2010.
Given by the progress of the detector development the method of neutron imaging has become much more efficient than in the past and new techniques (tomography, real-time imaging, etc.) have become common tools for different research applications. A world-wide active community of both method and application oriented members has grown within the network organized within ISNR. Many powerful neutron imaging beam lines now operate as user facilities and the systems are shared among very different research teams. The access to neutron imaging at user facilities has also resulted in a growing user community that benefit from the latest developments at the instruments.
The main tracks of the conference are Beamlines, Instrumentation, Methods, Data processing, Applications.
OrganiserPaul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
Contact NameA. Kaestner
E-Mail URL Phone+41 56 310 42 86
Download10th World Conference on Neutron Radiography - 1st announcement
PrintMito, Ibaraki, Japan
International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources
ICANS is a network of laboratories whose scientists are involved in developing pulsed neutron sources and accelerator based spallation neutron sources.
Brief History of ICANS
The first ICANS meetings was held in 1977 at Argonne National Laboratory to formulate the goals and structure of the Collaboration. There have been twenty major ICANS meetings up to 2012. The next ICANS meeting, the 21st, will be held at J-PARC.
Contact NameMakoto Teshigawara and Kenji Nakajima
PrintZaragoza, Spain
The first day will be dedicated to NMI3 Internal business such as parallel WP meetings, the NaMES training activities supported by NMI3, e-learning, and Networking activity results.
- General Assembly
- Board Meeting
- Welcome drink and dinner
Note: Lunch on the 24th and 25th of September as well as the evening meal on the 25th of September will be covered by the host organisation.
For a detailed programme please refer to the link available below.
Sala De Grados
Facultad de Ciencias A Físicas San Francisco Campus,
University of Zaragoza
C/ Pedro Cerbuna 12
Emma Lythgoe
E-Mail URL DownloadNMI3 General Assembly - Zaragoza 2014 - AgendaAgenda as of September 18.

Munich, Germany
The ESS Science Symposium: “Surface and Interface Reconstruction: A Challenge for Neutron Reflectometry” will take place from 24. to 26. September 2014 at the Hotel Seeblick Bernried, which is located at the waterfront of the scenic Lake Starnberg South of Munich, Germany.
The workshop will discuss challenges in neutron reflectometry to study Bragg rods and surface reconstruction, porous interfaces, wetting and de-wetting, solid-liquid interfaces, soft interfaces, lateral structured systems, instrumentation and techniques, magnetic structures and interfaces.
Invited speakers include
- Tilo Baumbach (KIT)
- Stuart Clarke (Cambridge University)
- Björgvin Hjörvarsson (Uppsala Universitet)
- Sean Langridge (ISIS)
- Dieter Lott (HZG)
- Stefan Mattauch (JCNS)
- Peter Müller Buschbaum (Technische Universität München)
- Ullrich Pietsch (Universität Siegen)
- Oliver Seek (DESY)
- Jochen Stahn (PSI)
- Hanna Wacklin (ESS)
- Hartmut Zabel (Ruhr-Universität Bochum)
The start of the workshop is scheduled such that also participants of the SNI conference can easily reach the venue on time.
OrganiserWolfgang Kreuzpaintner (TUM), Peter Böni (TUM), Thomas Gutberlet (HZB)
Contact NameDr. Wolfgang Kreuzpaintner
E-Mail URL Phone+49 (0)89 28914740
AddressTechnische Universität München
James-Franck-Straße 1
85748 Garching
World Conference Center Bonn, Germany
German Conference for Research with Synchrotron Radiation, Neutrons and Ion Beams at Large Facilities 2014
A wealth of excellent research results have been obtained in the last years through the use of large facilities for the investigation of condensed matter. Experiments with neutrons, synchrotron and ion radiation offer complementary poss ibilities to illuminate the properties of matter in all its facets. For the third time (following the conferences 2006 and 2010), scientists from a variety of disciplines will gather at a SNI for presenting results and exchanging ideas at this showcase of joint research at research centres and universities. A special open session will be devoted to presenting research highlights tailored to the general public.
OrganiserGerman Committee “Condensed Matter Research at Large Facilities” (KEKM)
Contact NameProf. Dr. Ulrich Pietsch
E-Mail URL Phone+49 (0) 271 740 3755
PrintIle d’Oléron, France
Since more than 20 years, the French Neutron Scattering Society (SFN) organizes a neutron school during its annual meeting. In 2014, “les 22èmes Journées de la Diffusion Neutronique” (JDN22) will be held from September 21-26 at the “ile d’Oléron” (France). The 3.5 days school will be devoted to “Neutron and Crystallography” (September 21-24) and will be followed by the “Rencontres Rossat-Mignod” (Sept. 24-26), giving the opportunity for the scientists to exchange their latest results and trends.
The School aims at an audience including researchers and academics as well as beginners or advanced graduate students or post-docs in Solid State Physics, Chemistry and Material Science (expected number of participants is 80). The training objectives of the school are:
- to highlight the specific contribution of neutron scattering for studying the wide variety of crystalline materials with respect to other techniques,
- to present the different neutron techniques (diffraction, reflectometry, 3-axes spectroscopy, … ) with their most relevant limitations and their application fields,
- to promote exchanges between the participants and the senior researchers and well-trained users working on large scale facilities.
Introductory lectures (crystallography, properties of neutrons and neutron sources) will be given at the beginning of school before detailing more specific techniques for neutron measurements applied to the various problems (nuclear structure / dynamics / magnetism) and studied materials (powder / single crystal / thin film) as well as the main technical characteristics associated with spectrometers.
Practicals on data analysis will be organized to complete the theoretical training.
The whole training will be published in a volume of the “collection SFN” (EDP sciences). All previous published books can be dowloaded via (free access).
OrganiserJ.M. Kiat, P.E. Janolin (SPMS, Ecole Centrale Paris), F. Porcher, B. Gillon (LLB, CEA/Saclay), M.T. Fernandez-Diaz (ILL, Grenoble)
Contact NameDr. Arnaud DESMEDT, chairman of SFN
E-Mail URL
Ismaning, Germany
First held in 2012, the annual Design and Engineering of Neutron Instruments Meeting (DENIM) has already established itself as a regular engineering workshop in the field of neutron scattering instruments.
The meeting offers engineers from all over the world the chance to network with colleagues from other neutron scattering centres to foster the exchange of ideas and experiences. Engineers from ISIS (UK), Delft University (The Netherlands), CSNS (China), ESS (Sweden), ANSTO (Australia), NIST (USA), SNS (USA), PSI (Switzerland), Forschungszentrum Jülich (Germany) and the MLZ (Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum, Germany) have already taken advantage of this opportunity and took part in DENIM 2012 at ISIS and DENIM 2013 at the SNS. Eighty attendees came together to discuss engineering challenges and solutions, shared ideas and instrument designs, as well as presenting current projects they were working on.
The MLZ, together with its cooperation partners Technische Universität München, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Forschungszentrum Geesthacht, is pleased to announce that it has been chosen to host DENIM 2014 at the Research Reactor Munich (FRM II) in Garching, and looks forward to playing its own part in this success story.
The organizers hope that the synergy effects already established will be further strengthened and the different disciplines in the technical world of science brought closer together.
OrganiserMLZ, TUM, Forschungszentrum Jülich and Forschungszentrum Geesthacht
Contact NameSimon Staringer
E-Mail Phone+49-89-289-10713
PrintSydney, NSW, Australia
The 2014 PNCMI (Polarised Neutrons for Condensed-Matter Investigations) International Conference will be held in Sydney, NSW, Australia, on 15 – 19 September 2014. The conference will cover the latest condensed-matter investigations using polarised neutrons and state-of-the-art methodologies and techniques of polarised-neutron production and utilisation for novel instrumentation and experiments, with emphasis on prospects for new science and new instrument concepts.
The conference will include a tour of the polarised-neutron facilities at the OPAL Research Reactor at ANSTO.
- Multiferroics and chirality
- Strongly correlated electron systems, including superconductors
- Frustrated and disordered systems
- Magnetic nanomaterials
- Molecular magnetism
- Thin films and multilayers
- Soft matter and biology
- Imaging
- Instrumentation and methods, including nuclear polarisation, Larmor techniques, and depolarisation
- Complementary techniques (NMR, XMCD, …)
- Facility reports
Contact E-Mail URL PrintEPS Campus, Grenoble, France
This HERCULES Specialized Course will address non-crystallographic X-ray and neutron scattering techniques for structural biology and soft matter with a focus on small angle scattering, reflectometry and fibre diffraction. An introduction to the theory as well as recent state-of-the-art examples from a multitude of systems (proteins, polymers, membranes, fibres, colloids etc.) will be presented as well as recent developments in sample environment and data analysis. Furthermore, two practical days on two ILL instruments (D17 and D33) and two ESRF beamlines (BM02 and BM29) will be proposed. The course is aimed at PhD students, postdocs and scientists in the field of physics, chemistry and biology who want to learn more on the theoretical background, practical aspects and applications of these techniques.
You can download the programme here
Application deadline: 1 June
OrganiserFrank Gabel (IBS and ILL), Anne Martel (ILL), Petra Pernot (ESRF), Adam Round (EMBL Grenoble)
Contact NameFrank Gabel (IBS and ILL), Anne Martel (ILL), Petra Pernot (ESRF), Adam Round (EMBL Grenoble)
E-Mail URL PrintValle Aurina (Bolzano), Italy and Institut Laue Langevin Grenoble, France
Giornate Didattiche della SISN 2014
Introduction to neutron techniques for condensed matter studies, with applications to Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Earth sciences
The Learning Days organized by the Italian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy are addressed to degree and specializing students, PhD students, post-doc and young researchers interested in acquiring the basic principles of neutron spectroscopy, in understanding the advantages and potentialities of this technique, and in exploiting it for their research.
The Learning Days are characterized by two sessions. The first session provides the students with the fundamentals of neutron spectroscopy and the basic principles of data analysis. The lectures on the basic theoretical and experimental tools will be paralleled by tutorials about data analysis.
During the second experimental session the students will carry out real neutron scattering measurements at the most important facility for neutron research: the high flux reactor of the Institut Laue-Langevin (ILL) in Grenoble, France.
Deadline for applications: 30 April 2014
Further information will soon be provided on the website of Società Italiana di Spettroscopia Neutronica under the link “Scuole SISN”. Please also consult the document attached.
OrganiserItalian Society of Neutron Spectroscopy
Contact NameEleonora Guarini
E-Mail URL Download
Haifa, Israel
Israel Institute of Technology warmly invites you to join in at ECIS2014 – the 28th Conference of the European Colloid and Interface Society to take place at the Dan Carmel Hotel and the Technion—Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, 7-12 September, 2014. The meeting is organized as a joint effort of representatives from the 6 major Israeli universities.
ECIS2014 aims to bring fundamental and emerging trends in all aspects of colloid science, and to provide opportunities for chemists, physicists, biologists and engineers to exchange knowledge and promote collaborations. We especially encourage young scientists to attend and present their work, and to benefit from the vibrant scientific environment.
The program will begin on Sunday evening with a reception, and will continue until midday on Friday. Prior to the meeting we will hold a 2.5-day training course on electron microscopy (EM) and cryo-electron microscopy (CryoEM) methods. The meeting further hosts a COST action workshop on Colloidal Aspects of Nanoscience for Innovative Processes and Materials.
In the updated site kindly find detailed information on the venue, topics, invited speakers, ECIS training course, presenting opportunities, prizes, important dates, sightseeing, and more. Please note that the site is now open for registration and abstract submission.
OrganiserThe meeting is organized as a joint effort of representatives from the 6 major Israeli universities.
Contact URL PrintJülich and Garching, Germany
The course consists of two parts: a series of lectures, combined with the opportunity to take part in neutron scattering experiments. The lectures encompass an introduction to neutron sources, along with scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research are be presented.
Lectures are held at Forschungszentrum Jülich and the experiments take place at the neutron facilities of the Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Zentrum in Garching near Munich.
The aim of the course is to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique of neutron scattering and its scientific potential. Forschungszentrum Jülich supports students from out of the area with free accommodation and half-board. Travel stipendia for foreign students are also available.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and WWU Münster
Contact NameMrs. B. Köppchen
E-Mail URL Phone+49 2461 61-4750

Paris, France
Welcome to Condensed Matter in Paris!
“Condensed Matter in Paris” is an international conference covering all aspects of condensed matter physics, including soft condensed matter, liquid physics, biophysics, materials science, quantum physics and quantum simulators, low temperature physics, quantum fluids, strongly correlated materials, semiconductor physics, magnetism, surface and interface physics, electronic, optical, structural, and mechanical properties of materials, acoustics, and disordered media. An important place will be granted to interdisciplinary topics as well as to the development of research infrastructure in Europe.
The scientific program will consist of a series of plenary and semi-plenary presentations and mini-colloquia. Within each mini-colloquium, there will be invited lectures, oral contributions and posters.
“Condensed Matter in Paris” is jointly organised by the Condensed Matter Divisions of the French Physical Society SFP and of the European Physical Society EPS, and will unite the 14th Journées de la Matière Condensée (JMC14) and the 25th Conference of the Condensed Matter Division of the EPS (CMD25) in a single event.
“Condensed Matter in Paris” is the next in the series of biyearly JMC and CMD conferences, the last of which were held in Montpellier and Edinburgh, respectively. It will also host the biyearly French-Singaporean workshop on physics, which, this year, will have “Graphene” as its main theme.
The meeting will be held from August 24th through August 29th, 2014, between the Luxembourg gardens and Port Royal in the heart of Paris.
Keep yourself informed!
If you wish to be informed of new events related to Condensed Matter in Paris, simply create an account (this is not a registration) and we will keep you up to date!
OrganiserCondensed Matter Divisions of the French Physical Society SFP and European Physical Society EPS
Contact E-Mail PrintHelmholtz-Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB), Berlin, Germany
The third international school on Neutron Scattering Applications to Hydrogen Storage Materials will be held in August 20 – 29, 2014 at the HZB.
The school will introduce you to the basics of hydrogen storage and show what kind of information can be provided by neutron scattering techniques.
Contact NameDr. Margarita Russina
E-Mail URL
Phone+49 (030) 8062-43159
PrintBrockhouse Institute for Materials Research at McMaster University, Canada
What: A three-day workshop on the “The Role of Magnetic Symmetry in the Description and Determination of Magnetic Structures”. Hands-on tutorials on the exploitation of magnetic symmetry in ISODISTORT, FullProf, JANA and the Bilbao Crystallograpic Server. Lectures will address both theory and practice. See for details.
When: August 14-16, 2014
Where: Brockhouse Institute for Materials Research at McMaster University. An outstanding summer venue with many scenic attractions nearby (e.g. Toronto and Niagra Falls).
Why: A great deal of new infrastructure (software, data and standards) is evolving rapidly in support of the use of magnetic symmetry to solve/refine magnetic structures. Don’t miss this opportunity to catch up.
Who: Presenters include
- Mois Aroyo (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain)
- Stuart Calder (Oak Ridge National Lab, USA)
- Branton Campbell (Brigham Young University, USA)
- John Greedan (McMaster University, Canada)
- J. Manuel Perez-Mato (Universidad del Pais Vasco, Spain)
- Vaclav Petricek (Institute of Physics, ASCR, Czech Republic)
- Vladimir Pomjakushin (Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland)
- Juan Rodriquez-Carvajal (Institut Laue Langevin, France)
- Wieslawa Sikora (AGH University of Science and Technology, Poland)
How much: Student residence-hall accommodations. Low registration fees. Young-scientist travel bursary awards still available.
Contact NameBranton Campbell (BYU Dept. of Physics & Astronomy)
E-Mail URL Phone01-801-422-5758
PrintInstitut Montana, Zug, Switzerland
The PSI summer school 2014 is dedicated to the topic: Exploring time, energy and length scales in condensed matter. International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge not only about these scientific topics but also about the main methods applied at PSI large-scale facilities to understand the phenomena, which are presently at the forefront of modern solid state physics and chemistry.
Large-scale facilities such as neutron, muon and synchrotron sources offer a wide variety of techniques to reveal the secrets of condensed matter. Scattering, spectroscopy and imaging experiments enable to study a topic from different scientific points of view and to contribute to fundamental and applied research projects. In this school the focus is on the study of dynamic processes at different time and length scales looking at the electronic, magnetic and structural properties of condensed matter using the capabilities of the large-scale facilities. Evening lectures will draw the attention to the importance of time, energy and length scales in other scientific fields.
Following the school a practical training is offered at PSI. It will allow a limited number of participants to get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation using photons, neutrons, and muons.
- Early registration: April 30, 2014
- Grant application: April 30, 2014
- Regular registration: June 30, 2014
Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI)
Contact NameDaniela Jahns (conference secretary)
E-Mail URL Phone+41 56 310 4223
Address Paul Scherrer Institut5232 Villigen PSI

Montreal, Canada
The Scientific Program has been defined and we anticipate an extremely robust offering of presentations not only by Plenary, Keynote and Invited speakers, but also by authors from around the world who are submitting their abstracts for oral and poster presentation.
Important dates
- Abstract Submission Deadline: February 11
- Early Bird Registration Deadline: Before and until May 1
- Speaker / Poster Presenter Registration Deadline: May 1
+1 (613) 993-9495
AddressCongress Management Office
Michèle Bourgeois-Doyle, Congress Manager
Congress and General Assembly of the International Union of Crystallography
Conference Services Office
National Research Council Canada
1200 Montreal Road, Building M-19, Room 274
Ottawa, Ontario Canada
K1A 0R6
PrintUniversity of Lisbon, Portugal
The 9th Liquid Matter Conference will take place at the University of Lisbon, Portugal, 21-25 July 2014. The conference will start on the morning of Monday 21 July 2014, and finish around lunchtime on Friday, 25 July 2014. The purpose of this conference is to bring together scientists working on the liquid state of matter and closely related topics, such as soft matter and biophysics. The rapidly growing field covered by this conference series therefore includes the physics, chemistry, biology, and chemical engineering of liquid matter as well as several areas of applied research.
The conference will consist of plenary lectures, topical symposia with keynote lectures and contributed oral presentations, as well as poster sessions. The highlights of the conference will be published in a special issue of the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter.
- Ionic Liquids and Liquid Metals
- Water and Solutions
- Liquid Crystals
- Polymers, Polyelectrolytes, Biopolymers
- Colloids
- Films, Foams, Surfactants, Emulsions
- Confined Fluids, Interfacial Phenomena
- Supercooled Liquids, Glasses, Gels
- Driven Systems, Rheology and Nanofluidics
- Active Matter
- Biological and Biomimetic Fluids
Important dates
- The deadline for abstract submission is 1 February 2014.
- Notifications of acceptance will be sent by 31 March 2014.
University of Lisbon (UL) and the School of Engineering of the Lisbon Polytechnic Institute (ISEL), on behalf of the European Physical Society
Contact NameDr Paulo Teixeira
E-Mail URL Address9th Liquid Matter Conference – Liquids 2014
c/o Dr Paulo Teixeira
Área Departamental de Física
ISEL- Instituto Superior de Engenharia de Lisboa
Rua Conselheiro Emídio Navarro 1
P-1950-007 Lisbon
PrintUniversity of Warwick, Coventry, UK
The International Conference on the Structure of Surfaces series provides a forum to assess the status of atomic-scale and nanoscale structure determination of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures, and the relationships between such structure and physical and chemical properties.
Topics include atomic positions, bond lengths and bond angles of clean and adsorbate surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures; nanoscale morphology; their roles in determining electronic, optical, vibrational, chemical and dynamic properties; applications to phase transitions, disordering, defect formation, crystal growth, interface diffusion, segregation and chemical reactivity.
OrganiserIOP Thin Films and Surfaces Group
Contact NameInstitute of Physics
E-Mail URL PrintNordita, Stockholm, Sweden
In a frustrated system, competition between interactions hinders the tendency towards forming an ordered state, allowing for the emergence of new physical phenomena. This programme will bring together experts in the field of frustrated and critical magnetism as well as younger researchers, to discuss recent developments, explore connections between different areas of research, and generate new ideas.
Topics of interest include:
- Quantum spin liquids in theory and experiment
- Spin ice, classical and quantum: monopoles, dynamics, and topological order
- Criticality in magnetic and constrained systems
- Frustration in context: multiferroicity, charge degrees of freedom, and disorder
Application deadline: 28 February 2014
There is no fee for participation in the program. A limited number of travel grants will be available to PhD students and postdocs for participation in the program.
Contact NameARDONNE, Eddy (chair)
E-Mail URL AddressNordita, Stockholm
Room: 132:028
PrintParis, France
After the two first Neutrons and Food conferences in Sydney (2010) and in Delft (2012), “Neutrons and Food 3” will be held inside Paris at “La Maison du Lait” from Wednesday 9th to Friday 11th of July 2014, and is co-organized by AgroSup Dijon and Laboratoire Léon Brillouin. It will be preceded by an introduction to Neutron Scattering and a visit of the reactor Orphée at the French National Center for Neutron Scattering (Laboratoire Léon Brillouin) at Saclay, nearly 30km from Paris, for interested attendees.
Neutron Imaging
A satellite meeting on “Neutron Imaging” is organized
from Monday 7th afternoon to Wednesday 9th
morning at Saclay. A common session between
the “neutron imaging workshop” and the “neutrons
& food 3” conference will happen the Wednesday
9th morning.
Important dates
- 10-February 2014: Opening of the registration
- 16-May-2014: Abstract submission deadline – EXTENDED
- 16-May-2014: Early registration deadline
- 15- June- 2014: Registration deadline
AgroSup Dijon and Laboratoire Léon Brillouin
Contact URL PrintDESY, Hamburg (Germany)
The 13th Surface X-ray and Neutron Scattering conference will take place in 2014 from the 7th to the 11th of July in Hamburg (Germany) on the DESY site.
The scope of SXNS13 is to bring together scientists from different research areas that are using surface sensitive x-ray and neutron scattering and complementary techniques for the characterization of solid and liquid surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures in order to exchange new exciting scientific results and recent developments of the techniques. Special emphasis will be put on in-situ characterization under processing or operation conditions.
The following topics will be covered:
- Interfaces during growth
- Structure of interfaces
- Electrochemically active interfaces
- Nanostructured surfaces and interfaces
- Interfaces during chemical reactions
- Dynamics of surfaces, interfaces and nanostructures
- Bio-relevant interfaces
- Magnetism at surfaces and interfaces
- Development of novel techniques, instruments and sources
Important dates
- Deadline for abstract submission: 7th March 2014
- Confirmation of talks: April 2014
- Deadline for registration: 15th May 2014
Contact NameMatthias Kreuzeder or Susanne Weigert
E-Mail URL Phone+49 (0)40 8998-4130 or 1893
Notkestraße 85
22607 Hamburg
PrintCampus Saint Martin d’Hères Grenoble, France
Following the long history and continuity of SCES the conference in Grenoble will cover a wide range of subjects in the diverse field of strongly correlated electron systems. SCES emphasizes the fundamental physics of strongly correlated electron systems that span from bulk materials including f-electron based heavy fermions, d-electron based compounds, and organic materials to artificial materials such as nanoscale structures as well as cold atoms in optical lattices.
- Heavy fermion physics (including valence and/or charge fluctuations)
- Quantum phase transitions and quantum criticality
- Non-Fermi liquid phenomena
- Unconventional superconductivity
- Kondo physics in bulk materials and nanoscale structures
- Metal-insulator transitions
- Quantum magnetism and physics of frustration
- Ferroics and multiferroics
- Correlated atoms in optical lattices
- Topological aspects of strongly correlated systems
Important dates
- Registration: 15 May
- Abstract submission: 27 February
Cambridge University in Cambridge, UK
This international conference will focus on recent developments in the study of the phenomenon of frustration in magnets. It will feature presentations reporting on experimental and theoretical studies of magnetic frustration, in all of its manifestations.
This conference follows in the series of HFM 2012 (Hamilton, Canada), HFM 2010 (Baltimore, USA), HFM 2008 (Braunschweig, Germany), HFM 2006 (Osaka, Japan), HFM 2003 (Grenoble, France) and HFM 2000 (Waterloo, Canada).
OrganiserSteve Blundell, Steve Bramwell, Claudio Castelnovo (chair), John Chalker, Oleg Petrenko
Contact E-Mail URL PrintDubna, Moscow region, Russia
The topics of the Conference will highlight results of interdisciplinary research and development of neutron instruments and techniques, including:
- Functional and nanostructured materials;
- Magnetic colloid systems;
- Layered magnetic nanostructures;
- Carbon nanostructures;
- Materials under extreme conditions;
- Soft condensed matter (biological nanosystems, lipid membranes, polymers);
- Lattice and molecular dynamics of materials;
- Texture and properties of rocks and minerals;
- Residual stresses in materials and products;
- Neutron imaging;
- Development of IBR-2 instruments;
- Development of neutron scattering techniques;
- Development of neutron detectors.
Programme of the Conference includes plenary reports (40 min), topic reports (20 min) and poster presentations.
The Working languages – Russian and English.
OrganiserJoint Institute for Nuclear Research (JINR)
Contact NameYulia Gorshkova (Scientific secretary)
E-Mail URL Phone7 (496-21) 62774
AddressFrank Laboratory of Neutron Physics
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research
141980 Dubna Moscow Region
PrintILL, Grenoble, France
The final meeting of the NMI3-II Data Analysis workpackage (WP6) will take place on the June 17th 2014 afternoon, at the ILL, Grenoble, France. This meeting will be held in the Seminar Room of the brand new Science building, in collaboration with the Integrated User Access workpackage (WP5, 17th in the morning).
The tentative WP5 meeting topics are (June 17th 9am, Science Building, Seminar room ground floor) :
- welcome (9 am)
- final report on cross facility beam time access (K. Pranzas, F. Casurghi)
- first version of software package prototype on integrated user registration and proposal submission (N. Leidel)
- discussion on requirements for software prototypes
The tentative WP6 programme is the following (June 17th 2pm, Science Building, Seminar room ground floor) :
- Welcome (2 pm)
- Presentation of Task 2 report (D6.2)
- Task 3/4 (D6.3/4) pre-report: status of prototypes and their evaluation
- Outcome of the WP6
- end of the meeting (6 pm)
Contact NameGiovanna Cicognani
E-Mail URL

Oak Ridge, Tennessee, USA
The workshop is designed for graduate students, post-doctoral researchers and faculty with knowledge of protein function and structure but no or limited experience of neutron sciences.
Subjects include:
- Crystallography
- Small Angle Scattering
- Reflectometry
- Spectroscopy
- Imaging
- Labeling techniques
Course Objectives
- Educate participants in neutron scattering techniques, instrumentation and data collection, analysis and interpretation.
- Expose participants to cutting-edge research in neutron structural biology.
- Build interactions between participants, their university groups, and ORNL neutron scattering experts to develop new research projects.
Course Information
- Fellowships: Travel and accommodation costs are reimbursed for participants from U.S. institutions. There are no registration fees for any participant.
- Application Deadline: Currently open and will end April 18, 2014.
Contact NameFlora Meilleur
E-Mail URL Phone865.576.2779
AddressMolecular & Structural Biochemistry
North Carolina State University
Neutron Scattering Sciences Division
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
PrintGrenoble, France
The Université Joseph Fourier in Grenoble, France, is organizing, for the third consecutive year, a bachelor summer program to attract more undergraduate students in Science especially in subjects related to large scale facilities.
It is a 6 weeks program with a 45 hours French course including cultural visits and a 60 hours scientific course taught in English.
Three scientific courses are available among which ‘Introduction to large scale facilities: probing matter with synchrotron and neutron radiation’.
This course will consist of lectures, tutorials and practicals, as well as visits of ILL and ESRF. Students are welcome to participate.
For partner universities, there are no tuition fees.
Grants associated with a research institute in Grenoble may also be available for the best students willing to spend a couple of weeks until the end of July in a research environment.
Application deadline: 22nd of March
OrganiserUniversité Joseph Fourier
Contact NameSophie de Brion
E-Mail URL
DownloadPrintForschungszentrum Jülich, Germany
The availability of highly efficient, large-area, position-sensitive neutron detectors is of the highest importance in current and future research with neutrons. This Workshop will focus on the development of a wide range of neutron detectors covering many applications. Of particular interest at the present time is the development of detectors for existing and future spallation neutron sources. The Workshop will offer an outstanding opportunity for scientists and engineers, interested in neutron detection methods and technologies to meet and discuss their ideas with colleagues from around the world.
Deadline for paper submission: April 15th
OrganiserRalf Engels (FZ Juelich), Nigel Rhodes (STFC), Thomas Wilpert (HZB), Karl Zeitelhack (FRM II)
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadPrintSunstar Hotel, Grindelwald, Switzerland
The 13th International Conference on Muon Spin Rotation, Relaxation and Resonance (μSR2014) will be held in Grindelwald, Switzerland, from Monday, June 1st to Friday, June 6th, 2014. It is organized by the Paul Scherrer Institut (PSI), the University of Zurich and the University of Fribourg. The conference provides a forum to researchers from around the world with interests in the applications of μSR to study a wide range of topics including condensed matter physics, materials and molecular sciences, chemistry and biology. The Conference will consist of invited and contributed talks as well as poster sessions.
Registration deadline: February 15, 2014
OrganiserPaul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
Contact NameMrs. Isolde Fuchs
E-Mail URL Phone+41 56 310 4666
AddressPaul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI
Crowne Plaza Knoxville in Knoxville, Tennessee
Hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory and sponsored by the Neutron Scattering Society of America, this 7th conference in the series will feature a combination of invited and contributed talks, posters sessions, tutorials and an industrial exhibit.
- Plenary & Prize Sessions (Invited speakers only)
- Sources, Instrumentation and Software
- Hard Condensed Matter
- Soft Matter
- Biology
- Materials Chemistry and Materials for Energy
- Engineering and Industrial Applications
- Neutron Physics
Nomination for Invited Speakers Ends November 20, 2013
Abstract Submission Opens January 6, 2014
Abstract Submission Ends March 10, 2014
Sponsored by the Neutron Scattering Society of America (NSSA) and hosted by Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Contact NameJaime A. Fernandez-Baca
URL Phone(865)576-8659
AddressOak Ridge National Laboratory
P. O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6393
PrintEttore Majorana Centre, Erice, Italy
Diseases, from bacterial and viral infections to cancer to chronic maladies, are still among the greatest problems for mankind, in spite of tremendous progress in genetics, biology, and chemistry. Approaches to developing new treatments have changed over time, and so have the methodologies used, in order to solve the varied, new, challenging problems that may happen on the path to drug discovery. Together with ever-evolving experimental techniques, a variety of computational approaches have been applied at the various stages of the drug design process, and in the past two decades structure-based drug design has become one of the mainstream approaches. This method can be used to target protein-ligand and protein-protein interactions and nowadays is applicable to all aspects of drug discovery, including lead identification, lead optimization, ADMET prediction, and drug repurposing.
The scientific plan includes a session on High Resolution Protein-Ligand Interactions by X-rays and Neutrons.
Contact NamePaola Spadon
E-Mail URL PrintFIAP Paris
Workshop on “Magnetic Diffraction from Single Crystals at the ESS”
The LLB is engaged by in-kind contribution in the design of neutron instrumentation at the European Spallation Source (ESS) Sweden, specifically for magnetic diffraction from single crystals . A strong potential is anticipated for single crystal diffraction by neutron time-of-flight Laue techniques benefiting best from the ESS pulse structure and providing new opportunities to study microscopic samples under extreme conditions, temperature, magnetic field and pressure.
The meeting is organized by the LLB and aims to evaluate the new perspectives for magnetic single crystal diffraction at the ESS. We intend to join neutron experts and potential users in the field to gather the most important scientific community needs.
The meeting (limited to 30 participants) will start at 11:00 on Monday May 26th and end at 17:00 on Tuesday May 27th. Organizers will provide lunches and coffee breaks.
Participants will have a possibility to present a 10-20 minutes talk. Considerable part of time will be reserved for an informal discussion.
No registration fees are required, however for organization purpose, you have to register before March 31st by e-mail to .
OrganiserLaboratoire Léon Brillouin, LLB
Contact NameArsen Goukassov
E-Mail URL
CE de Saclay
91191, Gif sur Yvette
DownloadPrintBudapest, Hungary
8th Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering:
Insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter.
CETS provides insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists.
Registration deadline
11th April 2014
Budapest Neutron Centre
Contact NameAdél Len, Emoke Szabó, Margit Fábián
E-Mail URL Phone+36-1-392 2222 / 1344
AddressH-1121 Budapest
Konkoly Thege út, 29-33

EMBL Heidelberg, Germany
The conference programme is designed for biochemists, molecular and structural biologists who are interested in molecular machines. It should provide an overview of how structural biology, and more generally biophysical techniques can be applied to different biological problems. The techniques covered in the programme include classical high resolution structural biology techniques such as electron microscopy, crystallography and nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy, as well as fluorescence, mass spectrometry, small angle scattering and chemical biology.
The aim of the conference is to show the interdisciplinary nature of the diverse experimental approaches and promote a modern way of thinking, where barriers between specific expertises are crossed. The sessions are organised according to the biological questions, ranging from gene expression to cell division. Experts in the different techniques will present their work back to back, showing the multiplicity of routes that can be followed to understand molecular machines in the cell.
Registration deadline: 27 March 2014
Abstract deadline: 9 March 2014 (10.00 pm C.E.T.)
T. Carlomagno, J. Chin, J. Puglisi
Contact NameEMBL Course and Conference Office
Phone+49 6221 387 8346
PrintVacation Centre “Les Bruyères”, Carcans-Maubuisson, Gironde, France
The Bombannes summer school is devoted to the practical «state-of-art» approach to scattering methods, using neutrons, as well as X-ray and light sources – today’s key techniques to study structure and dynamics in systems containing colloids, polymers, surfactants and biological macromolecules. Since 1990 the Bombannes school series introduces, on a fundamental level, the current methodology of static and dynamic scattering techniques and their applicaiton to soft matter systems. It provides with a period of 2 years advanced training for young researchers with a working place in European laboratories at post-graduate and post-doctoral level.
Contact NameP. Lindner
E-Mail URL AddressInstitut Laue-Langevin, Grenoble, France
ISIS facility, STFC Rutherford Appleton Laboratory
- An introduction to muon techniques
- Applications of the muon technique in magnetism, superconductivity, semiconductors, and organic materials
- Lectures, practical aspects and hands-on experience of muon experiments
Registration opening
31st January 2014
Deadline for applications
28th February 2014
Contact NameDr Peter Baker and Dr Fiona Coomer
E-Mail URL
L’Escandille, Auntrans (30km from Grenoble)
QENS 2014
QENS2014 aims to highlight topical scientific activities in the investigation of the dynamics of matter using quasi-elastic neutron scattering and to envision new applications. For neutron users it is the ideal showcase for their research. Newcomers will get a good overview over the scientific potential via contact with experts in the field. The conference program will take account of the increasing need for computer simulation and for theory support in data interpretation and will place QENS in the context of complementary techniques.
WINS 2014
The aim of the workshop is to overview recent developments, forthcoming projects and practice of inelastic & quasi-elastic neutron spectrometers. Related issues such as development of data analysis software, auxiliary devices and outlook for future scientific efforts will be also of concern. We’ll put a particular focus on comparison of dynamics in single crystals investigated using TAS and T-o-F.
Contact NameLaurence Tellier
E-Mail URL
Phone+33 4 76 95 32 02
Route de la Sure
38880 Autrans
DownloadPrintGrenoble (France)
The purpose of this school is to train students and scientists in the use of atomistic simulation tools to analyze and interpret neutron scattering data. Lectures on simulation and analysis methods will be followed by examples adapted to the fields of interest of the participants. The school will focus mainly on practical training using a range of simulation and analysis codes on personal computers and the cluster at ILL, so the number of participants will be limited to 30.
Contact E-Mail URL AddressMDANSE 2012
(Attn Brigitte Dubouloz)
Institut Laue Langevin
6, rue Jules Horowitz, BP 156
F-38042 GRENOBLE Cedex 9
PrintTartu, Estonia
BNS 2014 primarily addresses graduate students, post-doctoral fellows and scientists who are new to the field of neutron scattering. A series of lectures and “hands on”- tutorials by experienced scientists will introduce different neutron scattering techniques for investigations of structure and dynamics of condensed matter in various scientific fields
like e.g. nanotechnology, magnetism or biology. The neutron scattering methods covered include quasi- and inelastic scattering, triple axis spectroscopy, small angle scattering, reflectometry, high-pressure experiments or diffraction. Students and young scientists will be given the opportunity to present their own research in short talks and poster sessions.
Limited support for attending BNS will be available for students upon request.
Important dates
- Abstract submission: February 28
- Application for student support: February 28
- Registration and payment of participation fee: March 31
Institute of Physics, University of Tartu
Contact NameJörg Pieper
E-Mail URL Download
Ettore Majorana Foundation and centre for Scientific Culture, Erice (Sicily, Italy)
Introduction to the theory and techniques of neutron scattering and applications to Cultural Heritage
Application is now open for the XII School of Neutron Scattering (SoNS) “Francesco Paolo Ricci”: Introduction to the theory and techniques of neutron scattering and applications to Cultural Heritage.
The school will be held at the ETTORE MAJORANA FOUNDATION AND CENTRE FOR SCIENTIFIC CULTURE, Erice (Sicily, Italy) as a specialized course within the International School of Solid State Physics (Director: Giorgio Benedek), between the 30th April and the 9th of May 2014.
Application deadline: 1st April 2014
Contact NameRoberto Senesi (University Rome Tor Vergata and CNR, I) and Cirino Vasi (CNR, I)
E-Mail URL Address“Ettore Majorana” Foundation and Centre
Monastero San Rocco (Isidor I. Rabi Institute)
Via Guarnotta, 26
91016 ERICE, Italy
PrintSan Francisco, California
The 2014 Materials Research Society Spring Meeting will be held April 21-25 in San Francisco, California. The MRS Spring Meeting has grown considerably in recent years, and this meeting looks to be the largest yet. The scientific sessions include many emergent areas of materials research as well as some well-established ones.
Fifty-seven symposia will comprise the technical core of the meeting. The symposia are grouped into the following topical clusters:
- Materials for Energy
- Soft Materials and Biomaterials
- Electronic and Photonic Materials
- Nanomaterials
- General Materials Science, Theory and Characterization
- Symposium X
Materials Research Society (MRS)
Contact NameJose A. Garrido, Sergei V. Kalinin, Edson R. Leite, David Parrillo, Molly Stevens
E-Mail URL PrintHomerton College, Cambridge, UK
This conference will bring together the broad and diverse community interested in the physics of soft and biological matter, which includes liquids, liquid crystals, polymers, colloids, membranes, interfaces, cellular biophysics, and biological macromolecules.
The programme will span a number of key cross-cutting themes, including self-assembly and patterning, rheology, biomimetics, non-equilibrium phenomena, as well as molecular imaging, optical methods and spectroscopies, which are all relevant to the wide range of length- and time-scales present in these fascinating systems.
Key dates
- Abstract submission deadline: 20 January 2014
- Early registration deadline: 10 March 2014
- Registration deadline: 4 April 2014
IOP Biological Physics Group, IOP Liquids and Complex Fluids Group, IOP Molecular Physics Group and IOP Polymer Physics Group
Contact E-Mail URL Phone+44 (0)20 7470 4800
AddressInstitute of Physics
76 Portland Place
United Kingdom
PrintUniversity of Warwick, UK
NMUM is an opportunity for UK neutron and muon users to get together to hear about the latest neutron and muon science, ISIS and ILL facility developments, and other matters that affect you, and to discuss and provide feedback on these matters.
Programme and online registration will be available shortly.
Contact URL PrintFRM II, Garching, Germany
The European Neutron & Muon Press Officers’ network will meet once again in Garching.
The agenda includes:
- Discussion on (including a presentation on by Sara Fletcher and on the Neutron Pathfinder by Karin Griewatsch)
- Discussion on a Conference on PR activities in large scale facilities
- Press Officers’ mailing list
And in the afternoon we will have a:
- Science Communication session (talks by Sara Fletcher, Ina Helms, and Andrea Voit)
Inês Crespo, FRM II / NMI3
Contact NameInês Crespo
E-Mail DownloadPrintThe University of Manchester, UK
Magnetism 2014 will include three main themes of thin films & nanostructures, correlated electrons and soft matter magnetism. However, the umbrella nature of the conference means we welcome all aspects of magnetic and spintronic related research. In future years the conference will adapt to reflect contemporary trends in magnetism
OrganiserIOP Magnetism Group
Contact NameInstitute of Physics
E-Mail URL Phone+44 (0)20 7470 4800
PrintTU Dresden, Hörsaalzentrum
DPG Frühjahrstagung (Spring Meeting) of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) with the divisions and working groups:
- Biological Physics
- Chemical and Polymer Physics
- Dielectric Solids
- Thin Films
- Dynamics and Statistical Physics
- Semiconductor Physics
- and the working group Semiconductor
- Magnetism
- and the working group Magnetism
- Metal and Material Physics
- and the working group Metal and Material Physics
- Mikroprobes
- Surface Science
- Physics of Socio-Economic Systems
- Low Temperature Physics
- Vacuum Science and Technology
- Crystallography
- Working Group Industry and Business
- Working Group young DPG
- together with the Accelerator Physics
Deutsche Physikaalische Gesellschaft e.V.
Contact NameDr. Bernhard Nunner
E-Mail URL PrintInstitut Laue Langevin, Grenoble, France
Studying Kinetics with Neutrons
The meeting will focus on results, new applications and future prospects for time-resolved Small Angle Neutron Scattering and Neutron Reflectometry with typical time scales from micro-second to seconds. The scope of the symposium is to bring together scientists from different fields of physics, chemistry, biology, materials with neutron experts.
Invited speakers
P. Bender (Germany), M. Cárdenas (Denmark), M. Hollamby (United Kingdom), K. Huber (Germany),U. Keiderling (Germany), T. P. Lodge (United States), S. Mühlbauer (Germany), M. Nakano (Japan), T. Sottmann (Germany), F. Testard (France), L. Willner (Germany)
Important dates
Abstract deadline: January 28, 2014
Notification of acceptance: February 7, 2014
Registration dead line: February 21, 2014
Opening Session: March 24, 2014
Please register through the link below.
OrganiserR. Campbell, I. Grillo, L. Porcar, R. Schweins, A.Wiedenmann (Chair)
Contact NameKarine Sultan
E-Mail URL DownloadPrintBad Honnef, Germany
DescriptionEfficient energy conversion and storage are the enabling technologies towards a safe and reliable energy solution employing fuel cells and batteries in a wide range of applications such as stationary, automotive, and grid storage. Their commercial success, however, requires drastic cost reduction and further performance improvement.
The development of innovative fuel cell and battery materials relies on our ever-expanding knowledge about the electrochemical reaction and degradation mechanisms. This is made possible by advanced analytical tools including novel imaging and spectroscopic techniques. These analytical tools are particularly useful if they are applied in-situ, when the material is “at work”. This seminar will highlight recent advances in this area, bringing the fuel cell and battery communities together to discuss strategies for future success.
There is a session on “Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation, X-Ray Diffraction.
Deadline for submission of contributions: December 20, 2013
OrganiserHelmholtz-Institut Ulm
Contact E-Mail URL PrintHenry-Ford-Bau Berlin, Germany
The scope of this 22nd DGK annual meeting is to show the diversity of crystallography as an interdisciplinary science. We are very glad that a number of renowned scientists, representing all different fields of crystallography, have accepted our invitation for a plenary lecture.
Conference Topics
Crystallography in materials sciences
- Crystallography of modulated and aperiodic structures
- Crystallography in health and life sciences
- Advanced methods in crystallography
- Crystallography in earth sciences and environment
- Crystallography in cultural heritage/museum
Prof. Susan Schorr
E-Mail URL PrintBerlin, Germany
The Berlin Neutron School is one of the oldest established neutron schools. It was founded in 1980 by Prof Hans Dachs and is organised by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB). The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to neutron scattering with an emphasis on hands-on, practical experience using the instruments at the BERII reactor.
The first three days of the school consist of detailed lectures on the principles and techniques of neutron scattering followed by a tour of the instruments and an introduction to sample environment. As well as the course lectures given by members of HZB, external guest lecturers will be invited to review current issues in the field of neutron research. Previously Prof Michael Steiner (ENSA) has discussed the future of neutron sources in Europe and Dr Dimitri Argyriou (ESS) has discussed the planned European Spallation Neutron Source.
After attending the lectures the students begin the hands-on experiments. They are divided into groups of four to five people from similar subject areas and do triple-axis spectroscopy, powder diffraction, small angle scattering, reflectometry, time-of-flight spectroscopy, tomography and residual stress analysis under the guidance of the instrument scientists. The experiments last three hours each and take place over three and a half days. On the penultimate day we will hold a students’ poster session which will give the students the opportunity to present their work and discuss how neutron scattering could benefit their research with the HZB scientists. The poster session will be followed by the Neutron School dinner. Finally, on the last day of the school the students will attend lectures on how to use neutron scattering as a tool for research in various subject areas e.g. biology, chemistry, engineering and physics.
OrganiserHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin
Contact NameBella Lake
E-Mail URL
Jülich, Germany
Computational materials physics is concerned with the complex interplay of the myriad electrons and atoms in a solid, thereby producing a continuous stream of new and unexpected phenomena and forms of matter. An extreme range of length, time, energy and entropy scales gives rise to the complexity of an extremely broad range of solids and associated properties.
There are literally hundreds of thousands of solids. Some solids exhibit useful or exotic phases, such as ferroelectricity, magnetism, superconductivity, or take on exotic states of matter such as the heavy fermion state. Other solids exhibit interesting metal to insulator transitions or show transversal, quantum and non-equilibrium transport processes, to mention but a few.
Every day, new solids are synthesised or grown and novel properties are discovered. These solids find applications as present and emergent materials with specially-designed functionalities on which technological advances in fields such as information technology, energy harvesting, storage and conversion, material science, chemistry and even biology depend.
It sounds rather miraculous, but the formation and stability of all solids and their properties are encoded in the statistical physics and quantum theory of the many electrons in the solid interacting via the Coulomb potential. Therefore, the Schrödinger equation of many electrons provides a fundamental theoretical concept for the understanding of a large variety of quantum phenomena that could be exploited in future technological devices.
The exact solution for this type of Schrödinger equation in a solid is not yet in sight. Instead, over the past decades, powerful theoretical concepts have been developed that allow effective approximations, aimed at reducing complexity while retaining those ingredients necessary for a reliable description of the physical effects in the system.
The approximations of the quantum many-body problem may be roughly divided into three different classes: wave function based methods, ab-initio density functional approaches, and realistic model Hamiltonians, that are solved in part with sophisticated and highly specialized many-body methods such as renormalization techniques or quantum Monte Carlo.
Due to the length and the time scales of the systems investigated, the complexity of the interactions and the possible degree of non-equilibrium, this field has benefited tremendously from the exponential growth of computer resources, in part with new computer architectures. Adapting existing computer codes or developing new codes for these new infrastructures is an increasingly pressing and demanding issue in computational based research. OrganiserJülich Centre for Neutron Science
Contact NameMichael Beißel
E-Mail URL Phone+49 2461 61-1739
AddressForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Peter Grünberg Institut / Jülich Centre for Neutron Science
52425 Jülich
DownloadPrintRutherford Appleton Lab
The ISIS Practical Neutron Training Course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques.
Contact NameRoss Stewart, Alex Hannon, Ann Terry
URL PrintGrenoble, France
Neutrons & Synchrotron Radiation for Science
This school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications).
It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities.
The ~4-week school is a yearly event, established in 1991.
The next HERCULES session will take place from February 23rd to March 26th, 2014.
OrganiserUniversite’ Joseph Fourier and Grenoble INP
Contact URL Phone+33.(0)
Maison des Magistères, 25
Rue des Martyrs, BP 166
38042 Grenoble Cedex 9
Chadwick Amphitheatre, ILL
The use of neutrons in structural biology has become increasingly powerful and sophisticated in recent years. In particular, over the last decade, improvements in sources, instrumentation and sample preparation have revolutionized the scope of neutron scattering studies of biological systems. Furthermore the use of complementary techniques (such as synchrotron radiation, NMR, EM) now makes neutron scattering one of the most powerful approach in obtaining structural and dynamical information over a wide range of length scales and timescales.
This meeting will focus on highlighting recent results in fundamental biology and biotechnology. The meeting will also consider the future of the field and the implications for the type of science that can be considered as well as for the instruments required.
Abstract submission deadline : 10th January 2014
Registration deadline : 31st January 2014
Contact NameKarine Sultan
E-Mail URL DownloadPrintILL, Grenoble, France
The fourteenth Reimei International Workshop on “Spin Current and Related Phenomena” will be held at the ILL, Grenoble, France, on February 10-13, 2014.
“Reimei” means “Dawn” in Japanese, and it is the name of a collaborative research program run by the Advance Science Research Center of the JAEA.
In this workshop, specialists in spintronics, as well as in a few related fields of magnetism, such as actinide physics and neutron scattering, will get together and discuss recent results and future collaborations.
In the evening of February 9 (Sunday), an informal dinner will be arranged by the ILL. In addition to the formal program from February 10-12, Thursday, February 13, is devoted to free discussions.
OrganiserILL and Advanced Science Research Center, JAEA
Contact E-Mail URL AddressInstitut Laue Langevin
6, rue Jules Horowitz
38042 Grenoble, France
DownloadPrintIndian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune
All important aspects of neutron scattering including facilities, science and applications will be covered. There will be contributed poster sessions and invited talks by experts within and outside India. A Pre-Conference School on Neutron Scattering that includes hands-on experiments is also being organized.
The conference would include the application of neutron scattering to the following topics:
- Strongly Correlated Electron Systems
- Functional Materials
- Critical Phenomena and Phase Transitions
- Energy and Green Materials
- Soft Matter and Biological Systems
- Nanomaterials
- Thin Films and Multilayers
- Neutron Instrumentation
Bhabha Atomic Research Centre, Mumbai; UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Mumbai Centre; Indian Institute of Science Education and Research (IISER), Pune; Neutron Scattering Society of India
Contact E-Mail URL DownloadPrintTelephone call
NMI3 members will discuss possibilities for the European Commission H2020.
Contact NameMiriam Forster
E-Mail PrintMinistère de l’Enseignement supérieur et de la Recherche (M.E.S.R.), 1 rue Descartes – 75231 Paris
The European Spallation Source (ESS) – the future world-leading neutron source, which is being built in Sweden and Denmark – is getting ready for construction. France has been a strong supporter of this project from the very beginning and has significantly contributed to the pre-construction phase and to the Technical Design Report. ESS is a greenfield European project and will rely on the expertise and know-how of French institutes and industry to be successful.
In advance of the ESS breaking ground in mid 2014, the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research (M.E.S.R.) and the European Spallation Source will present the status of the project, the collaboration possibilities for French organisations, in addition to business opportunities for French companies.
OrganiserESS, CEA, CNRS, Irfu
Contact NameESS: Ute Gunsenheimer
E-Mail URL
Phone+46-46-888-31 64
PrintFederal Ministry of Environment, Bonn, Germany
he European Spallation Source (ESS) – the future world-leading neutron source, which is being built in Sweden and Denmark – is getting ready for construction. Germany has been a strong supporter of this project from the very beginning and has significantly contributed to the pre-construction phase and to the Technical Design Report. ESS is a greenfield European project and will rely on the expertise and know-how of German institutes and industry to be successful.
In advance of the ESS breaking ground in mid 2014, the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) and the European Spallation Source will present the status of the project, the collaboration possibilities for German organisations, in addition to business opportunities for German companies. German partner organisations, including Research Center Jülich (FZJ), Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron (DESY), GSI Helmholtz Center for Heavy Ion Research, Helmholtz Center Geesthacht (HZG), Karlsruhe Institute for Technology (KIT), FRM II (the Neutron Reactor Heinz Maier Leibnitz in Munich) and the Committee for Neutron Research (the representation of the German Universities working in the Neutron Research area) will present areas of competence, which are relevant for building the ESS accelerator, target station, and scientific instruments.
Contact NameESS: Ute Gunsenheimer
E-Mail URL
Phone+46-46-888-31 64
PrintFrankfurt, Germany
NMI3 will join forces with the synchrotron I3, CALIPSO , to create a combined Industrial Advisory Board (IAB) composed of 7 experts from each project. The IAB will help define future, optimal use of neutron, muon and X-ray facilities by industry considering issues like:
- opportunities for industry to engage in research at central European facilities;
- promoting new opportunities and provision of appropriate training;
- industry-specific issues related to proprietary and pre-competitive R&D;
- the operational strategy of the European facilities concerning, for example, suitable instrumentation, access methods and efficient production of results.
To register please click here.
Programme update – 27/11/2013
Please download below
Contact NameMiriam Forster
E-Mail URL
HZB, Berlin-Adlershof
To present and discuss current state of the art usage of synchrotron and neutron methods in industrial research an international workshop is organized by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie GmbH operating and offering access to the synchrotron source BESSY II and the neutron source BER II. A number of invited presentations are given by industrial users and researchers highlighting state of the art investigations with synchrotrons and neutrons in important areas as e-mobility, smart materials or photovoltaics. The presentations are given in English and german.
The one day workshop is a satellite workshop to the 5th Joint BER II and BESSY II User Meeting on Dec. 4-6 at HZB and is free of charge to the participants. The organizers acknowledge kindly the financial supported by the FP7 EU Access Programs Calipso and NMI3-II to the workshop.
Registration is free of charge via the workshop webpage:
Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin (HZB)
Contact NameDr. Thomas Gutberlet
E-Mail URL
Phone+49 (030) 8062 - 42778
DownloadWorkshop on Industrial Research Using Synchrotron and Neutron Methods - flyer
PrintLaboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay, France
The LLB organises, from December 2 to 5, 2013, the “Annual School on Neutronics” addressed to researchers who would like to initiate or become acquainted with experimental techniques used on neutron scattering in condensed matter.
Deadline for registration : October 13th 2013
!! Be careful these trainings are fully delivered in French language !!
OrganiserLaboratoire Léon Brillouin, LLB
Contact NameAlain Menelle
E-Mail URL Phone+33-1-69-08-96-99 +33-6-81-67-14-6101 69 08 60 38 ou 54 17
AddressLaboratoire Léon Brillouin
Secrétariat Scientifique
CEA Saclay 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Thermec 2013 in Las Vegas (USA)
Modern and upcoming neutron- and synchrotron radiation facilities bear the potential of novel characterization and analysis methods for the un-precedented understanding of materials as they have been developed very recently or will show up in the future.
The Topic Symposium builds on the success at Thermec’2011 in Québec seeking contributions from the following list, relevant to applied or fundamental materials analysis:
- novel and potential instrumentation, including sources, beamlines and devices, and their pioneering applications to materials
- novelties from synchrotron, free-electron-laser, energy-recovery linac, nuclear reactor and spallation sources
- emerging techniques, such as comprehensive data analysis into multiple dimensions
- exotic methods, such as coherent beam scattering, nuclear resonance, correlations spectroscopy
- inelastic scattering emerging into applied materials
- time resolved investigations on all scales, according to the forefront in the field
- pump-probe and relaxation processes
- in-situ studies on materials to increase productivity or to obtain information under extreme conditions
- high resolution in space and reciprocal space
- combination of methods such as imaging, diffraction, microscopy, electron diffraction
- applications to exotic materials, such as amorphous, nano-crystalline, disordered or unstable structures
- state-of-the-art applications in engineering and materials modeling, supported by such as strain scanning and texture analysis
K.D. Liss (Australia) , B. Clausen (USA), S. Harjo (Japan), M. Drakopoulos (UK)
Contact NameK.D. Liss
E-Mail URL PrintAINSE, Lucas Heights
The AANSS conference is the annual get-together of the Australian neutron scattering community. It is attended by scientists working in physics, chemistry, biology, crystallography, instrumentation, engineering and applied materials, software, medical imaging and therapy, from a range of institutions including Australia’s and New Zealand’s largest universities and government laboratories.
The conference will consist of invited talks, short oral presentations from the submitted abstracts and informal poster session. The AANSS meetings are oriented towards presentations from students and ECRs, although all attendees are encouraged to submit abstracts.
Important Dates
Deadline for ‘Early bird’ registrations – discounts apply: 25 October 2013
Deadline for all registrations: 20 November 2013
Contact NameRachel Caldwell
E-Mail URL Phone+612 9717 3376
DownloadPrintTechnical University of Munich, Garching campus, Germany
The Business meeting has the aim of giving a very brief feedback on the progress of each workpackage. In case workpackage leaders can not attend, they are requested to either send a short (!) presentation with their statements to the coordinator or to delegate the report to a WP colleague. This specific meeting will mainly be used for discussion on a potential of future proposal under H2020.
Therefore the Board and Advisory Committee are invited.
The resp document (draft workprogram) has been circulated.
Please register to the meeting through this link.
For useful information regarding accommodation, transportation and restaurants in the area, please download the pdf file below.
OrganiserInês Crespo, FRM II / NMI3
Contact NameInês Crespo
E-Mail DownloadPrintTechnical University of Munich, Garching campus, Germany
Members of the NMI3’s Integrated User Access collaboration will meet in November 28 afternoon (from about 2PM to 6PM). Please register if you plan to attend the meeting.
Contact NameFlavio Carsughi
E-Mail URL
DownloadPrintTechnical University of Munich, Garching campus, Germany
Members of the NMI3 Advanced Neutron Tools for Soft and Bio-Materials JRA will meet in Garching to discuss developments within the project.
The meeting will be held in the 27th afternoon and 28th whole day.
Juergen Peters
E-Mail URL DownloadPrintILL, Grenoble, France
Scientific scope :
FPSchool aims to contribute to the training of scientists in treatment of X-ray and neutron diffraction data. The school is based on intensive hands-on sessions using the computer programs of the FullProf Suite.
The 6th FPSchool will take place the Institut Laue-Langevin in Grenoble from 18th to 22nd November 2013(*). The lectures and tutorials will give the essential tools necessary for an efficient use of the FullProf Suite at an average level. In addition to general applications, magnetic structure determination and refinement will be specifically addressed.
Lectures :
The school lasts 4 full-days: three days dedicated to general applications plus one day dedicated to the analysis of magnetic diffraction data.
There are 6 theoretical modules plus 10 practical hands-on sessions. For the practical sessions, participants should bring their own computers with FullProf Suite already installed.
Participants :
The school is aimed at PhD students and experienced scientists with a basic knowledge on diffraction techniques and crystallography. As usual, among the participants there will be a mix of different levels of experience in using FullProf. It is recommended, to those who consider themselves beginners, to read the FullProf manual in advance and even try to follow any of the online tutorials.
The maximum number of participants is limited to 30, which ensures the quality of the given training. The selection of candidates is based on the motivation letter and CV (plus a recommendation letter from the thesis supervisor for PhD students). If necessary, a criterion of balance between laboratories and countries is applied. For information, the acceptance rate is about 1:3.
(*) Note there is an optional excursion organised Saturday 23rd November, so you may need to do your travel in order to stay an extra day.
OrganiserInstitut Laue-Langevin, ILL
Contact NameJuan Rodríguez Carvajal and Gabriel Cuello
E-Mail URL
Zaragoza, Spain
Members of the European Neutron Scattering Association (ENSA) will meet in November 5-6 in Zaragoza, Spain.
- November 5: meeting from 16h00 to 20h00
- November 6: meeting from 8h00 to 12h00
DescriptionIn the framework of the future RD51 activities, we agreed to organize series of specialized topical workshops helping to disseminate MPGD applications beyond fundamental physics, where potential users and industry could meet together.
We would like to bring to your attention that the next RD51 Collaboration Meeting at CERN in October will take place in conjuction with the Special workshop “Detecting Neutrons with MPGDs”.
OrganiserRD51 Collaboration
Contact NameRopelewski, Leszek
E-Mail URL
PrintDCC, Daejeon, Korea
The IGORR Conference (IGORR 15th) organised in cooperation with the IAEA will be in October 2013 (13th to 18th) and will be host by KAERI in Daejeon (South-Korea).
It will be combined with an Embedded IAEA technical meeting on Research Reactors Ageing Management and Operation & Maintenance.
OrganiserIGORR and IAEA
Contact NameDr Gilles BIGNAN
E-Mail URL PrintMurnau, Germany
An international workshop organized by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science entitled
Single Crystal Spectroscopy:
Multi-TAS or TOF?
will be held at the Hotel Ludwig in Murnau, Germany. The workshop will start in the afternoon of 10th October and will end on 11th October.
The workshop is a satellite workshop to the JCNS-Workshop on magnetism and correl ated electron systems (7 – 10 October, 2013, Tutzing, Germany).
Three-axis spectrometers are recognized as the instruments of choice for single crystal spectroscopy. Permanent improvements and upgrades using modern neutron optics and technology guarantee their success.
With recent upgrades several three-axis spectrometers install or develop optional multiplexing secondary spectrometers. Getting more information in one scan it is expected to measure faster and more efficient.
Also single crystal TOF technique is improved and gives hope to be a powerful complement – or alternative – to TAS spectroscopy.
In this workshop we would like to discuss necessities, possibilities and constraints of existing and upcoming multi-TAS systems. As they will bridge the gap between standard TAS-technique and large detector instruments we would like to distinguish from single crystal TOF methods and learn from their experiences. One major objective will be the status and request on software for planning measurements and analyzing data and their directions.
Important dates
- Deadline for submission of abstracts: July 1, 2013
- Notification of acceptance: July 15, 2013
OrganiserJülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) and MLZ
Contact NameRainer Bruchhaus
E-Mail URL Phone+49-89-289-10745
DownloadPrintTutzing, Germany
This international workshop organized by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science will be held at the Evangelische Akademie Tutzing, Germany. The workshop will begin after lunchbreak on October 7 and will end on October 10, 2013.
Neutron scattering has proven to be a key method for achieving a deep insight into the physics associated with magnetic phenomena and correlated electrons. Our basic understanding of crucially important topics such as the magnetic structure of complex materials in bulk, thin films or nanoparticles, the mechanism behind magnetic phenomena and superconductivity, spin dynamics in highly correlated electron systems etc. depend on and benefit immense from research with neutrons.
The aim of the international workshop jointly organized by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science is to bring together experts in neutron scattering, materials synthesis, the application of complementary methods and theory in order to discuss the current status of the field and identify future trends and challenges for the application of neutron scattering.
For more information please see the attached pdf.
OrganiserJülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS)
Contact NameRainer Bruchhaus; Franziska Michel
E-Mail URL Phone+49-89-289-10700
DownloadPrintAmmersbek (near Hamburg) and Hamburg, Germany
The Autumn School will provide a systematic overview of application of neutrons and synchrotron radiation to the structural analysis of engineering materials. Students and young scientists from research and industry from all of Europe interested in this field are welcome to participate.
The school will take place from 7 to 11 October 2013 in Ammersbek (near Hamburg) and Hamburg. The focus of the practical training will be this time on synchrotron experiments. Therefore the participants will spend two days doing experiments at HASYLAB/DESY.
The participation fee includes accomodation and food for the duration of the school as well as the book “Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation in Engineering Materials Science” which has resulted from previous autumn schools with the same title.
OrganiserHZG, University of Göttingen, CAU Kiel, TU Berlin, HZB and TU Leoben
Contact NameNicola Kampner
E-Mail URL Phone+49 (0)4152 87-2555
AddressHelmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Centre for Materials and Coastal Research
Max-Planck-Str.1, 21502 Geesthacht, Germany

Gif-sur-Yvette, France
The deadline for beamtime proposals at LLB is the 1st of October.
Contact NameAlain Menelle
URL PrintGrand City Hotel Globus Berlin, Ruschestraße 45, 10367 Berlin
The joint Vitess and McStas teams invite interested participants to a common neutron Monte-Carlo simulation school and workshop to be held from 18 to 20 September, 2013, in Berlin, at the Grand City Hotel Globus Berlin, Ruschestraße 45, 10367 Berlin.
This workshop addresses diploma and PhD students, postdocs and staff members working or intending to work on neutron instrumentation simulations or virtual experiments. The preliminary programme of the workshop includes:
Day 1:
Introduction and tutorials for both software packages, Vitess and McStas. This session in the main addresses new users or those who would like refresh their basic knowledge. Hands-on tutorials will complete this session.
Day 2:
Advanced features of both packages demonstrated by examples, talks and hands-on tutorials.
Day 3:
Vitess and McStas users will present their own work, general discussion and feedback will complete this session.
Experienced users might want to skip the first day of the workshop. The number of participants is limited to 25. The registration is open until 4th of September 2013.
Contact NameKaren Diederichsen
E-Mail URL
Phone(030) 8062 - 42031
PrintLaboratoire Léon Brillouin, CEA Saclay, France
Workshop at the LLB – “structure of disordered systems”
Opening celebration of the new 7C2 spectrometer
Topics :
- Simple liquid (atomic, molecular and metallic)
- Complex liquids (polymeric , ionic, mixtures and solutions)
- Liquids under extreme conditions (high pressure, confinement, levitation, electric field, stress.. )
- Glasses for applications (oxides, chalcogenides, )
With a willingness to address all current methods of measurement and data analysis (numerical simulations, X-ray, NMR, EXAFS, IR .., potential to ESS).
To enter on the Saclay site, you have to register. For that, please send an email with your institute, name, surname, nationality, date and place of birth to before Septembre 9th.
OrganiserLaboratoire Léon Brillouin, LLB
Contact NameAlain MENELLE
E-Mail URL
DownloadPrintPhysics Department at the Garching campus of Technische Universität München, Germany
In the recent years, modern scientific methods have led to a wealth of information in Archaeology and Cultural Heritage Research concerning the composition of artefacts both on a molecular level and on the mechanical built of objects than cannot be dismantled without destroying them. X-ray methods from radiography to fluorescence have become widespread, but the potential of neutron methods has barely been tapped. Neutrons easily penetrate thick layers of metals, even lead, while revealing organic material like wood, leather or bones in sealed metal or stone containers. Two- and three-dimensional imaging provides visual information, while neutron activation analysis delivers elemental composition information, and neutron scattering reveals alloys and textures.
With modern detectors, Neutron Imaging can even be performed at low-power research reactors; the application for cultural heritage research gives rise to new uses to elder small research reactors throughout the world, which is explicitly supported by IAEA.
NINMACH addresses archaeologists and conservators from museums and universities and aims to illustrate the potential of neutron methods in cultural heritage research. Talks and posters will be presented by physicists and archaeologists who have already employed neutron methods successfully; attendance is explicitly recommended for scientists who are completely new to neutron methods and want to learn about the possibilities at neutron sources throughout the world.
OrganiserInternational Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
Contact NameElisabeth Jörg-Müller
E-Mail URL Address Physics Department at Technische Universität München HS 1James-Franck-Str. 1
85748 Garching
PrintParis, France
This event will provide a unique worldwide opportunity to professionals in the academic and industrial research communities to share their latest scientific findings and technological developments in the fields of materials, coatings, nanosciences and surfaces. More than 150 invited speakers, including Nobel Prize winners, will present the state-of-the-art in their research fields. About 2,000 presentations will be made in 15 parallel oral sessions and 3 poster sessions. Supporting this will be an exhibition of scientific instruments, which will take place in the poster area next to the lecture halls to encourage networking amongst the delegates, and a programme of relevant short courses, delivered by experienced professionals.
OrganiserITFPC 2013/MIATEC 2013/CIP 2013/RSD 2013
Contact NameSociété Française du Vide (SFV)
E-Mail URL Phone+33(0)1 53 01 90 32
Address19 rue du Renard – 75004 PARIS (France)
PrintJülich/Garching – Germany
The Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS) at Forschungszentrum Jülich, Germany, organises in cooperation with the University of Münster (Prof. D. Richter, Dr. R. Zorn) and the RWTH Aachen (Prof. G. Heger, Prof. G. Roth, Prof. T. Brückel) a laboratory course in neutron scattering.
The laboratory course will consist of lectures and an experimental section. The lectures will encompass an introduction to neutron sources, into scattering theory and instrumentation. Furthermore, selected topics of condensed matter research will be presented. Lectures will be held at Forschungszentrum Jülich and the experimental part will take place at the research reactor FRM II in Garching close to Munich.
The laboratory course is part of the curriculum of the University of Münster and the RWTH Aachen.
It is the aim of the course to give a realistic insight into the experimental technique neutron scattering and its scientific power. Forschungszentrum Jülich supports non-local students with free accommodation and half board. Travel stipendia for foreign students are available.
Registration for the course will open in Spring 2013.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Jülich in cooperation with RWTH Aachen and WWU Münster
Contact NameDr Reiner Zorn and Barbara Köppchen
E-Mail URL Phone+49 2461 61-4750

St. Anne’s College, University of Oxford
An ideal introduction to the theory, techniques and applications of neutron scattering
About the School
The Oxford School on Neutron Scattering is intended for scientists and engineers who are new to the field of neutron scattering. Lectures and tutorials covering the theory and practice of neutron diffraction and spectroscopy are given by international experts. Students will gain a comprehensive grounding in modern techniques and applications at both continuous and pulsed neutron sources and have the opportunity to hear about the latest research being carried out with the technique.
Registration is now open for the 2013 Oxford Neutron School. The deadline for registration is the 1st May 2013. Applicants will be informed of whether they have been accepted on to the course by the 1st June.
ISIS, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, UK
Contact E-Mail URL
Tuskuba International Congress Center
We are pleased inform you that the LPBMS 2013 will be held in Tsukuba, Japan 29-31 August 2013. The conference is a continuation of the international series Synchrotron Radiation in Materials Science (SRMS), which started in 1994. The last one SRMS-7 was held in Oxford UK 11-14 July 2010 where the International Advisory Committee (IAC) recommended the conference be enlarged to incorporate Materials Research from Neutron and Muon Sources, as well as the science emerging from Synchrotron Light Sources. The LPBMS-2013 program committee will focus on strongly correlated electron systems, magnetism and magnetic materials, soft matter, interface and surface defects, catalysts, biomaterials, ceramics, archeometry and so on.
Important Dates
May 14, 2013: Deadline of abstract submission
June 14, 2013: Deadline of early registration fees
August 15, 2013: Deadline of full paper submission
August 15, 2013: Deadline of online registration
Contact URL Address2-20-3 Takezono,
Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0032
PrintLyceum Alpinum, Zuoz, Switzerland
The PSI summer school 2013 is dedicated to Materials, structure and magnetism – probed by neutrons, muons and photons. International experts and PSI staff members will introduce and deepen your knowledge about this thematic.
Following the school a practical training is offered at PSI. It will allow a limited number of participants to get hands-on experience with state-of-the-art instrumentation using photons, neutrons, and muons (August 24-26, 2013 at PSI).
OrganiserPaul Scherrer Institut (PSI)
Contact NameRenate Bercher (conference secretary)
E-Mail URL Phone+41 56 310 3402
Address Paul Scherrer Institut5232 Villigen PSI

ICNS, Edinburgh
- Instrumentation –
A challenge for European markets
This workshop is a ICNS satellite workshop and will take place on the 9th of July in the afternoon.
The target group
Procurement officers (who can refer to their national rules and standards, and also propose possibilities of harmonization);
Instrumentation engineers or scientists (who will speak about their experience with collaboration with supplier firms and their specific needs);
and of course Instrumentation supplier firms (who will have the opportunity to express their needs, like upfront involvement and harmonized standards and critical market sizes)
The aims of the workshop
Identify major challenges, bottlenecks and risks in the relationship between Research Infrastructures and Suppliers. Develop strategies to overcome these difficulties. The outcome will be communicated to the European Commission.
Possibility of “single day” admission for this event.
Contact E-Mail URL
DownloadPrintEdinburgh International Conference Centre
The next International Conference on Neutron Scattering will take place in Edinburgh, the capital city of Scotland, at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre, from 8 – 12 July 2013. ICNS 2013 will bring together scientists from a wide range of disciplines including biology, chemistry, earth science, engineering, materials science and physics.
- Abstract submission deadline: 15 February 2013 – Early registration deadline: 24 May 2013 – Registration deadline: 2 July 2013
Contact E-Mail URL PrintUniversity of Edinburgh, School of Chemistry
The European Spallation Source will host the 3rd Science & Scientists at ESS meeting in Edinburgh on July 8th, 2013 as a one-day satellite to the International Conference on Neutron Scattering, ICNS.
The meeting will focus on the scientific opportunities offered by the ESS facilities. The current status of the ESS project will be presented, along with future plans. Expert presentations will focus on the unique nature ESS as a long-pulse neutron source and how to best exploit its capabilities.
Contact URL
AddressUniversity of Edinburgh, School of Chemistry
West Mains Road, Edinburgh, Scotland
This symposium which will be held on 5-6 July 2013 aims to explore and define the opportunities for extreme conditions science at the ESS. Further information will appear here shortly on the symposium website.
OrganiserCentre for Science at Extreme Conditions (CSEC), Edinburgh
Contact NameJohn Loveday
E-Mail URL
PrintUniversity of Glasgow, Scotland
Satellite workshop of the International Conference on Neutron Scattering ICNS 2013
The dynamics of molecular units that compose materials contain key information that is indispensable in order to understand and, possibly, to attempt to control atomic bonding in condensed matter. The vast majority of complex materials such as catalysts, zeolites, polymers and most biological objects are only available in polycrystalline form. Inelastic neutron scattering experiments on dedicated time-of-flight and filter-analyser instruments provide high quality spectral distributions of vibration density in the energy domain from a few meV (tens of cm-1) to a few hundred meV (thousands of cm-1), which serve as input to, and constraints of, models of atomic bonding and even structural models of these complex compounds. The Workshop will highlight the existing experimental capabilities in the leading neutron scattering centres (ILL, ISIS, SNS and others) as well as available computational resources. The principal aim of the Workshop will consist of an exchange of results and ideas from different techniques and methods, both experimental and computational. An additional goal is to receive input from the existing community in order to identify trends in scientific directions, to define the most informative experiments to be performed as well as future needs in modelling and new instrumentation. Naturally, while emphasising neutron scattering based studies we will give sufficient space to optical and X-ray spectroscopy in order to understand what the whole community needs to enable insight into complex materials.
Abstract submission (oral/poster): 15 May 2013
Notification of acceptance of oral contributions: 15 May 2013
Accommodation at the University of Glasgow: 30 May 2013
Final Programme communication: 15 June 2013
ILL, University of Glasgow, ISIS
Contact NameLaurence Tellier
E-Mail URL Phone+33 (0) 4 76 20 70 60
PrintMunich (Ismaning), Germany
This is a satellite event to the International Conference on Neutron Scattering (ICNS).
The workshop is next in the series of Neutron Optics workshops previously held in Tokyo (2004), Villingen (2007) and Alpe d’Huez (2010). Its aims is to provide a platform for the
exchange information in all fields of neutron optics with emphasis on new concepts and recent technical developments.
According to wishes of many of our colleagues, this time the Workshop will be held in the format similar to the NOP workshop held in Tokyo in 2004 and contain an extended neutron detector session, so that it will be called the Workshop on Neutron Optics and Detectors (NOP&D-2013).
The scope of the workshop will include 1) New instrumental concepts; 2) Focusing & collimating devices; 3) Neutron guides; 4) Polarisation amd polarization analysis; 5) Neutron imaging; 6) Quantum optics; 7) Monochromators; 8) Innovative neutron optics; 9) Neutron optics instrumentation; 10) Neutron detectors, etc.
Deadline for submission of abstracts: March, 24, 2013
OrganiserJuelich Centre for Neutron Science at FRM II, Germany
Contact NameAlexander Ioffe ; Franziska Michel
E-Mail URL
Phone+49-89-289-10701 ; +49-89-289-10700
PrintCosener’s House, Abingdon, UK
DescriptionThe aims of this workshop are to demonstrate the current state of the art for the analysis of GISAS data (with particular emphasis on soft matter systems), to enable experimentalists and those developing theoretical analyses to meet and to foster improved links between the X-ray and neutron scattering communities.
Deadline for abstract submission is 31st May 2013.
OrganiserDiamond Light Source Ltd and ISIS (STFC)
Contact NameSarah Rogers, Nick Terrill, Chris Nicklin, Rob Dalgliesh, Paul Staniec
URL PrintSan Giovanni Valle Aurina (Bz) and Institut Laue Langevin Grenoble (France)
The Giornate Didattiche 2013 will take place from June 22 to July 2 2013. For more information about the school and registration please see the enclosed document (in Italian).
OrganiserSocieta’ Italiana di Spettroscopia Neutronica
Contact NameMarco Maccarini
E-Mail URL Download
Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin
The first General Assembly of the second FP7 project NMI3-II will be held at the Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (formerly the Prussian Academy of Sciences), situated at Gendarmenmarkt in the heart of Berlin.
There will be a number of satellite meetings in the same location on the 19th, 20th in the morning or 21st in the afternoon.
Please see the agenda of the General Assembly and ENMS workshop in the attached pdf file.
You can follow the registration link below.
OrganiserHelmholtz-Zentrum Berlin GmbH
Contact NameThomas Gutberlet (HZB) / Miriam Förster (NMI3)
URL DownloadPrintAkademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin
School directors will have the opportunity to present their training activities during 2012, with potential evolvements and evtl. future ideas.
The NMI3 Advisory Committee will present the outcome of the evaluation of the schools held throughout 2012.
The aim of the meeting is to identify synergies or evtl shortcomings in the actual training landscape.
Contact NameMiriam Förster
DownloadPrintElite Hotel Ideon, Lund, Sweden
This symposium will bring together current and future users of neutron techniques in the biomedical sciences to discuss common challenges and future opportunities at ESS.
The meeting will examine the question of what is needed to overcome perceived barriers to a broader range of applications of neutron research in the life science communities. We hope to demonstrate to the participants at this meeting that the ESS will be an important resource for the life sciences that can be integrated into their regular streams of research and our main aim is that the meeting will initiate novel neutron research in a broad future user community.
The meeting will have a combined focus on life science challenges that may be solved with the use of neutrons, together with presenting existing expertise and on-going developments in neutron science.
The programme will include keynote and invited lectures from leading researchers in life sciences as well as from neutron scattering experts describing current state-of-the art applications and support technologies.
Molecular biology, biochemistry and biophysics, biotechnology and biomaterials, and biomedical research.
Registration: 120 eur
Abstract and registration deadline: 19th of April
OrganiserUniversity of Copenhagen and MoreLife Network at Lund University
Contact NameHanna Wacklin, ESS, Esko Oksanen, ESS, Sindra Petersson Årsköld, ESS, Lise Arleth, University of Copenhagen, Bente Vestergaard, University of Copenhagen, Marite Cardenas, University of Copenhagen, Jens Lagerstedt Lund University
PrintVeliky Novgorod, Russia
The workshop on “Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya Interaction and Exotic Spin Structures” will be held in Veliky Novgorod from 28 May to 1 June 2013. Petersburg Nuclear Physics Institute takes the initiative to organize this workshop aiming to give a floor to the participants for the exchange of ideas and recent achievements. We will welcome among conference visitors the leading scientists in the field of investigations of the structural and magnetic properties of noncentrosymmetric crystals and artificial structures.
OrganiserPNPO, Crystallography Institute RAS, Institute for High Pressure Physics, General Physics Institute of RAS
Contact URL PrintKFKI campus, H-1121 Budapest, Konkoly Thege str. 29-33, Hungary
7th Central European Training School on Neutron Scattering: insight into neutron scattering techniques and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter
The aim of this school is to provide insight into neutron scattering techniques (small-angle neutron scattering, triple axis spectroscopy, neutron reflectometry, prompt gamma activation analysis, neutron diffraction, time of flight spectroscopy and neutron radiography) and their application for studies on structure and dynamics of condensed matter. Comprehensive experimental skills and guidance in result interpretation are going to be conveyed. The school will be a forum for the presentation and discussion of actual research works of young scientists.
Organiser Wigner Research Centre for Physics, Institute for Solid State Physics and Optics, Neutron Spectroscopy Department, Budapest Neutron Centre Contact NameAdéL Len
E-Mail URL Phone+36-1-392 2222 / 1344
AddressKonkoly Thege út, 29-33
H-1525 Budapest, P.O.B. 49

Paul Scherrer Institute (PSI), Villigen, Switzerland
Finite fossil fuel reserves and growing environmental concerns have lead to an increase of interest in so-called renewable energy sources such as wind, solar or water energy. Consequently, the conversion and storage of energy and the supply of synthetic fuels will become more and more important in the near future.
This symposium will bring together experts from the fields energy research and scientists from the neutron scattering community. In the context of this symposium energy research will refer to synthetic fuels, solar cells, fuel cells and batteries and materials for turbines (wind and/or water). Emphasis will be put on sample environment, in particular for in-situ and operando experiments; on correlations between structure and transport processes, on interactions of materials with their ambient environment; and on synergies with synchrotron radiation and muon spin spectroscopy. The symposium will cover all topics from diffraction to spectroscopy and imaging.
OrganiserESS, PSI
Contact NameJan Peter Embs
E-Mail URL Phone+41 56 310 5392
AddressPaul Scherrer Institut
5232 Villigen PSI
PrintSwiss spallation neutron source SINQ
The next DEADLINE for the submission of beam time requests for the Swiss spallation neutron source ‘SINQ’ will be May 15, 2013, midnight.
Herewith we call for proposals for the beam time period II/13 between 01/10/2013 and 23/12/2013.
New users are kindly asked to contact the instrument responsibles before submitting a proposal to discuss instrumental options and reasonable beam time requests.
Please make use of the option to link related previous proposals with their experimental reports to the new one. A proper mention of previous results will provide a certain ‘bonus’ during the evaluation process. This new feature replaces the previous option to submit ‘continuation proposals’.
Guidelines for the proposal submission and further useful information can be found on the SINQ webpages:
The following instruments will be open for new proposals in cycle II/13:
Powder Diffractometers : HRPT, DMC
Single Crystal Diffractometer : TriCS
Strain Scanner : POLDI
Small Angle Scattering : SANS-I, SANS-II
Reflectometer : AMOR
Triple Axis Spectrometers : TASP, RITA-II, EIGER
Time-of-Flight Spectrometer : FOCUS
Radiography, Imaging : NEUTRA, ICON (cycle for imaging experiments will start on Sep 1)
(*): The new thermal triple-axis spectrometer EIGER is available for user operation since a couple of months and is ready to receive proposals. Interested users are kindly requested to contact the instrument responsible in advance of submitting a proposal to discuss the feasibility of the planned experiments:
Further detailed information about the SINQ instruments can be obtained here:
Please note, the feasibility of complex experiments should always be discussed in advance with the instrument and sample environment responsibles.
Proposals should solely be submitted electronically via the
PSI Digital User Office ‘DUO’:”:
SINQ is part of the ‘NMI3-Access Program’ of the European Commission. Users from eligible countries might be supported by reimbursement of travel and accommodation costs. For further info please have a look at:
AddressPaul Scherrer Institute
User Office
CH-5232 Villigen – PSI

European Photon and Neutron Science Campus, Grenoble, France
This EMBO practical course will cover the use of small angle scattering (SAS) of both neutrons and X-rays for the determination of the structures of biological macromolecules. Particular attention will be paid on this course to sample preparation and the analysis and interpretation of SAS data in a biological context. The aim of this course is to enable the participants to maximise the information gained from the SAS technique in their future experiments.
Contact URL AddressEuropean Photon and Neutron Science Campus
6 rue Jules Horowitz
FRM II in Garching bei München, Germany
This workshop aims at bringing together expert users in grazing incidence scattering (from the x-ray as well as the neutron scattering communities) to discuss the challenges and available tools for the modelling and data analysis of GISAS experiments.
- Registration:
Registration is free of charge.
Send an email to, indicating your name and institution.
Walter Van Herck
E-Mail URL AddressJülich Centre for Neutron Science, Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Outstation at FRM II
Lichtenbergstraße 1
85747 Garching, Germany
Geneva, Switzerland
The school addresses PhD students, postdocs, and professionals working in areas where characterization of adsorbed macromolecules is essential, and who would either like to be introduced to the available state-of-the-art techniques or to deepen their knowledge in those. The school may also be of interest to researchers in surface based sensors, functional coatings, or biofilms. The school will mainly focus at novel technical developments and data interpretation, rather than on applications to specific systems.
OrganiserUniversity of Geneva
Contact NameMichal Borkovec
E-Mail URL PrintGif-sur-Yvette, France
The deadline for beamtime proposals at LLB is the 1st of April.
Contact NameAlain Menelle
URL PrintBerlin, Germany
The workshop aims to bring together experts in simulation techniques, data visualization and data reduction with instrument scientists and neutron users to discuss requirements, possibilities and options for future data analysis and simulation capabilities at large scale neutron facilities. The workshop will focus on the development of current software tools and platforms and identify requirements in specific techniques and methods. The goal is to give the audience a schematic overview of the different levels of data analysis from browsing, reduction, screening and visualization of data to fitting and interpretation in terms of a model.
Full information on program, invited speakers, venue, workshop fee and accommodation please find at the workshop webpage.
Registration is open via the workshop webpage.
Organiser ILL, DTU and HZB Contact URL
PrintEast Midlands Conference Centre, Nottingham, UK
ISSC-19 is the latest meeting in the series of interdisciplinary surface science conferences covering all experimental and theoretical aspects of surfaces, interfaces and nanoscale physics and chemistry.
Like its predecessors, the 19th meeting in the Interdisciplinary Surface Science Conference series (ISSC-19) will focus on the most recent advances in surface science, interface physics and chemistry, nanoscience and thin film growth. The UK has a long standing tradition in surface science in both Physics and Chemistry Departments and investigating the physical and electronic structure of surfaces and interfaces is now an underpinning science across a range of different materials areas. These include addressing issues from organic thin films to semiconductor nanostructures and metallic clusters to biological interfaces, as well as the impact of surface science on technologically important areas such as energy materials. The latest developments in surface characterisation techniques will also be featured.
OrganiserIOP Thin Films and Surfaces Group
Contact URL PrintAarhus University, Denmark
The symposium will focus on the methods and results that can be obtained by neutron macromolecular crystallography and will provide an opportunity to discuss future uses of the strong neutron source that will be provided by the European Spallation Source (ESS), planned to open in Lund, Sweden in 2019.
Scientific sessions will cover the use of neutron diffraction in the study of enzymatic mechanisms (from both academic and industry points of view), protein-water interactions, as well as the use of neutron diffraction to study biological membranes and membrane proteins. Finally, the symposium will focus on the current state and developments in sample preparation as well as software for neutron crystallography.
Participation in the symposium is free of charge and open to anyone interested in applying neutron diffraction in macromolecular crystallography. PhD students are highly encouraged to participate and contribute with projects that may benefit from the future use of neutron diffraction.
Important dates
Abstract submission deadline 15 March 2013.
Registration deadline 20 March 2013.
Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Denmark
Contact NameProf. Poul Nissen, Asc. Prof. Søren Thirup and Asc. Prof. Ditlev E. Brodersen
E-Mail URL DownloadPrintUniversity of Regensburg, Germany
DPG Spring Meeting of the Condensed Matter Section (SKM) with the divisions and working groups: Biological Physics, Chemical and Polymer Physics, Dielectric Solids, Thin Films, Dynamics and Statistical Physics, Semiconductor Physics, Magnetism, Metal and Material Physics, and the working group Metal and Material Physics, Mikroprobes, Surface Science, Physics of Socio-Economic Systems, Radiation and Medical Physics, Low Temperature Physics, Vacuum Science and Technology, Crystallography, Working Group Industry and Business, Working Group young DPG
Contact URL AddressUniversity of Regensburg, Universitätsstraße 31, 93053 Regensburg.
PrintRutherford Appleton Laboratory near Oxford in the United Kingdom
The ISIS practical neutron training course will take place next year between the 5th and 14th March 2013. The course is aimed at PhD and post-doctoral researchers who have little or no experience of neutron scattering, but whose future research program aims to make use of neutron scattering techniques. The course concentrates on practical aspects of neutron scattering, using the suite of ISIS neutron instruments.
Outline of Course
- Basic Principles:
(Safety, Neutron Time-of-flight, Detectors, Neutron materials, Instrument Components, Neutron Scattering Theory)
- Soft Matter:
(Sample preperation and deuteration, Small-angle neutron scattering, Neutron reflectometry)
- Physics:
(Neutron diffraction, magnetic Rietveld refinement (Fullprof), inelastic scattering – polycrystals and single crystals)
- Chemistry and Materials:
(Powder and single crystal diffraction, Rietveld refinement (GSAS), Strain scanning, Diffuse scattering, Non-crystalline materials scattering)
- Optional Modules:
(Computational methods, Quasi-elastic scattering, Molecular spectroscopy, Polarized reflectometry)
All participants do the Basic Principles section, and then choose to follow one of the Physics, Chem and Materials, or Soft Matter components.
The course includes accommodation in Cosener’s House, Abingdon and travel expenses (within the UK) – and is FREE to participating students and post-docs.
Contact NameRoss Stewart, Ann Terry and Alex Hannon
Phone01235 446287
PrintHZB, Berlin, Germany
The deadline for beamtime proposal at HZB is the 3rd of March.
Contact URL PrintBerlin, Germany
The Berlin Neutron School is one of the oldest established neutron schools. It was founded in 1980 by Prof Hans Dachs and is organised by the Helmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB). The aim of the school is to provide an introduction to neutron scattering with an emphasis on hands-on, practical experience using the instruments at the BERII reactor.
Deadline for application: 31st October 2012
OrganiserHelmholtz Zentrum Berlin für Materialien und Energie (HZB)
Contact URL PrintJülich, Germany
Quantum Information Science (QIS) is a cross-disciplinary subject that has arisen in the last twenty years. It concerns itself with the consequences of our most complete description of the physical world (that is, quantum mechanics) for the reliable, secure, private, and rapid processing of information, both in communication and computation. While its invention is often ascribed to the famous theoretical physicist Richard Feynman in the 1980s, his contributions were only one of many that initiated the field around that time.
OrganiserJülich Institute of Solid State Research (IFF)
Contact URL
PrintGrenoble, France
Neutrons & Synchrotron Radiation for Science:
This school provides training for students, postdoctoral and senior scientists from European and non-European universities and laboratories, in the field of Neutron and Synchrotron Radiation for condensed matter studies (Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Materials Science, Geosciences, Industrial applications).
It includes lectures, practicals, tutorials, and visits of Large Facilities.
The ~4-week school is a yearly event, established in 1991.
OrganiserUniversite’ Joseph Fourier and Grenoble INP
Contact URL
ESS Headquarters and Medicon Village, Lund, Sweden
The IKON meetings are a regular forum where the technical progress of the work-packages from the various ESS member countries for the ESS neutron science programme are presented. By bringing together current and future partners, the meeting aims to provide an overview on the various activities and fertilize exchange that is vital to our success. Scientists from ESS member countries currently not engaged in-kind activities but interested in joining are encouraged to participate.
IKON4 will have a particular focus on Neutron Technologies, with a rotating system of Parallel Sessions on Choppers, Detectors and Neutron Optics during the first day and the beginning of the second day.
The Plenary Sessions on the second day will give the possibility to the in-kind partners to present the progress of their work.
Registration deadline is Feb 1st 2013.
OrganiserEuropean Spallation Source (ESS)
Contact URL
AddressESS Headquarters and Medicon Village
Tunavägen 24, Lund
FRM II, Garching, Germany
The deadline for beamtime proposal at FRM II is January 25.
Contact URL PrintFRM II, Garching, Germany
The final meeting of the NMI3-I consortium will take place at the Institute for Advanced Studies (IAS) of the Technische Universität München, Lichtenbergstraße 2 a, D-85748 Garching.
Please contact Inês Crespo (, Phone +49 89 289 14615) for any issues related to the registration.
OrganiserForschungs-Neutronenquelle Heinz Maier-Leibnitz (FRM II)
Contact NameMiriam Förster, Jürgen Neuhaus and Inês Crespo
Download RegisterYou must be a NMI3 Member to register for this Meeting
RemarkHotel reservation
We can secure a hotel room for you at Motel One in Garching for the rate of 66,50 € per night (to be paid by the participants). If you would like us to book a room in this hotel for you, please write an email to no later than October 15.
Technische Universität München, Garching
DescriptionThe NMI3-I final General Assembly will take place at the Technische Universität München, Garching. The Joint Research Activities of NMI3 will take the opportunity for organising satellite meetings.
Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
Deadline for registration: 7th October 2012
Le Laboratoire Léon Brillouin (LLB/Orphée) organise, du 26 au 29 Noveembre 2012, une “Formation Annuelle à la Neutronique” (Fan du LLB/Orphée) à l’usage des chercheurs désireux de s’initier ou de se familiariser aux techniques expérimentales utilisées en diffusion des neutrons par la matière condensée.
Tous les frais sont pris en charge par le LLB. L’hébergement des stagiaires sera assuré au centre de formation du CNRS de Gif-sur-Yvette à partir du 25 novembre au soir. Un transport en bus est organisé entre l’hébergement et le LLB ou se déroule les cours et les TP.
L’inscription à cette formation est obligatoire, le nombre de places disponibles étant limité, le LLB sélectionnera parmi les demandes d’inscription, les candidats qui pourront tirer le plus de bénéfices de cette formation. La date limite d’inscription est fixée au 7 octobre 2012.
OrganiserLaboratoire Léon Brillouin
Contact NameFormation "Fan du LLB"
E-Mail URL Phone(+33 1 69 08) 6038 or 5417
AddressLaboratoire Léon Brillouin
Secrétariat Scientifique
CEA Saclay 91191 Gif sur Yvette Cedex

Sidney, Australia
Deadline for early-bird registration: 17th August 2012
The 15th International Small Angle Scattering Conference 2012 will be held in Sydney, Australia in November 2012. The conference will showcase talent from the next generation of small-angle scatterers as well as highlight emerging areas of the field.
SAS 2012 will be held at the Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre on the waterfront of the magnificent Darling Harbour precinct. This is the first time the event has been held in this region and promises to be a world-class conference for all delegates both professionally and socially.
OrganiserThe Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
Contact NameSAS 2012 Conference Secretariat
E-Mail URL Phone(02) 9254 5000
AddressGPO Box 3270
Sydney NSW 2001
Fax: (02) 9251 3552
PrintGrenoble, France
NEWS : Deadline for abstracts is postponed to July 15
The EPDIC13 meeting will follow the established successful scheme with plenary lectures and microsymposia introduced by keynotes. Submitted contributions will be presented either orally in a session (if selected by the chair) or during the poster sessions.
A commercial and scientific exhibition will complete the program. Topics covered are instruments and methods on one side and materials on the other.
Professor Paolo Scardi EPDIC Chairman, Doctor Pierre Bordet Chair of EPDIC13
Contact URL AddressContact for registration:
For any information regarding registration and administrative handling of the conference, please send an email at with the mention “EPDIC13 conference”
For any other information regarding the conference, please contact
La Fonda Hotel 100 E. San Francisco St. Santa Fe, New Mexico 87501 USA
The workshop, titled Advanced Simulation Techniques for Total Scattering Data (16-19 October 2012) will bring together leading scientists in the areas of total scattering, local structure and advanced simulations (first-principles, force-field based techniques, and so on). Through presentations and discussions it is envisioned that collaborative efforts can be formed to promote cross-discipline research in this fast-growing field.
The workshop includes a tour of the Lujan Neutron Scattering Center. Invited speakers include Prof Simon Billinge, Prof Takeshi Egami, Prof Martin Dove, Dr Mark Johnson, Prof Alex Navrotsky and Dr Daniel Shoemaker.
Lujan Neutron Scattering Center (LANL), the Center for Nonlinear Studies (LANL) and Oak Ridge National Lab
Contact NameClaire White
E-Mail URL Phone+1 505 606 0217
AddressDirector’s Postdoctoral Fellow (LANSCE-LC / T-1)
Mailstop H805, Bikini Atoll Road SM-30
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, NM, 87545
Nikko, Japan
DescriptionJoint Conference between 10th International Conference on Queasielastic Neutron Scattering & 5th Workshop on Inelastic Neutron Spectrometer
The deadlines of abstract submission and early registration have been extended unti 20th July.
QENS2012 Scope
QENS 2012 is the Tenth International Conference on Quasielastic Neutron Scattering in fields ranging physics to biology as well as applications, instrumentation, theory and complementary techniques. The first QENS conference was held in Windsor in 1992, followed by San Sebastian (1993), Parma (1995), Nyköping (1998), Edinburgh (2000), Potsdam-Berlin (2002), Arcachon (2004), Bloomington (2006) and PSI (2009).
WINS2012 Scope
That is the workshop discussing recent developments of updated, newly comming or being planned inelastic & quasielastic neutron spectrometers. Related issues such as development works or new ideas of data analysis software, devices and futuristic science to be done on spectrometers will be also discussed. This workshop was initiated in Japan, in 2004, as WINS2004 (Tokai, Japan). Then it has been succeeded to WINS2005 (Cairns, Australia), WINS2006 (Berlin, Germany) and WINS2009 (Oak Ridge, USA).
OrganiserMasa Arai (Chair)
Contact URL
Yukinobu Kawakita J-PARC
Kenji Nakjima J-PARC)
Post address
2-4 Shirakata Shirane, Tokai, Naka, Ibaraki 319-1195, Japan
Bonn, Germany
The German Conference on Neutron Scattering 2012 – Deutsche Neutronenstreutagung DN-2012 – offers a forum for the presentation and critical discussion of recent results obtained with neutron scattering and complementary techniques. The meeting will be held in Bonn from 24th to 26th September 2012. It is organized on behalf of the German Committee for Research with Neutrons – Komitee Forschung mit Neutronen KFN – by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science JCNS of Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH. In between the large European and international neutron scattering conferences ECNS (2011 in Prague) and ICNS (2013 in Edinburgh), it offers the vibrant German and international neutron community an opportunity to debate topical issues in a stimulating atmosphere. Originating from “BMBF Verbundtreffen” – meetings for projects funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research – this conference series has a strong tradition of providing a forum for the discussion of collaborative research projects and future developments in the field of research with neutrons in general. Neutron scattering, by its very nature is used as a powerful probe in many different disciplines and areas, from particle and condensed matter physics through to chemistry, biology, materials sciences, engineering sciences, right up to geology and cultural heritage; the German Neutron Scattering Conference thus provides a unique chance for exploring interdisciplinary research opportunities. It also serves as a showcase for recent method and instrument developments and to inform users of new advances at neutron facilities.
OrganiserJülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS-2)
Contact NameMs. Barbara Köppchen
E-Mail URL Phone+49 2461 61-4750
AddressForschungszentrum Jülich GmbH
Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS-2)
52425 Jülich
Fax: +49 2461 61-2610
Rutherford Appleton Laboratory, in Oxfordshire, UK
DescriptionRegistration is open
Contact E-Mail URL PrintDelft University of Technology, The Netherlands
The ESS Science symposium will bring together experts in renewable energy materials and in neutron scattering. The main focus will be on (lithium) battery materials, materials for the hydrogen economy (storage and fuel cells), and heat storage materials (phase change, magneto caloric), i.e. research area’s where neutrons provide particularly strong analysis techniques.
Organiser TU Delft & European Spallation Source Contact E-Mail URL AddressLocal Organizing Committee
Fokko Mulder
Ilse van der Kraaij-Quick
Axel Steuwer
Sydney, Australia
The 7th International Sample Environment Workshop will be held, 17th through the 20th of September, 2012 at the Amora Hotel Jamison in the city of Sydney. This workshop aims to bring together experts in sample environments from major neutron scattering facilities to discuss new developments and techniques applicable to the needs of the user community. The forum will provide the perfect environment for open discussion between scientists, engineers, technical staff and companies. The main goals are for continuous improvement in the efficiency of neutron scattering sample environments and improving capabilities at the facilities.
Venue: Amora Hotel Jamison Sydney
11 Jamison Street, Sydney NSW 2000
Deadline for Abstracts: 15th JULY 2012
Registrations close: 20th JULY2012
Bragg Institute, Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation (ANSTO)
Contact NamePaula Ploysarak
E-Mail URL Phone+61 2 9717 7276
PrintArgonne and Oak Ridge National Labs
DescriptionStudents interested in attending should submit an application by clicking on link below, by April 9th 2012
Contact URL PrintGrenoble, France
DescriptionSSPC16 will put special attention to the use of modern scattering techniques (Neutrons/X-rays) for studying properties of novel energy materials. The conference will benefit from the unique scientific environment of Grenoble, including world-class large scale facilities as the European Synchrotron Radiation Facility (ESRF) and the Laue Langevin Institut (ILL).
Contact E-Mail URL PrintUniversity of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Contact URL
PrintArgonne and Oak Ridge National Labs
DescriptionThis school is designed to help introduce graduate students to the capabilities available at the neutron and x-ray user facilities in the United States.
Apply by 9th April 2012.
Contact URL PrintPSI Summer School
DescriptionGrant application and early registration deadline is on the 30th April 2012.
Final registration deadline: 30th June 2012

Rome, Italy
DescriptionApplication deadline: 31st March 2012
Contact NameCarla Andreani
URL PrintSan Giovanni in Valle Aurina, Italy and Institut Laue-Langevin, France
DescriptionThe GD2012 is the school on neutron scattering organized by the Societá Italiana di Scattering di Neutroni (SISN). The school is generalist and is aimed at university students, PhDs and young researchers from different disciplines (physics, chemistry, biology, …). It provides a very general introduction to the various neutron scattering techniques.
Deadline for application: 30th April 2012
OrganiserSocietá Italiana di Scattering di Neutroni (SISN)
Contact NameMarco Maccarini
E-Mail URL
Carcans Maubuisson, France
DescriptionPre-registration is open until 29th February 2012.
Contact E-Mail URL
McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
DescriptionHFM 2012 follows on in the series HFM 2010 (Baltimore, USA), 08 (Braunschweig, Germany), 06 (Osaka, Japan), 03 (Grenoble, France), and 00 (Waterloo, Canada). It will address the physics and chemistry of geometrically frustrated magnetism in all its manifestations.
Please note that there will be a one-day tutorial session on Background and Methods of HFM immediately preceding HFM 2012, on June 3, 2012, to be hosted by the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics, in nearby Waterloo, Ontario.
Contact URL PrintApplication deadline: March 19th 2012
No registration fee. Travel and accommodation grant available for participants from U.S. institutions.
Zaragoza, Spain
DescriptionDeadline for registration is 24th of April.
OrganiserJavier Campo, Eddy Lelièvre-Berna, Emma Lythgoe and Agnès Ratel
Contact URL
Taormina, Italy
DescriptionThe workshop is mainly addressed to highlight the versatile applicability of neutron scattering to the everwidening field of biological studies, as well as its complementarity with other spectroscopic and numerical techniques. Special emphasis will be addressed to water in the bulk phase, in confinement, at surfaces, in solutions and in biological systems.
Contact NameProf. Salvatore Magazù, Federica Migliardo
URL PrintBudapest, Hungary
DescriptionRegistration now open, deadline is 15th April 2012.
Contact E-Mail URL
Gothenburg, Sweden
DescriptionThe workshop will bring the solid state chemistry community together in order to discuss scientific issues to be solved by access to a state-of-the-art neutron facility with an emphasis on the need for complex sample environment cells (SECs).
Contact URL
PrintBad Honnef, Germany
DescriptionMultiferroic materials challenge our fundamental understanding of magnetic and ferroelectric order. The related properties, including the magnetoelectric coupling, make them promising for future applications in information technology. A strong magnetoelectric coupling is incompatible with traditional mechanisms of ferroelectricity, and so far no multiferroic material fulfilling all technological requirements has been found. To overcome these difficulties, new routes need to be treaded in materials research. In consideration of this, active scientists in the field will be brought together in the 505th WE-Heraeus seminar, in order to discuss the search for new materials and mechanisms, and their better understanding. The latter requires the development of new experimental and theoretical methods, which will also be a subject of the seminar. Younger colleagues will profit particularly from the exchange with experienced researchers in the field.
Contact NameDr Jörg Voigt
E-Mail URL PrintBerlin, Germany
DescriptionThe workshop is organized jointly by the Jülich Centre for Neutron Science (JCNS), the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht (HZG) and the Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin (HZB).
Registration to participate will be open on March 10 2012.
Contact NameAlexander Ioffe (JCNS), Dieter Lott (HZG), Roland Steitz (HZB) and Thomas Gutberlet (HZB).
URL PrintILL, Grenoble
DescriptionThe purpose of this school is to train students and scientists in the use of atomistic simulation tools to analyze and interpret neutron scattering data. Lectures on simulation and analysis methods will be followed by examples adapted to the fields of interest of the participants. The school will focus mainly on practical training using a range of simulation and analysis codes on personal computers and the cluster at ILL, so the number of participants will be limited to 30.
Deadline for registration: 20th January 2012
Contact NameMiguel A. Gonzalez, E. Pellegrini, E. Farhi, D. Richard, M. Johnson
URL PrintFRM II, Garching, Germany
OrganiserFRM II
Contact NameIna Lommatzsch
E-Mail URL
PrintILL, Grenoble
OrganiserMiriam Förster
Contact URL AddressPlease register for the meeting by clicking on the link above.
For accommodation please see the hotel list attached at foot of agenda. We have pre-booked 20 places in the residence Marie Curie – to book please contact Laurence Tellier:
DownloadPrintBerlin, Germany
DescriptionClosing date for application: 15th October 2011
Contact URL
Jülich, Germany
Description“Scattering Methods for Condensed Matter Research: Towards Novel Applications at Future Sources”.
Registration is open until December 31, 2011.
The IFF Spring School 2012 comes timely to the centennial anniversary of the discovery of X-ray scattering from single crystals by Max von Laue, Walter Friedrich and Paul Knipping in 1912.
OrganiserForschungszentrum Juelich
Contact URL PrintBariloche, Argentina
Description20th meeting of the International Collaboration on Advanced Neutron Sources Location
OrganiserRolando Granada
Contact NameRolando Granada
E-Mail URL PrintDelft, Netherlands
DescriptionThe workshop will be held in Delft, starting with a welcome reception Sunday evening 29 January 2012 and finishing with an excursion to the Reactor Institute Delft Wednesday afternoon 1 February.
The aim of the workshop is to identify the scientific needs of food science. The other aim is to show the progress and possibilities of neutron scattering in food science to the European food science community.
OrganiserWim Bouwman and Erik van der Linden
DescriptionRegistration closes on 30th November 16:00
Contact URL
PrintSaclay, France
DescriptionFan de LLB-Orphée is an annual 3.5 days school, delivered in French, that provides to young French speaking researchers with a first simple contact to real experimental neutron scattering.
OrganiserAlain Menelle
Contact URL
Oak Ridge, TN, USA
DescriptionThis workshop provides a forum for inelastic neutron scatterers in the field of correlated electron studies, especially magnetism and superconductivity, to discuss their current research and future needs. Presentations will focus on research done at the ORNL neutron scattering facilities.
Contact URL PrintFiumicino, Italy
Contact NameMiriam Forster
E-Mail RegisterYou must be a NMI3 Member to register for this Meeting
PrintFiumicino, Italy
Contact NameMiriam Forster
E-Mail RegisterYou must be a NMI3 Member to register for this Meeting
PrintEPN Campus, Grenoble, France
Contact URL

Bayerisches Staatsbad Bad Reichenhall, Germany
DescriptionPlease note that the workshop is a satellite to the Conference “Science Vision for the European Spallation Source – German Perspectives” at the very same venue. The workshop is organized by the Reflectometry group of the collaborative project: Contributions of the Helmholtz Association Centres and Technische Universität München to the ESS Design Update Phase.
Contact URL PrintBad Reichenhall, Germany
DescriptionScience Vision for the European Spallation Source – German Perspectives
OrganiserESS and JCNS
PrintHamburg, Germany
Description6th International Conference on Mechanical Stress Evaluation by Neutrons and Synchrotron Radiation
OrganiserGerman Engineering Materials Science Centre (GEMS) at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht
Contact URL PrintSt. Anne’s College, University of Oxford, UK
OrganiserOxford University, ISIS, ILL
Contact URL
Institut Montana Zugerberg, Zug & Paul Scherrer Institut, Villigen, Switzerland
OrganiserPaul Scherrer Institut
Contact URL
Prague, Czech Republic
OrganiserNuclear Physics Institute (NPI) in Rež in collaboration with McStas, VITESS and RESTRAX developers
Contact URL PrintPrague, Czech Republic
OrganiserEuropean Neutron Scattering Association
Contact NameGUARANT International spol. s r.o. / ECNS 2011 (for registration only)
E-Mail URL Phone+420 284 001 444
AddressOpletalova 22, 110 00 Prague 1, Czech Republic,

Los Alamos, USA
OrganiserLos Alamos National Laboratory
Contact NameLisa J. Padilla (School Coordinator)
E-Mail URL Phone505.667.5649
DescriptionCursos de verano de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Euroforum Felipe II 28200 San Lorenzo del Escorial, Madrid
Universidad Complutense de Madrid